English Pronunciation  Do you have any whole-grain cereals?

How do I ask if a store has a certain item?

The sentence pattern, Do you have any + ITEM ?, can be used to find out if a store carries a specific item. For example: Do you have any potato chips?. Alternatively, you could also use the sentence pattern Do you carry + ITEM ?. An example of this is: Do you carry local made jams?. Some example responses to these questions are: Yes, in aisle three or No, unfortunately we ran out of that.

How do you pronounce “Do you have any whole-grain cereals?”?

Listen to the male and female pronunciation of this phrase in American and British English. Afterwards you can record and compare your pronunciation with the audio recorder.
  • AEDo you have any whole-grain cereals?
  • AEDo you have any whole-grain cereals?
  • BEDo you have any whole-grain cereals?
  • BEDo you have any whole-grain cereals?

How could I respond to “Do you have any whole-grain cereals?”?

Yes, in aisle three.
No, unfortunately we ran out of that.

How do I form “Do you have any whole-grain cereals?”?

Do you have any + ITEM ?
  • Do you have any whole-grain cereals?
  • Do you have any international chocolates?
  • Do you have any organic strawberries?

What are other important sentences related to “At the Supermarket”?

  • How can I help you?
  • Excuse me, could you help me?
  • Could you tell me where granola bars are?
  • Where can I find the international food section?
  • I'm looking for potato chips.
  • Did you find everything you needed?
  • Would you like a receipt?
  • Thank you, have a nice day!
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