Humans are made to both think and discuss, and it's important to know how to give your opinions and make points. This is a highly valued skill that is useful not only in general discussion but also in the workplace and at school.
In this article, you'll be introduced to both ways of asking for people's opinions as well as for giving your own. Let's get started and get ready to debate!
Relax with Meditative Music
Relax with the Sounds of Nature: River
Relax with the Sounds of Nature: Wind
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In this article, you'll be introduced to both ways of asking for people's opinions as well as for giving your own. Let's get started and get ready to debate!
Asking for Somebody's Opinion
In this table we've collected several phrases for you that can be used to ask for someone else's opinion on something.What do you think?
This is the easiest and most common way to ask for somebody's opinion. When you ask this question, you are expecting them to make a point and defend it. Depending on what you are talking about, you may get many different responses. An example response is I don't think the government is doing the right thing.
What are your thoughts on the educational reforms?
A common way to ask for someone's opinion about a specific topic is the sentence pattern What are your thoughts on + TOPIC?. This can be a good way to start a conversation about something. Someone could respond to this in many different ways, for example like this I'm not sure yet because I don't know all the facts.
What is your opinion on climate change?
By using the sentence pattern What is your opinion on + TOPIC?, you can find out what somebody thinks about a certain topic. This can be a great way to start a conversation. Depending on what you are talking about, someone could respond in many different ways. Here is one example response In my opinion, we should all be doing more for the environment.
What do you think about this argument?
The sentence pattern What do you think about + TOPIC? is very similar to the pattern What are your thoughts on + TOPIC?. Both can be used to ask for someone's opinion on a specific topic. There are many different ways to respond to these patterns, depending on what you are talking about. For example, someone might respond to our example sentence with I think the argument is a bit weak.
Giving Your Own Opinion
The phrases gathered in the table below are useful for making your own points and arguments. Use them as inspiration for giving your own opinions.I believe that too many people are addicted to using their phones
When someone asks for your opinion on a topic, you can give it by using the sentence pattern I believe that + OPINION. By using this pattern, you make your opinion sound very strong. In comparison, the sentence pattern I think that + OPINION is much more neutral sounding. There are many ways someone might respond when you give your opinion on something. It really depends on the topic and the person you are talking to. A possible response to our example sentence is Yes, you may be right on that.
In my opinion, our society needs to value education more
One way to give your opinion on something is the sentence pattern In my opinion, + OPINION. You can use this in any context, but it will make you sound a bit more formal. Depending on what you are talking about, someone might respond to a sentence using this pattern in various ways. For example, a possible response to our sentence is Yes, children are the future of the world.
The point is we have to stop wasting water
The sentence pattern The point is + OPINION can be used to clarify or emphasize an opinion. This can be useful when arguing or debating a topic with somebody. There are lots of ways someone could respond. It really depends on the topic of conversation, the person you are talking to, and their opinions. One way someone might respond to our example sentence is Yes, I believe that would help.
I want to emphasize that I have also experienced that
To stress or emphasize an argument or opinion, use the sentence pattern I want to emphasize that + OPINION. This is most often used in formal contexts when debating a specific topic. There are lots of ways to respond to sentences using this pattern. It really depends on the other person. One way someone might respond to our example sentence is Can you tell more about your experience?.
Relax while Listening to the Phrases
Keep calm and learn English! Listen to the phrases again with relaxing background music. This will help you improve your listening skills and remember the phrases. Choose your favorite style, then kick back and relax!
Relax with Meditative Music
Relax with the Sounds of Nature: River
Relax with the Sounds of Nature: Wind
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Take your learning on the go with our free mp3 and pdf downloads! Whether you're on your way to work or enjoying a coffee break, any time can be filled with a short review. Enjoy and happy learning!
Practice & Record a Dialogue
Take the next step and use what you’ve learned! Check out this topic’s dialogue unit and practice the phrases in a variety of exercises. Test your knowledge and get ready for real life conversations!

First of all, I would like to express my dislike of this discussion. I don't like talking about it.en

I agree with you, but it needs to be addressed and we need to talk about it now.en

From my point of view, it's very disrespectful how they are acting.en