

Entspanne mit Naturgeräuschen

Nimm dir eine kurze Auszeit. Lausche den Geräuschen der Natur und atme dabei ein paar Mal tief durch. So startest du entspannt in die Lerneinheit.
talk with your partner
speak the dialogue again

Übe die Sätze

Höre den Dialog an und wähle die passende Aussage.
What is your favorite TV show?de
I love watching reruns of the old black and white TV shows.de
    • He loves reruns of new TV shows.de
    • He likes old TV shows.de
    • She dislikes old TV shows.de
I want to cancel my cable subscription.de
Me too. Streaming services are much cheaper now.de
    • Cable is much cheaper now.de
    • Canceling your subscription is cheap.de
    • He wants to cancel his cable.de
I always channel surf because I don't know what to watch.de
I like watching live sports on TV.de
    • She watches comedies on TV.de
    • He prefers the news.de
    • He watches sports on TV.de

Übe die Sätze

Bilde den Satz, indem du auf die Wörter klickst.

Lerne den Dialog

Höre dir den Dialog an und lies dabei den Text.
Do you like watching TV?de
It depends on the TV show. But generally yes. Why do you ask?de
I was just wondering if you would like to watch the new season of "Friends."de
Maybe. I didn't really like the last season.de
I heard this one is supposed to be really good! I think you should give it another go.de
Okay let's do it. Is it on TV or online via a streaming service?de
It's on a streaming service. We can watch it whenever you are free.de
That's great! I really prefer watching shows online. The commercials on TV are really long and annoying.de
Perfect. We are all set then. I'll come by later.de
See you later then!de

Übe den Dialog

Vervollständige den Dialog.
  • Do you
    • e
    • l
    • k
    • i
    watching TV?
Do you watching TV?
  • It depends on the TV
    • h
    • s
    • w
    • o
    . But generally yes. Why do you ask?
It depends on the TV . But generally yes. Why do you ask?
  • I was just wondering if you would like to
    • c
    • t
    • h
    • w
    • a
    the new season of "Friends."
I was just wondering if you would like to the new season of "Friends."
  • Maybe. I
    • n
    • i
    • t
    • '
    • d
    • d
    really like the last season.
Maybe. I really like the last season.
  • I heard this one is supposed to be really good! I think you should
    • i
    • g
    • e
    • v
    it another go.
I heard this one is supposed to be really good! I think you should it another go.
  • Okay let's do it. Is it on TV or
    • n
    • l
    • o
    • i
    • e
    • n
    via a streaming service?
Okay let's do it. Is it on TV or via a streaming service?
  • It's on a streaming service. We can watch it whenever you are
    • r
    • e
    • e
    • f
It's on a streaming service. We can watch it whenever you are .
  • That's great! I really prefer watching shows online. The commercials on TV are really
    • o
    • l
    • g
    • n
    and annoying.
That's great! I really prefer watching shows online. The commercials on TV are really and annoying.
  • Perfect. We are all set then. I'll come by
    • t
    • r
    • a
    • l
    • e
Perfect. We are all set then. I'll come by .
See you later then!

Übe den Dialog

Klicke auf die Sätze und ordne den Dialog in die richtige Reihenfolge.

Sprich einen Dialog

Sprich deine Antworten zu dem Dialog (wenn du an der Reihe bist). Nimm deine Antworten zu dem Dialog auf (wenn du an der Reihe bist). Dann spiele diese Aufnahmen nochmal ab und vergleiche jeden aufgenommenen Teil mit dem Original.
Do you like watching TV?de
It depends on the TV show. But generally yes. Why do you ask?de
I was just wondering if you would like to watch the new season of "Friends."de
Maybe. I didn't really like the last season.de
I heard this one is supposed to be really good! I think you should give it another go.de
Okay let's do it. Is it on TV or online via a streaming service?de
It's on a streaming service. We can watch it whenever you are free.de
That's great! I really prefer watching shows online. The commercials on TV are really long and annoying.de
Perfect. We are all set then. I'll come by later.de
See you later then!de
Sprich deine Antworten zu dem Dialog (wenn du an der Reihe bist). Nimm deine Antworten zu dem Dialog auf (wenn du an der Reihe bist). Dann spiele diese Aufnahmen nochmal ab und vergleiche jeden aufgenommenen Teil mit dem Original.
Do you like watching TV?de
It depends on the TV show. But generally yes. Why do you ask?de
I was just wondering if you would like to watch the new season of "Friends."de
Maybe. I didn't really like the last season.de
I heard this one is supposed to be really good! I think you should give it another go.de
Okay let's do it. Is it on TV or online via a streaming service?de
It's on a streaming service. We can watch it whenever you are free.de
That's great! I really prefer watching shows online. The commercials on TV are really long and annoying.de
Perfect. We are all set then. I'll come by later.de
See you later then!de

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