What kind of phone are you looking for?
Are you looking for anything in particular?
I would suggest one of these models.
How much would you like to spend?
The two phones are pretty similar, but the black one has more storage.
The phone comes with a USB cable and headphones.
Its battery should last anywhere between 15 and 36 hours.
We do sell a couple of unlocked models.
The phone with the plan will cost $25.99 per month.
What size SIM card do you need?
I need a phone with a good camera.
What is the difference between these two phones?
Is the phone unlocked?
How much are the monthly rates?
Does the phone come with a charger?
How much storage does the phone have?
What is the battery life like?
I need to get a SIM card for my phone.
I'd like something with lots of storage.
Does this phone have a slot for SD cards?
What is the quality of the screen like?
