English Pronunciation  It's around 3:45 pm.

It's around 3:45 pm.

What's the meaning of “It's around 3:45 pm.”?

Most of the English-speaking world uses a 12 hour system instead of a 24 hour system like in many other countries. This means that you often have to add either am or pm to specify whether the time is between midnight and noon (am) or between noon and midnight (pm). So, for example, 9:00 am means 9:00 in the morning. Whereas 9:00 pm means 9:00 in the evening. English speakers will often leave out am or pm when the context is clear, which is meant. A question or a speaker's reaction would most likely be the typical response to a statement like this. Here is an example response to It's around 3:45 pm: Oh no, I think I'm going to be late for my next class!.

How do you pronounce “It's around 3:45 pm.”?

Listen to the male and female pronunciation of this phrase in American and British English. Afterwards you can record and compare your pronunciation with the audio recorder.

How could I respond to “It's around 3:45 pm.”?

Oh no, I think I'm going to be late for my next class!

What are other important sentences related to “The Time”?

  • What time is it?
  • Do you know what time it is?
  • When do you want to meet?
  • What time does the flight leave?
  • How long is this flight going to take?
  • It's quarter after three.
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