Electric Cars


Relax with the Sounds of Nature

Listen to the sounds of nature and take a few deep breaths. That way you can begin the unit with a clear mind.
talk with your partner
speak the dialogue again

Learn the dialogue

Listen to the dialogue while reading the text.
I'm considering getting an electric car. What do you think about them?en
I'm not sure. I like the idea of using electricity instead of gas.en
Me too. But I read that they emit more emissions when produced.en
And you need to use electricity from renewable energies.en
Yes, I read that too. Only when you use energy from renewable sources does an electric car make a difference.en
I think the biggest problem is the batteries. They still need improvement but more people buying one will increase pressure on the companies.en
I guess you're right. And my electricity comes from a green provider.en
Do you plan to drive long distances with the car?en
No, not really. I just need it to get to work and run errands.en
The infrastructure for electric cars is also constantly improving. I think you should go for it!en
Thank you for all your input!en

Practice the dialogue

Complete the dialogue.
  • I'm considering getting an car. What do you think about them?
  • I'm not sure. I like the of using electricity instead of gas.
  • Me too. But I that they emit more emissions when produced.
  • And you need to use electricity from renewable .
  • Yes, I read that too. Only when you use energy from renewable does an electric car make a difference.
  • I think the biggest is the batteries. They still need improvement but more people buying one will increase pressure on the companies.
  • I guess you're right. And my electricity comes from a provider.
  • Do you plan to long distances with the car?
  • No, not really. I just need it to get to work and run .
  • The infrastructure for electric is also constantly improving. I think you should go for it!
  • Thank you for all your !

Practice Listening

Listen to the short dialogue and select the correct response.
    • Are they strong when we drive home?en
    • Are they happy when I drive them?en
    • Are they better for the environment?en
    • No, they are a lot slower than the regular ones.en
    • Yes, you can charge the battery of the car while parked.en
    • Yes, once you touch them they change colors.en
    • Yes, they wish they would have gone to sleep earlier.en
    • Yes, they want to buy a sweeter one already.en
    • Yes, they say they are saving money in the long run.en

Speak the dialogue

Speak your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Record your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Then replay your recording and compare each recorded part to the original.
I'm considering getting an electric car. What do you think about them?en
I'm not sure. I like the idea of using electricity instead of gas.en
Me too. But I read that they emit more emissions when produced.en
And you need to use electricity from renewable energies.en
Yes, I read that too. Only when you use energy from renewable sources does an electric car make a difference.en
I think the biggest problem is the batteries. They still need improvement but more people buying one will increase pressure on the companies.en
I guess you're right. And my electricity comes from a green provider.en
Do you plan to drive long distances with the car?en
No, not really. I just need it to get to work and run errands.en
The infrastructure for electric cars is also constantly improving. I think you should go for it!en
Thank you for all your input!en
Speak your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Record your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Then replay your recording and compare each recorded part to the original.
I'm considering getting an electric car. What do you think about them?en
I'm not sure. I like the idea of using electricity instead of gas.en
Me too. But I read that they emit more emissions when produced.en
And you need to use electricity from renewable energies.en
Yes, I read that too. Only when you use energy from renewable sources does an electric car make a difference.en
I think the biggest problem is the batteries. They still need improvement but more people buying one will increase pressure on the companies.en
I guess you're right. And my electricity comes from a green provider.en
Do you plan to drive long distances with the car?en
No, not really. I just need it to get to work and run errands.en
The infrastructure for electric cars is also constantly improving. I think you should go for it!en
Thank you for all your input!en

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