Speak the dialogue

Speak your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Record your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Then replay your recording and compare each recorded part to the original.

Do you like watching TV?enDo you like watching TV?

It depends on the TV show. But generally yes. Why do you ask?Compare PartenIt depends on the TV show. But generally yes. Why do you ask?Compare Part

I was just wondering if you would like to watch the new season of "Friends."enI was just wondering if you would like to watch the new season of "Friends."

Maybe. I didn't really like the last season.Compare PartenMaybe. I didn't really like the last season.Compare Part

I heard this one is supposed to be really good! I think you should give it another go.enI heard this one is supposed to be really good! I think you should give it another go.

Okay let's do it. Is it on TV or online via a streaming service?Compare PartenOkay let's do it. Is it on TV or online via a streaming service?Compare Part

It's on a streaming service. We can watch it whenever you are free.enIt's on a streaming service. We can watch it whenever you are free.

That's great! I really prefer watching shows online. The commercials on TV are really long and annoying.Compare PartenThat's great! I really prefer watching shows online. The commercials on TV are really long and annoying.Compare Part

Perfect. We are all set then. I'll come by later.enPerfect. We are all set then. I'll come by later.

Speak your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Record your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Then replay your recording and compare each recorded part to the original.

It depends on the TV show. But generally yes. Why do you ask?enIt depends on the TV show. But generally yes. Why do you ask?

I was just wondering if you would like to watch the new season of "Friends."Compare PartenI was just wondering if you would like to watch the new season of "Friends."Compare Part

Maybe. I didn't really like the last season.enMaybe. I didn't really like the last season.

I heard this one is supposed to be really good! I think you should give it another go.Compare PartenI heard this one is supposed to be really good! I think you should give it another go.Compare Part

Okay let's do it. Is it on TV or online via a streaming service?enOkay let's do it. Is it on TV or online via a streaming service?

It's on a streaming service. We can watch it whenever you are free.Compare PartenIt's on a streaming service. We can watch it whenever you are free.Compare Part

That's great! I really prefer watching shows online. The commercials on TV are really long and annoying.enThat's great! I really prefer watching shows online. The commercials on TV are really long and annoying.

Perfect. We are all set then. I'll come by later.Compare PartenPerfect. We are all set then. I'll come by later.Compare Part

See you later then!enSee you later then!