Ein Hotelzimmer buchen


Entspanne mit Naturgeräuschen

Nimm dir eine kurze Auszeit. Lausche den Geräuschen der Natur und atme dabei ein paar Mal tief durch. So startest du entspannt in die Lerneinheit.
talk with your partner
speak the dialogue again

Übe die Sätze

Höre den Dialog an und wähle die passende Aussage.
Do you have a single room available?de
I'm sorry, but the hotel is fully booked.de
    • The hotel has no free rooms.de
    • The hotel is closed.de
    • Many rooms are available.de
For how long would you like to stay?de
Just one night.de
    • He likes the hotel.de
    • She wants to stay home for one night.de
    • She wants to stay one night.de
What are your rates?de
It is $60 a night.de
    • The hotel costs $60 per week.de
    • The rate of the hotel is $60 per night.de
    • Staying for one night is $50.de

Übe die Sätze

Bilde den Satz, indem du auf die Wörter klickst.

Lerne den Dialog

Höre dir den Dialog an und lies dabei den Text.
Good morning. Do you have any vacancies? I would like to book a hotel room.de
Yes, we have several rooms available. How many nights would you like to stay, and what is your name?de
Six nights for two people. My name is David Brown.de
And what kind of room would you like?de
Two double beds with a balcony and lake view if possible.de
We have a room with a lake view available. Would you like breakfast in the morning?de
How much is the breakfast?de
It is $15 per person and includes coffee, tea, and orange juice.de
That sounds good, we would like the breakfast.de
Your total will be $660 including tax. How would you like to pay?de
Credit card, please.de
Here is your receipt. You are in room 232 on the second floor. Do you have any more questions?de
Yes, is there free parking at the hotel?de
Yes, we have a parking lot behind the hotel on the right side. Please put this slip in the window on the passenger side. Have a pleasant stay.de
Perfect. Thank you!de

Übe den Dialog

Vervollständige den Dialog.
  • Good morning. Do you have any vacancies? I would to book a hotel room.
  • Yes, we have several rooms available. How nights would you like to stay, and what is your name?
  • Six nights for two . My name is David Brown.
  • And what kind of would you like?
  • Two double with a balcony and lake view if possible.
  • We have a room with a lake view available. Would you like breakfast in the ?
  • How is the breakfast?
  • It is $15 per and includes coffee, tea, and orange juice.
  • That sounds good, we like the breakfast.
  • Your total will be $660 including tax. How would you like to ?
  • Credit card, .
  • Here is your . You are in room 232 on the second floor. Do you have any more questions?
  • Yes, is there free parking at the ?
  • Yes, we have a parking lot behind the hotel on the right side. Please put this slip in the on the passenger side. Have a pleasant stay.
Perfect. Thank you!

Übe das Zuhören

Höre den Satz an und wähle die passende Erwiderung.
    • You can reserve a table for two.de
    • We have cars for hire.de
    • We have a double room with a balcony.de
    • The hotel offers free laundry service.de
    • The hotel offers free breakfast.de
    • The hotel offers free airport pick up.de
    • There are rooms with a mountain view.de
    • The rooms have a patio.de
    • The rooms do not have a mini bar.de

Sprich einen Dialog

Sprich deine Antworten zu dem Dialog (wenn du an der Reihe bist). Nimm deine Antworten zu dem Dialog auf (wenn du an der Reihe bist). Dann spiele diese Aufnahmen nochmal ab und vergleiche jeden aufgenommenen Teil mit dem Original.
Good morning. Do you have any vacancies? I would like to book a hotel room.de
Yes, we have several rooms available. How many nights would you like to stay, and what is your name?de
Six nights for two people. My name is David Brown.de
And what kind of room would you like?de
Two double beds with a balcony and lake view if possible.de
We have a room with a lake view available. Would you like breakfast in the morning?de
How much is the breakfast?de
It is $15 per person and includes coffee, tea, and orange juice.de
That sounds good, we would like the breakfast.de
Your total will be $660 including tax. How would you like to pay?de
Credit card, please.de
Here is your receipt. You are in room 232 on the second floor. Do you have any more questions?de
Yes, is there free parking at the hotel?de
Yes, we have a parking lot behind the hotel on the right side. Please put this slip in the window on the passenger side. Have a pleasant stay.de
Perfect. Thank you!de
Sprich deine Antworten zu dem Dialog (wenn du an der Reihe bist). Nimm deine Antworten zu dem Dialog auf (wenn du an der Reihe bist). Dann spiele diese Aufnahmen nochmal ab und vergleiche jeden aufgenommenen Teil mit dem Original.
Good morning. Do you have any vacancies? I would like to book a hotel room.de
Yes, we have several rooms available. How many nights would you like to stay, and what is your name?de
Six nights for two people. My name is David Brown.de
And what kind of room would you like?de
Two double beds with a balcony and lake view if possible.de
We have a room with a lake view available. Would you like breakfast in the morning?de
How much is the breakfast?de
It is $15 per person and includes coffee, tea, and orange juice.de
That sounds good, we would like the breakfast.de
Your total will be $660 including tax. How would you like to pay?de
Credit card, please.de
Here is your receipt. You are in room 232 on the second floor. Do you have any more questions?de
Yes, is there free parking at the hotel?de
Yes, we have a parking lot behind the hotel on the right side. Please put this slip in the window on the passenger side. Have a pleasant stay.de
Perfect. Thank you!de

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