Have you ever felt lost in an airport and not known what to say to get help? Airports can be confusing and stressful places. Knowing key English phrases that can be used or heard in an airport, however, can help make your trip more easy and relaxed.
Below we've collected essential airport phrases just for you! You'll learn what to say at check-in, what to listen for at security, and much more. Take a look at the tables below and get prepared for the next time you head to the airport!
Below we've collected essential airport phrases just for you! You'll learn what to say at check-in, what to listen for at security, and much more. Take a look at the tables below and get prepared for the next time you head to the airport!
Checking in at the Airport
When you arrive at an airport, the first thing you will most likely do is check in and get your boarding pass. Below you'll find phrases that can help you do this.Please be at the gate 45 minutes before departure
The key words in this phrase are departure and gate. Make sure that you also know your departure time! If you don't, then you'll probably miss your flight. A word that means the same thing as departure is take off. In response to our example sentence, you could say: Thank you, I will head there now.
Paging all passengers on flight QUE382 to Toronto. Your flight is now boarding at gate Z15
This is an example of a sentence that you might hear right before you start boarding the plane. It is meant to get the attention of all passengers on a specific flight, in this case flight QUE382 to Toronto. The most important information is in the second sentence. This information is that the flight is now boarding at a specific gate, here Z15. For example, if you were taking this flight, you would know to either prepare to board or to head to the gate as quickly as possible so that you don't miss your flight. In response to hearing this sentence you might say to a fellow traveler something like this: We better get ready to board now.
Going Through Security
After checking in, you will most likely head to security next. This is often the most stressful part of going through an airport. You won't have to talk much at security, but instead will have to pay close attention to what is being said to you. Below are the most important phrases to listen for.Empty your pockets, please
When going through airport security it is important to make sure you don't forget anything in your pockets before going through any scanners. Security will usually remind you of this by saying this sentence. If they ask if you have anything more in your pockets, and you are sure that you have emptied them, you could say something like this: I don't have anything more in my pockets.
Landing at Your Destination
Once you've landed at your destination, you'll still have a few final stops including baggage claim, passport control, and customs. The phrases below will help you get through these final stages of your journey.What is the purpose of your stay?
This is a sentence that you would most likely hear at passport control. This is similar to a security check that you need to go through before you can enter the country or place that you just landed in. At this check, however, the police officers will only check your passport and ask you questions, such as this. You could answer many different ways, depending on why you have traveled there. For example, you could say something like: I'm visiting friends, I am here for business, or I'm on vacation.
Where is baggage claim?
After your flight has landed, you need to go to baggage claim to pick up any checked bags you have. If you are unsure where this is you can ask an employee the question above. They will most likely guide you there, or say something like this: If you follow the signs on the walls, they will take you there. If you can't find your luggage after arriving at baggage claim, you can go to a help desk and ask for help.
Do you have anything to declare?
When you land at your destination, you might have to go through customs. If that happens, you will most likely hear this question. It is asking whether you are carrying any special items with you from the place that your flight came from. In most cases you could probably just respond with: I just have some small souvenirs with me.
Relax while Listening to the Phrases
Keep calm and learn English! Listen to the phrases again with relaxing background music. This will help you improve your listening skills and remember the phrases. Choose your favorite style, then kick back and relax!
Video with Meditative Music
Audio with Meditative Music
Relax with the Sounds of Nature: River
Relax with the Sounds of Nature: Wind
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Practice & Record a Dialogue
Take the next step and use what you’ve learned! Check out this topic’s dialogue unit and practice the phrases in a variety of exercises. Test your knowledge and get ready for real life conversations!

I would like to check in for my flight to London.en

London is your final destination? And I need to see your passport or ID, please.en

Yes, London is my final destination and here is my passport.en