Sharing Economy


Relax with the Sounds of Nature

Listen to the sounds of nature and take a few deep breaths. That way you can begin the unit with a clear mind.
talk with your partner
speak the dialogue again

Learn the dialogue

Listen to the dialogue while reading the text.
Have you already signed up for City Car?en
No. What is City Car?en
It is a car sharing service. You can rent cars from them.en
Why wouldn't I just rent from a regular car rental company?en
They also allow you to rent for very short periods of time and are based all over the city.en
You mean I could use their cars to go grocery shopping?en
Exactly. It's called car sharing. That way less people need to have their own cars.en
I've heard of that before. It's kind of like Airbnb, right?en
Yes. Just with cars instead of rooms.en
I like this idea of a shared economy. I have many things I barely ever use.en
Me too. If we share things, we can save money and resources.en

Practice the dialogue

Complete the dialogue.
  • Have you
    • l
    • a
    • y
    • e
    • a
    • d
    • r
    signed up for City Car?
Have you signed up for City Car?
  • No. What is City
    • r
    • a
    • C
No. What is City ?
  • It is a car
    • h
    • i
    • g
    • a
    • s
    • n
    • r
    service. You can rent cars from them.
It is a car service. You can rent cars from them.
  • Why wouldn't I just rent from a regular car
    • l
    • t
    • a
    • n
    • r
    • e
Why wouldn't I just rent from a regular car company?
  • They also allow you to rent for very
    • r
    • t
    • h
    • s
    • o
    periods of time and are based all over the city.
They also allow you to rent for very periods of time and are based all over the city.
  • You mean I could
    • s
    • e
    • u
    their cars to go grocery shopping?
You mean I could their cars to go grocery shopping?
  • Exactly. It's called car sharing. That way less people need to have their
    • w
    • n
    • o
Exactly. It's called car sharing. That way less people need to have their cars.
  • I've
    • d
    • h
    • e
    • r
    • a
    of that before. It's kind of like Airbnb, right?
I've of that before. It's kind of like Airbnb, right?
  • Yes. Just with cars instead of
    • m
    • o
    • o
    • s
    • r
Yes. Just with cars instead of .
  • I
    • e
    • k
    • l
    • i
    this idea of a shared economy. I have many things I barely ever use.
I this idea of a shared economy. I have many things I barely ever use.
  • Me too. If we share things, we can
    • a
    • s
    • e
    • v
    money and resources.
Me too. If we share things, we can money and resources.

Practice Listening

Listen to the short dialogue and select the correct response.
    • I will go out every day and explore.en
    • I will never go back to this place.en
    • I will be staying with locals that have empty guest rooms.en
    • Maybe. We could also just stay home.en
    • Exactly. You only pay when you need one.en
    • Exactly. I barely ever eat everything.en
    • Because all the rooms are rented out to tourists instead of locals.en
    • Maybe because they prefer more colorful rooms.en
    • I think it's because of the bad weather.en

Speak the dialogue

Speak your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Record your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Then replay your recording and compare each recorded part to the original.
Have you already signed up for City Car?en
No. What is City Car?en
It is a car sharing service. You can rent cars from them.en
Why wouldn't I just rent from a regular car rental company?en
They also allow you to rent for very short periods of time and are based all over the city.en
You mean I could use their cars to go grocery shopping?en
Exactly. It's called car sharing. That way less people need to have their own cars.en
I've heard of that before. It's kind of like Airbnb, right?en
Yes. Just with cars instead of rooms.en
I like this idea of a shared economy. I have many things I barely ever use.en
Me too. If we share things, we can save money and resources.en
Speak your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Record your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Then replay your recording and compare each recorded part to the original.
Have you already signed up for City Car?en
No. What is City Car?en
It is a car sharing service. You can rent cars from them.en
Why wouldn't I just rent from a regular car rental company?en
They also allow you to rent for very short periods of time and are based all over the city.en
You mean I could use their cars to go grocery shopping?en
Exactly. It's called car sharing. That way less people need to have their own cars.en
I've heard of that before. It's kind of like Airbnb, right?en
Yes. Just with cars instead of rooms.en
I like this idea of a shared economy. I have many things I barely ever use.en
Me too. If we share things, we can save money and resources.en

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