Konsum reduzieren


Entspanne mit Naturgeräuschen

Nimm dir eine kurze Auszeit. Lausche den Geräuschen der Natur und atme dabei ein paar Mal tief durch. So startest du entspannt in die Lerneinheit.
talk with your partner
speak the dialogue again

Lerne den Dialog

Höre dir den Dialog an und lies dabei den Text.
What can we do to produce less CO2?de
I think we should reduce our consumption.de
How? We can't really eat less, right?de
We can't eat less, but we can stop throwing away so much food.de
That's true. Our society throws away so much good food.de
We could also stop buying new clothes multiple times a year.de
You have lots of good ideas. What else can we do?de
In general, we should always ask ourselves if we need to buy something new.de
I was just thinking about buying a new bike, but maybe I shouldn't now.de
How about buying a used bike?de
Good idea. I will do that. Thanks for all the input.de
No worries, you are welcome!de

Übe den Dialog

Vervollständige den Dialog.
  • What can we do to
    • d
    • o
    • r
    • p
    • e
    • c
    • u
    less CO2?
What can we do to less CO2?
  • I think we should
    • e
    • u
    • d
    • e
    • r
    • c
    our consumption.
I think we should our consumption.
  • How? We can't really eat
    • s
    • l
    • s
    • e
    , right?
How? We can't really eat , right?
  • We can't eat less, but we can
    • t
    • o
    • p
    • s
    throwing away so much food.
We can't eat less, but we can throwing away so much food.
  • That's true. Our society
    • h
    • o
    • t
    • s
    • r
    • w
    away so much good food.
That's true. Our society away so much good food.
  • We could also stop buying new
    • t
    • e
    • l
    • s
    • h
    • o
    • c
    multiple times a year.
We could also stop buying new multiple times a year.
  • You have lots of good
    • s
    • a
    • d
    • e
    • i
    . What else can we do?
You have lots of good . What else can we do?
  • In general, we should always ask ourselves if we need to
    • y
    • b
    • u
    something new.
In general, we should always ask ourselves if we need to something new.
  • I was just thinking about buying a
    • w
    • e
    • n
    bike, but maybe I shouldn't now.
I was just thinking about buying a bike, but maybe I shouldn't now.
  • How about buying a
    • d
    • e
    • s
    • u
How about buying a bike?
  • Good idea. I will do that. Thanks for all the
    • u
    • i
    • t
    • p
    • n
Good idea. I will do that. Thanks for all the .
  • No
    • e
    • o
    • s
    • w
    • r
    • r
    • i
    , you are welcome!
No , you are welcome!

Übe das Zuhören

Höre den kurzen Dialog an und setze ihn mit der passenden Erwiderung fort.
    • I wish I could sleep in tomorrow.de
    • I usually go to flea markets because they are very cheap.de
    • I prefer to go to a warmer destination.de
    • You're right. Small changes are better than no changes.de
    • I think you are wrong. I love cats.de
    • Maybe you are right. I need a day off.de
    • I think I would like a hot bath tonight.de
    • I don't know. I didn't even think about getting it repaired.de
    • I wish I had known about getting a cheaper car.de

Sprich einen Dialog

Sprich deine Antworten zu dem Dialog (wenn du an der Reihe bist). Nimm deine Antworten zu dem Dialog auf (wenn du an der Reihe bist). Dann spiele diese Aufnahmen nochmal ab und vergleiche jeden aufgenommenen Teil mit dem Original.
What can we do to produce less CO2?de
I think we should reduce our consumption.de
How? We can't really eat less, right?de
We can't eat less, but we can stop throwing away so much food.de
That's true. Our society throws away so much good food.de
We could also stop buying new clothes multiple times a year.de
You have lots of good ideas. What else can we do?de
In general, we should always ask ourselves if we need to buy something new.de
I was just thinking about buying a new bike, but maybe I shouldn't now.de
How about buying a used bike?de
Good idea. I will do that. Thanks for all the input.de
No worries, you are welcome!de
Sprich deine Antworten zu dem Dialog (wenn du an der Reihe bist). Nimm deine Antworten zu dem Dialog auf (wenn du an der Reihe bist). Dann spiele diese Aufnahmen nochmal ab und vergleiche jeden aufgenommenen Teil mit dem Original.
What can we do to produce less CO2?de
I think we should reduce our consumption.de
How? We can't really eat less, right?de
We can't eat less, but we can stop throwing away so much food.de
That's true. Our society throws away so much good food.de
We could also stop buying new clothes multiple times a year.de
You have lots of good ideas. What else can we do?de
In general, we should always ask ourselves if we need to buy something new.de
I was just thinking about buying a new bike, but maybe I shouldn't now.de
How about buying a used bike?de
Good idea. I will do that. Thanks for all the input.de
No worries, you are welcome!de

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