Stress is unfortunately an unavoidable part of everyday life. Luckily, there's so many different ways to relax! Talking about relaxation is a great topic of conversation with work colleagues and friends. It helps you learn more about each other, and you might even get inspired to try something new for yourself!
Below we've collected useful sentences, examples, and idioms that you can use to describe what you do to relieve stress. Let's get started!
Relax with Meditative Music
Relax with the Sounds of Nature: River
Relax with the Sounds of Nature: Wind
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Below we've collected useful sentences, examples, and idioms that you can use to describe what you do to relieve stress. Let's get started!
Talking About Relaxing
There's a lot of different ways to discuss relaxing. In the table below we've collected some of the most useful questions, sentence patterns, and examples for you. Check them out and then get started having conversations!How do you chill out after work?
One way to talk about relaxing informally is to use the verb to chill out. To chill out means the same thing as to relax, but is used mainly in English slang. So you probably wouldn't want to ask your boss this question! Somebody could answer this question in many different ways. For example like this: I usually just play video games online with friends.
I relax by listening to music
The following sentence pattern is one way to talk about how you relax: I relax by + ACTIVITY. Here is another example of this: I relax by talking with friends on my phone. You could say the same thing by switching out I relax by for I chill out by. So, our example becomes: I chill out by talking with friends on my phone. This is a more slangy way to say this sentence. There are lots of ways somebody could respond to this. For example like this: I like to do that too.
Idioms and Other Sayings
There are quite a few unique ways to talk about stress in English by using idioms and other sayings. In the table below, you'll find the most common ones. Take a look at them and impress your English-speaking friends with your knowledge of English idioms!I need a personal day
Another way to say this sentence is: I need a self-care day. A personal day or a self-care day is a day dedicated to taking care of yourself and not concentrating on the problems and stress that are in your life. We all need a personal day every now and then so that we can relax and have a break from life's stresses. There's lots of different ways somebody could respond to this. For example: That's a good idea; you've seemed pretty stressed out lately.
At least now you can let your hair down for a bit
Here is an English idiom. To let your hair down is another way to say to relax. You can picture letting your hair fall naturally and not really caring how it looks to get an idea of the relaxed feeling that you should have when you let your hair down. There are lots of ways you could respond to this. For example like this: Yeah, I'm glad the work day is over.
I need to take a breather
To take a breather is an English idiom that means to take a short break and relax. You'd most likely use this idiom during an activity, like a sports game. You could also use it during some stressful event, such as an important business meeting. Somebody might respond to this sentence with something like: Yeah, I think we should all take a short 15 minute break then we can resume the meeting.
I'm just going to kick back now and watch the game
This is another English idiom. To kick back simply means to to relax. Two other ways to say our example sentence are: I'm just going to take it easy now and watch the game as well as the idiom I'm just going to put my feet up now and watch the game. Somebody might respond to this with something like this: Before you get comfy, can you help me prepare dinner first?.
It's time to just read and recharge my batteries
To recharge one's batteries is also an English idiom that means to relax and recover. Just like how batteries lose power and become less effective, so too can humans. That's why we all need time to relax and recharge our own personal batteries so that we can keep going and working hard. A response to a sentence like this might look like: Alright, I will leave you in peace then.
It helps me tune out the world for a bit
To tune out the world is very similar to to turn off your mind and means something along the lines of to block out everything going on around you. Usually these things are negative or stressful. Here's another example of this verbal phrase in use: Listening to music just helps me tune out the world for a moment. There are lots of different ways to answer a sentence like this. For example: Yeah, listening to music is a great way to block out everything going on.
It's a great way to turn off my mind
To turn off your mind is a way of saying to not think about things, particularly things that cause you stress or anxiety. For example, after a long and stressful day you might say I just need to turn off my mind for a bit and calm down. This means that you want to try and stop thinking about whatever has been causing you stress so that you can relax a bit. You could say this same sentence in a slightly different way: I just need to take my mind off things for a bit and calm down. There are lots of ways you could respond to this. For example: I'll leave you be then, but if you need anything, just let me know.
Relax while Listening to the Phrases
Keep calm and learn English! Listen to the phrases again with relaxing background music. This will help you improve your listening skills and remember the phrases. Choose your favorite style, then kick back and relax!
Relax with Meditative Music
Relax with the Sounds of Nature: River
Relax with the Sounds of Nature: Wind
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Practice & Record a Dialogue
Take the next step and use what you’ve learned! Check out this topic’s dialogue unit and practice the phrases in a variety of exercises. Test your knowledge and get ready for real life conversations!

What do you like to do to relax after a hard day at work?en

Usually I do nothing after work and watch TV, but I have recently been thinking about meditation. Have you ever tried it?en

Yes, I do Yoga twice a week. It really helps me to calm down and relax.en