English Pronunciation  May I try these shoes on, please?

What's the meaning of “May I try these shoes on, please?”?

You can politely ask to try something on by using the sentence pattern May I try + CLOTHING + on, please?. A store employee will then likely show you where you can try it on. For example, like this Sure, I can take you to our changing rooms.

How do you pronounce “May I try these shoes on, please?”?

Listen to the male and female pronunciation of this phrase in American and British English. Afterwards you can record and compare your pronunciation with the audio recorder.
  • AEMay I try these shoes on, please?
  • AEMay I try these shoes on, please?
  • BEMay I try these shoes on, please?
  • BEMay I try these shoes on, please?

How could I respond to “May I try these shoes on, please?”?

Sure, I can take you to our changing rooms.

How do I form “May I try these shoes on, please?”?

May I try + CLOTHING + on, please?
  • May I try these shoes on, please?
  • May I try that coat on, please?
  • May I try that suit on, please?

What are other important sentences related to “Shopping for Clothes”?

  • What size are you?
  • How does the shirt fit?
  • The shoes are out of stock at the moment.
  • I'm looking for a summer dress.
  • Where can I try this on?
  • Do you have this shirt in a smaller size?
  • I'm usually a medium.
  • Are these shoes on sale?
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