Current News


Relax with the Sounds of Nature

Listen to the sounds of nature and take a few deep breaths. That way you can begin the unit with a clear mind.
talk with your partner
speak the dialogue again

Practice the sentences

Listen to the dialogue and continue with the correct response.
Do you read the newspaper?en
Every morning with breakfast.en
    • When did you get back?en
    • Which newspaper do you read?en
    • Where are you from?en
Did you hear about the story of the missing politician?en
No I didn't. What happened?en
    • They think he got abducted.en
    • Maybe she is happy.en
    • I think he likes sports.en
I think this article is very biased.en
Did you fact check it?en
    • Yes, I love holidays.en
    • No, not really.en
    • I need a new jacket.en

Practice the phrases

Build the sentence by clicking on the words.

Learn the dialogue

Listen to the dialogue while reading the text.
Have you seen the story about the crazy cow on the news?en
I have no idea what you are talking about.en
They just said on the news that a cow is loose in town and stealing people's food.en
A cow stealing food? You shouldn't believe everything you see on TV.en
It's true! They also had a video clip showing the cow running around.en
If it is actually true then that's quite interesting news. Where did the cow come from?en
They don't know yet. Nobody has claimed it missing.en
What station did you see this on?en
It was on Channel 3.en
This sounds like just the story for Channel 3. They never show any actual news.en
You are right. Channel 3 is definitely more entertaining than informative.en
Well, I hope they catch the cow and bring it back to where it belongs.en

Practice the dialogue

Complete the dialogue.
  • Have you seen the about the crazy cow on the news?
  • I have no what you are talking about.
  • They just said on the that a cow is loose in town and stealing people's food.
  • A cow stealing food? You shouldn't everything you see on TV.
  • It's true! They also had a clip showing the cow running around.
  • If it is actually then that's quite interesting news. Where did the cow come from?
  • They don't yet. Nobody has claimed it missing.
  • What did you see this on?
  • It was on 3.
  • This sounds like just the story for Channel 3. They never show any news.
  • You are right. Channel 3 is definitely entertaining than informative.
  • Well, I hope they catch the cow and bring it to where it belongs.

Practice Listening

Listen to the short dialogue and choose the matching statement.
    • She is reading a newspaper on the weekend.en
    • She is reading a newspaper on Saturdays.en
    • She doesn't read the paper on Sundays.en
    • He spills his coffee on the newspaper every morning.en
    • He doesn't have time because of work.en
    • They both like to read the newspaper in the morning.en
    • They want to work for important elections.en
    • She thinks elections are very imperfect.en
    • She thinks elections are important.en

Speak the dialogue

Speak your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Record your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Then replay your recording and compare each recorded part to the original.
Have you seen the story about the crazy cow on the news?en
I have no idea what you are talking about.en
They just said on the news that a cow is loose in town and stealing people's food.en
A cow stealing food? You shouldn't believe everything you see on TV.en
It's true! They also had a video clip showing the cow running around.en
If it is actually true then that's quite interesting news. Where did the cow come from?en
They don't know yet. Nobody has claimed it missing.en
What station did you see this on?en
It was on Channel 3.en
This sounds like just the story for Channel 3. They never show any actual news.en
You are right. Channel 3 is definitely more entertaining than informative.en
Well, I hope they catch the cow and bring it back to where it belongs.en
Speak your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Record your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Then replay your recording and compare each recorded part to the original.
Have you seen the story about the crazy cow on the news?en
I have no idea what you are talking about.en
They just said on the news that a cow is loose in town and stealing people's food.en
A cow stealing food? You shouldn't believe everything you see on TV.en
It's true! They also had a video clip showing the cow running around.en
If it is actually true then that's quite interesting news. Where did the cow come from?en
They don't know yet. Nobody has claimed it missing.en
What station did you see this on?en
It was on Channel 3.en
This sounds like just the story for Channel 3. They never show any actual news.en
You are right. Channel 3 is definitely more entertaining than informative.en
Well, I hope they catch the cow and bring it back to where it belongs.en

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