Speak the dialogue

Speak your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Record your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Then replay your recording and compare each recorded part to the original.

What is your favorite season?enWhat is your favorite season?

Why are you asking? It's winter. I like the snow and skiing.Compare PartenWhy are you asking? It's winter. I like the snow and skiing.Compare Part

I just want to get to know you better. What is your favorite food?enI just want to get to know you better. What is your favorite food?

That is a hard one. I love pasta but also pizza.Compare PartenThat is a hard one. I love pasta but also pizza.Compare Part

And what about movies?enAnd what about movies?

That's an easy one. I love "Pulp Fiction."Compare PartenThat's an easy one. I love "Pulp Fiction."Compare Part

I really like that one too! What is your favorite book?enI really like that one too! What is your favorite book?

I think "1984" because it gives you a lot to think about.Compare PartenI think "1984" because it gives you a lot to think about.Compare Part

And your favorite sport?enAnd your favorite sport?

I like swimming and being in the water a lot.Compare PartenI like swimming and being in the water a lot.Compare Part

Okay, one last one and then you've answered enough. What's your favorite time of the day?enOkay, one last one and then you've answered enough. What's your favorite time of the day?

I have never thought about that, but I guess the morning. Everything is still quiet, and sunrises are beautiful to watch.Compare PartenI have never thought about that, but I guess the morning. Everything is still quiet, and sunrises are beautiful to watch.Compare Part

Speak your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Record your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Then replay your recording and compare each recorded part to the original.

Why are you asking? It's winter. I like the snow and skiing.enWhy are you asking? It's winter. I like the snow and skiing.

I just want to get to know you better. What is your favorite food?Compare PartenI just want to get to know you better. What is your favorite food?Compare Part

That is a hard one. I love pasta but also pizza.enThat is a hard one. I love pasta but also pizza.

That's an easy one. I love "Pulp Fiction."enThat's an easy one. I love "Pulp Fiction."

I really like that one too! What is your favorite book?Compare PartenI really like that one too! What is your favorite book?Compare Part

I think "1984" because it gives you a lot to think about.enI think "1984" because it gives you a lot to think about.

I like swimming and being in the water a lot.enI like swimming and being in the water a lot.

Okay, one last one and then you've answered enough. What's your favorite time of the day?Compare PartenOkay, one last one and then you've answered enough. What's your favorite time of the day?Compare Part

I have never thought about that, but I guess the morning. Everything is still quiet, and sunrises are beautiful to watch.enI have never thought about that, but I guess the morning. Everything is still quiet, and sunrises are beautiful to watch.