Can you remember the last place you visited? Vacations are great for experiencing the world, practicing new languages, and getting a break from daily routines. They also make a fantastic conversational topic! People love hearing about new places and vacations are a very common topic among friends and work colleagues.

In this article, we've gathered several questions and phrases that you can use to talk about vacations you've had. Check them out and then start telling others about the places you've visited!

Asking About Somebody's Vacation

In the table below we'll introduce you to a number of questions that you can use to find out more about someone's last vacation. Use them to find out where they went, what they did, and more!
Where did you go on vacation?
How was your trip?
You went to Australia, right?
How long were you there?
How long did it take you to get there?
How did you get there?
What did you do in Japan?
What surprised you the most about Iceland?
What was your favorite thing about Vietnam?
Do you miss it?
Are you glad to be back?
Did you have good weather?
Did you get to meet any of the locals?
How was the food?
How was your trip?
If you want to know more about someone's vacation, then use the sentence pattern How was + VACATION?. There are lots of ways someone could answer. For example they might tell you what they did or if they enjoyed the trip. Here is one possible response It was very relaxing.
Did you have good weather?
This is a very common question when talking about vacations. In fact, it can sometimes even be one of the first questions asked! The weather can have a lot of influence on whether a vacation was good or not.

Talking About Your Vacation

There are lots of different ways to describe a vacation. Maybe you enjoyed the food, culture, or landscape? In the following table we'll introduce you to a number of phrases that you can use to describe your last vacation.
My trip was fantastic.
I was in Australia.
I loved France.
Canada was great!
I really enjoyed the food.
I loved the food there.
I was there for a couple of weeks.
I did a lot of hiking.
I definitely miss being there.
It's nice to be back home where my friends and family are.
The flight took about 7 hours.
We were lucky and had sunny days the entire vacation.
I met a couple of locals at a restaurant one day.
The culture was so interesting and different from ours.
My trip was fantastic
You can form simple descriptions of your last vacation by using the sentence pattern My trip was + DESCRIPTION. Someone would probably respond by asking a follow-up question like What did you do?.
I really enjoyed the food
By using the sentence pattern I really enjoyed + THING you can tell someone what you enjoyed about a place you visited while on vacation. People will then most likely want to know more and ask questions like What was your favorite meal?.
I was there for a couple of weeks
You can tell someone how long you stayed somewhere by using the sentence pattern I was there for + DURATION. The most typical way somebody might respond is to ask follow-up questions. One possible question could be What did you do while you were there?.
I did a lot of hiking
An easy way to tell someone what you did on vacation is to form sentences using the pattern I did a lot of + ACTIVITY. In response, a person would probably want to know more details. For example, one way somebody could respond to our sentence is I bet the landscape there was really different, right?.

Relax while Listening to the Phrases

Keep calm and learn English! Listen to the phrases again with relaxing background music. This will help you improve your listening skills and remember the phrases. Choose your favorite style, then kick back and relax!

Relax with Meditative Music

Relax with the Sounds of Nature: River

Relax with the Sounds of Nature: Wind

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Take your learning on the go with our free mp3 and pdf downloads! Whether you're on your way to work or enjoying a coffee break, any time can be filled with a short review. Enjoy and happy learning!

Practice & Record a Dialogue

Take the next step and use what you’ve learned! Check out this topic’s dialogue unit and practice the phrases in a variety of exercises. Test your knowledge and get ready for real life conversations!
Hey Ashlee, you're back! How was your trip?en
Hello Peter. I just got back last night, and it was awesome.en
You went to Thailand, right? How long did you go for?en

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most essential English phrases for talking about your last vacation?
  • Where did you go on vacation?
  • How was your trip?
  • How long were you there?
  • What did you do in Japan?
  • My trip was fantastic.
  • I was in Australia.
  • I really enjoyed the food.
  • I was there for a couple of weeks.


