Do you celebrate Christmas?
How are you spending the holidays?
Do you guys put up a tree every year?
What kind of holiday traditions does your family have?
Does your whole family get together?
Have you done all your gift shopping yet?
What would you like to get over the holidays?
What's your favorite thing about the holidays?
What's the best gift you've ever received?
Do you like Christmas music?
What do you usually eat around Christmas?
Merry Christmas!
Happy Holidays!
Our family celebrates Christmas every year.
The whole family is getting together at my grandmother's to exchange gifts.
We like to put up a real tree in our living room a week before Christmas.
We bake cookies each year and go caroling with friends in the neighborhood.
Our family is pretty big, but we do all try to see each other during the holidays.
We always have a Christmas ham each year.
I still need to do my gift shopping!
I'd honestly really like to get some new socks this year!
My favorite thing about the holidays is that everyone is in a good mood.
I think the best gift I ever got was when my parents surprised me and my brother with a puppy.
I only listen to Christmas music in December.
