Organic Food


Relax with the Sounds of Nature

Listen to the sounds of nature and take a few deep breaths. That way you can begin the unit with a clear mind.
talk with your partner
speak the dialogue again

Learn the dialogue

Listen to the dialogue while reading the text.
I only buy organic food.en
Do you think organic is better than regular food?en
Yes. Less pesticides are used to produce it.en
But it is very expensive.en
I think it is worth it to spend more money for high quality food.en
But is organic food really higher quality?en
Organic farming is also better for biodiversity and ground water.en
I guess some things are better, but it still doesn't change the quality.en
I just don't want to eat food that has been treated with regular pesticides.en
I understand your point. There is a lot of uncertainty around food production right now.en
Exactly. And until we know more about chemical pesticides and fertilizers, I will trust organic food.en
I guess it won't hurt to buy organic if you can afford it.en

Practice the dialogue

Complete the dialogue.
I only buy   food.
Do you think organic is   than regular food?
Yes.   pesticides are used to produce it.
But it is very  .
I think it is   it to spend more money for high quality food.
But is organic food really higher  ?
Organic farming is also better for biodiversity and ground  .
I guess some things are better, but it still doesn't   the quality.
I just don't want to eat food that has been treated with regular  .
I understand your point. There is a lot of uncertainty around   production right now.
Exactly. And until we know more about chemical pesticides and   , I will trust organic food.
I guess it won't   to buy organic if you can afford it.

Practice Listening

Listen to the short dialogue and select the correct response.
    • My local market has organic vegetables and fruit.en
    • My sister only eats green vegetables and fruit.en
    • I buy my chairs in the big supermarket across the street.en
    • What do you eat for a quick breakfast?en
    • And I think they don't use antibiotics, right?en
    • My animals love to play catch with each other.en
    • I walk to work every day for a good exercise.en
    • Fruit and vegetables are good for a pretty diet.en
    • Pesticides can also be bad for insects for example.en

Speak the dialogue

Speak your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Record your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Then replay your recording and compare each recorded part to the original.
I only buy organic food.en
Do you think organic is better than regular food?en
Yes. Less pesticides are used to produce it.en
But it is very expensive.en
I think it is worth it to spend more money for high quality food.en
But is organic food really higher quality?en
Organic farming is also better for biodiversity and ground water.en
I guess some things are better, but it still doesn't change the quality.en
I just don't want to eat food that has been treated with regular pesticides.en
I understand your point. There is a lot of uncertainty around food production right now.en
Exactly. And until we know more about chemical pesticides and fertilizers, I will trust organic food.en
I guess it won't hurt to buy organic if you can afford it.en
Speak your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Record your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Then replay your recording and compare each recorded part to the original.
I only buy organic food.en
Do you think organic is better than regular food?en
Yes. Less pesticides are used to produce it.en
But it is very expensive.en
I think it is worth it to spend more money for high quality food.en
But is organic food really higher quality?en
Organic farming is also better for biodiversity and ground water.en
I guess some things are better, but it still doesn't change the quality.en
I just don't want to eat food that has been treated with regular pesticides.en
I understand your point. There is a lot of uncertainty around food production right now.en
Exactly. And until we know more about chemical pesticides and fertilizers, I will trust organic food.en
I guess it won't hurt to buy organic if you can afford it.en

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