Speak the dialogue

Speak your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Record your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Then replay your recording and compare each recorded part to the original.

How is your family?enHow is your family?

Also good. My brother just got married.enAlso good. My brother just got married.

That is great. Does he have children?Compare PartenThat is great. Does he have children?Compare Part

Yes, I have one nephew.enYes, I have one nephew.

They are very busy. They are at university.enThey are very busy. They are at university.

Good, I think. She just started a new job.enGood, I think. She just started a new job.

Speak your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Record your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Then replay your recording and compare each recorded part to the original.

They are good. How is yours?enThey are good. How is yours?

Also good. My brother just got married.Compare PartenAlso good. My brother just got married.Compare Part

That is great. Does he have children?enThat is great. Does he have children?

How are your children?enHow are your children?

They are very busy. They are at university.Compare PartenThey are very busy. They are at university.Compare Part

And how is your wife?enAnd how is your wife?

Good, I think. She just started a new job.Compare PartenGood, I think. She just started a new job.Compare Part

That sounds great.enThat sounds great.