Ever dreamed of taking a classic road trip across America, or wanted to get out and explore the countryside more easily? Renting a car will make these things possible.

Below, we'll introduce you to essential phrases that you can use when renting a car. Have a look and get ready for your next road trip!

Questions and Statements: Customer

Below, you'll find useful phrases that you can use when talking to car dealers. Use them when you're looking around for your next rental!
I would like to rent a car.
I'm hoping to rent a mid-sized van.
Can I get a car with automatic transmission?
I need the car for two weeks.
Is it possible to extend the contract if necessary?
How much does the rental cost per day?
Does the price include insurance?
What's the mileage limit?
How long is the minimum rental period?
I would like to add an additional driver to the contract.
Where can the car be returned?
I'm hoping to rent a mid-sized van
You can request a specific kind of rental car by using the sentence pattern I'm hoping to rent + CAR. There are lots of ways a car dealer could respond to your request. It really depends on whether they have the kind of car you're looking for. A possible response to our example request is We have a couple of vans to choose from in the lot.
Can I get a car with automatic transmission?
The majority of vehicles in the United States have automatic transmission instead of manual transmission. This means that the car automatically changes gears for you. At most car rental stores it's possible to select which type of transmission you'd like. You'll simply have to ask your salesperson. Otherwise they will probably just assume you want a car with automatic transmission.

Questions and Statements: Car Dealer

Here we've collected common phrases that car dealers may say to you when you're looking to rent a car. Have a look at them and be prepared for the next time you're renting.
What kind of car were you looking for?
The rental costs $80 per day.
We have a selection of smaller-sized vehicles with automatic transmission.
How long do you need the car?
It is possible to extend the contract over the phone.
Rental insurance is not included in the price.
The mileage limit is 500 miles, but we can increase it if need be.
The minimum rental period is one week.
You can return the car to any of our company's locations across the state.
If you have any problems or questions, just give us a call.
Please return the vehicle cleaned and with a full tank of gas.
You can return the car to any of our company's locations across the state
In the United States, there are lots of chain car dealerships. This means that they are dealerships that have multiple locations or stores. If you rent a car from one of these dealerships, then you can usually return it to any of its store locations. Smaller, more private rental dealerships will normally require that you return your rental car back to them. Make sure to consider this when traveling with a rental car.

Relax while Listening to the Phrases

Keep calm and learn English! Listen to the phrases again with relaxing background music. This will help you improve your listening skills and remember the phrases. Choose your favorite style, then kick back and relax!

Relax with Meditative Music

Relax with the Sounds of Nature: River

Relax with the Sounds of Nature: Wind

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Practice & Record a Dialogue

Take the next step and use what you’ve learned! Check out this topic’s dialogue unit and practice the phrases in a variety of exercises. Test your knowledge and get ready for real life conversations!
Hello. I would like to rent a car.en
What kind of car were you thinking of?en
A mid-size one with automatic transmission.en

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most essential English phrases to know when renting a car?
  • I'm hoping to rent a mid-sized van.
  • I need the car for two weeks.
  • Does the price include insurance?
  • Where can the car be returned?
  • What kind of car were you looking for?
  • How long do you need the car?
  • Rental insurance is not included in the price.
  • Please return the vehicle cleaned and with a full tank of gas.
Why is it useful to rent a car?
Traveling by car is still the most common form of transportation in many English-speaking countries. If you are in Canada or the USA, for example, it can be difficult to get around without one. Public transportation is good in major cities, but if you want to go anywhere outside of a city, you'll probably need to use a car. Renting one will open up a lot of new places for you to explore.


