English Pronunciation  My sister is such a daddy's girl.

What's the meaning of “My sister is such a daddy's girl.”?

This sentence describes a sister who is particularly attached to or spoiled by her father. You could also describe a male individual with a similar relationship with their father as a daddy's boy. Or if the individuals have a close relationship with their mother you would say they are a mama's girl or mama's boy. In response to a sentence like our example, somebody might ask something like: Were they always that close?.

How do you pronounce “My sister is such a daddy's girl.”?

Listen to the male and female pronunciation of this phrase in American and British English. Afterwards you can record and compare your pronunciation with the audio recorder.
  • AEMy sister is such a daddy's girl.
  • AEMy sister is such a daddy's girl.
  • BEMy sister is such a daddy's girl.
  • BEMy sister is such a daddy's girl.

How could I respond to “My sister is such a daddy's girl.”?

Were they always that close?

What are other important sentences related to “The Family”?

  • How is your family?
  • Do you have any brothers or sisters?
  • Who's the oldest sibling in your family?
  • What are your parents like?
  • I have two sisters.
  • I'm the middle child.
  • My family is doing great! How is yours?
  • I'm a twin.
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