Die Familie (Teil 2)


Entspanne mit Naturgeräuschen

Nimm dir eine kurze Auszeit. Lausche den Geräuschen der Natur und atme dabei ein paar Mal tief durch. So startest du entspannt in die Lerneinheit.
talk with your partner
speak the dialogue again

Übe die Sätze

Höre den Dialog an und wähle die passende Aussage.
Do you have a big family?de
There are five people in my family.de
    • Her family consists of five people.de
    • He has a big family.de
    • His family has five people.de
Do you like your siblings?de
Not really. I'm very different from my siblings.de
    • He really likes his siblings.de
    • Her siblings are very different.de
    • He doesn't really like his siblings.de
You look exactly like your brother.de
Big ears and blue eyes run in the family.de
    • She looks like her brother.de
    • She has small ears and brown eyes.de
    • He doesn't look like him.de

Übe die Sätze

Bilde den Satz, indem du auf die Wörter klickst.

Lerne den Dialog

Höre dir den Dialog an und lies dabei den Text.
Tell me about your family.de
I have a pretty big family. Two brothers and one sister and many cousins. How about you?de
Mine is small. I'm an only child, and only my mother has a sister, my aunt Hanna. What do your siblings do?de
My one brother Steven works as an accountant, my other brother David is a teacher, and my sister Hanna works in finance.de
I didn't know your sister worked in finance. Where does she live?de
She just moved away to Australia with her husband and my niece.de
She has a child already? How old is she?de
She is my older sister and quite a bit older than me. She turned 32 this year.de
I always wanted a big sister... Do you guys look alike?de
Not really, my siblings all have dark hair and blue eyes. They take after my father. I look like my mom with her blonde hair and green eyes.de
I look like my mom too. Do you want to see a picture?de
Sure, I would love to.de

Übe den Dialog

Vervollständige den Dialog.
  • Tell me about your
    • m
    • y
    • l
    • i
    • a
    • f
Tell me about your .
  • I have a pretty
    • g
    • b
    • i
    family. Two brothers and one sister and many cousins. How about you?
I have a pretty family. Two brothers and one sister and many cousins. How about you?
  • Mine is
    • l
    • m
    • s
    • l
    • a
    . I'm an only child, and only my mother has a sister, my aunt Hanna. What do your siblings do?
Mine is . I'm an only child, and only my mother has a sister, my aunt Hanna. What do your siblings do?
  • My one brother Steven works
    • s
    • a
    an accountant, my other brother David is a teacher, and my sister Hanna works in finance.
My one brother Steven works an accountant, my other brother David is a teacher, and my sister Hanna works in finance.
  • I didn't know your sister worked in finance. Where does she
    • e
    • i
    • l
    • v
I didn't know your sister worked in finance. Where does she ?
  • She just moved away to Australia with her husband and my
    • e
    • i
    • n
    • e
    • c
She just moved away to Australia with her husband and my .
  • She has a
    • d
    • c
    • h
    • l
    • i
    already? How old is she?
She has a already? How old is she?
  • She is my
    • l
    • o
    • d
    • r
    • e
    sister and quite a bit older than me. She turned 32 this year.
She is my sister and quite a bit older than me. She turned 32 this year.
  • I always wanted a big sister… Do you guys
    • k
    • o
    • o
    • l
I always wanted a big sister… Do you guys alike?
  • Not really, my siblings all have dark
    • i
    • r
    • a
    • h
    and blue eyes. They take after my father. I look like my mom with her blonde hair and green eyes.
Not really, my siblings all have dark and blue eyes. They take after my father. I look like my mom with her blonde hair and green eyes.
  • I look like my
    • m
    • m
    • o
    too. Do you want to see a picture?
I look like my too. Do you want to see a picture?
  • Sure, I would
    • e
    • v
    • l
    • o
Sure, I would to.

Übe das Zuhören

Höre den kurzen Dialog an und setze ihn mit der passenden Erwiderung fort.
    • I see my doctor every day.de
    • I see my coworkers at work every day.de
    • That's a lot. I rarely see mine.de
    • I should clean the house.de
    • Would you like siblings?de
    • I go to work early in the morning.de
    • They just moved back to town.de
    • They go fishing every weekend.de
    • We love to go to church.de

Sprich einen Dialog

Sprich deine Antworten zu dem Dialog (wenn du an der Reihe bist). Nimm deine Antworten zu dem Dialog auf (wenn du an der Reihe bist). Dann spiele diese Aufnahmen nochmal ab und vergleiche jeden aufgenommenen Teil mit dem Original.
Tell me about your family.de
I have a pretty big family. Two brothers and one sister and many cousins. How about you?de
Mine is small. I'm an only child, and only my mother has a sister, my aunt Hanna. What do your siblings do?de
My one brother Steven works as an accountant, my other brother David is a teacher, and my sister Hanna works in finance.de
I didn't know your sister worked in finance. Where does she live?de
She just moved away to Australia with her husband and my niece.de
She has a child already? How old is she?de
She is my older sister and quite a bit older than me. She turned 32 this year.de
I always wanted a big sister... Do you guys look alike?de
Not really, my siblings all have dark hair and blue eyes. They take after my father. I look like my mom with her blonde hair and green eyes.de
I look like my mom too. Do you want to see a picture?de
Sure, I would love to.de
Sprich deine Antworten zu dem Dialog (wenn du an der Reihe bist). Nimm deine Antworten zu dem Dialog auf (wenn du an der Reihe bist). Dann spiele diese Aufnahmen nochmal ab und vergleiche jeden aufgenommenen Teil mit dem Original.
Tell me about your family.de
I have a pretty big family. Two brothers and one sister and many cousins. How about you?de
Mine is small. I'm an only child, and only my mother has a sister, my aunt Hanna. What do your siblings do?de
My one brother Steven works as an accountant, my other brother David is a teacher, and my sister Hanna works in finance.de
I didn't know your sister worked in finance. Where does she live?de
She just moved away to Australia with her husband and my niece.de
She has a child already? How old is she?de
She is my older sister and quite a bit older than me. She turned 32 this year.de
I always wanted a big sister... Do you guys look alike?de
Not really, my siblings all have dark hair and blue eyes. They take after my father. I look like my mom with her blonde hair and green eyes.de
I look like my mom too. Do you want to see a picture?de
Sure, I would love to.de

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