Das Bewerbungsgespräch


Entspanne mit Naturgeräuschen

Nimm dir eine kurze Auszeit. Lausche den Geräuschen der Natur und atme dabei ein paar Mal tief durch. So startest du entspannt in die Lerneinheit.
talk with your partner
speak the dialogue again

Übe die Sätze

Höre dir den Satz an und buchstabiere das fehlende Wort.
Can you tell me something about yourself?de
I'm an easy-going person, and I well with other people.
What are your short term ?
My goal is to always perform exceptionally, and I want to take on more challenging projects.de
What are your weaknesses?de
My English language are a weakness that I am currently working on.

Übe die Sätze

Höre dir den Satz an und buchstabiere das fehlende Wort.
Can you tell me something about yourself?de
  • I'm an easy-going person, and I
    • k
    • o
    • w
    • r
    well with other people.
  • What are your short term
    • a
    • g
    • s
    • l
    • o
My goal is to always perform exceptionally, and I want to take on more challenging projects.de
What are your weaknesses?de
  • My English language
    • l
    • i
    • k
    • s
    • s
    • l
    are a weakness that I am currently working on.

Übe die Sätze

Bilde den Satz, indem du auf die Wörter klickst.

Lerne den Dialog

Höre dir den Dialog an und lies dabei den Text.
Good morning. Please take a seat. Why are you applying for this job?de
I'm looking for a job that fits my qualifications and a company I can grow with.de
Why should I hire you? What are your strengths?de
I work well with other people, and I'm very ambitious. I'm also always looking for opportunities to learn and grow.de
Do you work well under pressure?de
Yes, I'm able to stay calm and focused.de
Where do you see yourself in the next five years?de
By then I would like to have improved my skills and become more independent in what I do.de
Do you have any questions for me, Mr. Acker?de
No, I think I have a good understanding of the job, and I'm excited at the prospect of working within your team.de
Thanks for coming in today. We will call you soon with our decision.de
Thanks for considering me. Have a nice day.de

Übe den Dialog

Vervollständige den Dialog.
  • Good morning. Please take a seat. Why are you applying for this ?
  • I'm looking for a job that fits my qualifications and a company I can with.
  • Why should I you? What are your strengths?
  • I work well with other , and I'm very ambitious. I'm also always looking for opportunities to learn and grow.
  • Do you well under pressure?
  • Yes, I'm to stay calm and focused.
  • Where do you see yourself in the next five ?
  • By then I would like to have improved my skills and become more independent what I do.
  • Do you any questions for me, Mr. Acker?
  • No, I think I have a good understanding of the job, and I'm excited at the prospect of working within your .
  • Thanks for coming in today. We will call you with our decision.
  • Thanks for considering me. Have a nice .

Übe das Zuhören

Höre den kurzen Dialog an und wähle die passende Aussage.
    • He's able to stay in his seat.de
    • He doesn't work well under pressure.de
    • He's able to stay calm and focused.de
    • He is nervous about the job.de
    • He has a good understanding of the job and is excited.de
    • He has questions.de
    • He works well with other people and is ambitious.de
    • He is good at problem solving.de
    • He is always punctual.de

Sprich einen Dialog

Sprich deine Antworten zu dem Dialog (wenn du an der Reihe bist). Nimm deine Antworten zu dem Dialog auf (wenn du an der Reihe bist). Dann spiele diese Aufnahmen nochmal ab und vergleiche jeden aufgenommenen Teil mit dem Original.
Good morning. Please take a seat. Why are you applying for this job?de
I'm looking for a job that fits my qualifications and a company I can grow with.de
Why should I hire you? What are your strengths?de
I work well with other people, and I'm very ambitious. I'm also always looking for opportunities to learn and grow.de
Do you work well under pressure?de
Yes, I'm able to stay calm and focused.de
Where do you see yourself in the next five years?de
By then I would like to have improved my skills and become more independent in what I do.de
Do you have any questions for me, Mr. Acker?de
No, I think I have a good understanding of the job, and I'm excited at the prospect of working within your team.de
Thanks for coming in today. We will call you soon with our decision.de
Thanks for considering me. Have a nice day.de
Sprich deine Antworten zu dem Dialog (wenn du an der Reihe bist). Nimm deine Antworten zu dem Dialog auf (wenn du an der Reihe bist). Dann spiele diese Aufnahmen nochmal ab und vergleiche jeden aufgenommenen Teil mit dem Original.
Good morning. Please take a seat. Why are you applying for this job?de
Job Applicant
I'm looking for a job that fits my qualifications and a company I can grow with.de
Why should I hire you? What are your strengths?de
I work well with other people, and I'm very ambitious. I'm also always looking for opportunities to learn and grow.de
Do you work well under pressure?de
Yes, I'm able to stay calm and focused.de
Where do you see yourself in the next five years?de
By then I would like to have improved my skills and become more independent in what I do.de
Do you have any questions for me, Mr. Acker?de
No, I think I have a good understanding of the job, and I'm excited at the prospect of working within your team.de
Thanks for coming in today. We will call you soon with our decision.de
Thanks for considering me. Have a nice day.de

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