Climate Technologies


Relax with the Sounds of Nature

Listen to the sounds of nature and take a few deep breaths. That way you can begin the unit with a clear mind.
talk with your partner
speak the dialogue again

Learn the dialogue

Listen to the dialogue while reading the text.
What is the difference between mitigation and adaption technologies?en
Adaption technologies help people adapt to the changes in weather, like rainfall or droughts.en
Can you give an example?en
Sure. Drip irrigation is a good example. Farmers adapt to having less rainfall and only drip water directly on the plant.en
And what about mitigation technologies?en
They are trying to limit or prevent the emission of greenhouse gases to mitigate climate change.en
That makes sense. Then solar panels would be a mitigation technology?en
Yes, but also better insulation in homes or cooking stoves that use less energy.en
I guess we will really need those technologies in the future, right?en
If the climate continues to change this fast, we will definitely need to adapt.en
I'm considering investing in solar panels to save money on my utility bill.en
And while you're saving money, your also mitigating climate change. You should do it!en

Practice the dialogue

Complete the dialogue.
  • What is the difference between mitigation and technologies?
  • Adaption technologies help people adapt to the changes in , like rainfall or droughts.
  • Can you an example?
  • Sure. Drip irrigation is a good example. Farmers adapt to having less rainfall and only drip directly on the plant.
  • And what about technologies?
  • They are trying to or prevent the emission of greenhouse gases to mitigate climate change.
  • That makes sense. Then panels would be a mitigation technology?
  • Yes, but also better insulation in homes or cooking stoves that use less .
  • I guess we will really need those technologies in the , right?
  • If the continues to change this fast, we will definitely need to adapt.
  • I'm considering investing in solar panels to money on my utility bill.
  • . You should do it! And while you're saving money, your also mitigating climate change. You should do it!

Practice Listening

Listen to the short dialogue and select the correct response.
    • They are cheap and also really fun to explore and to draw in art class.en
    • They are expensive but also very effective in cutting greenhouse gases.en
    • Investing in expensive furniture is a waste of money.en
    • Maybe we will have to conserve water because of less rainfall.en
    • You could help your family when they are in need.en
    • I need to change my diet in order to lose weight.en
    • You can get subsidies if you install them on your roof.en
    • He was ready to support a new cause.en
    • The government should invest more in schools and education.en

Speak the dialogue

Speak your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Record your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Then replay your recording and compare each recorded part to the original.
What is the difference between mitigation and adaption technologies?en
Adaption technologies help people adapt to the changes in weather, like rainfall or droughts.en
Can you give an example?en
Sure. Drip irrigation is a good example. Farmers adapt to having less rainfall and only drip water directly on the plant.en
And what about mitigation technologies?en
They are trying to limit or prevent the emission of greenhouse gases to mitigate climate change.en
That makes sense. Then solar panels would be a mitigation technology?en
Yes, but also better insulation in homes or cooking stoves that use less energy.en
I guess we will really need those technologies in the future, right?en
If the climate continues to change this fast, we will definitely need to adapt.en
I'm considering investing in solar panels to save money on my utility bill.en
And while you're saving money, your also mitigating climate change. You should do it!en
Speak your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Record your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Then replay your recording and compare each recorded part to the original.
What is the difference between mitigation and adaption technologies?en
Adaption technologies help people adapt to the changes in weather, like rainfall or droughts.en
Can you give an example?en
Sure. Drip irrigation is a good example. Farmers adapt to having less rainfall and only drip water directly on the plant.en
And what about mitigation technologies?en
They are trying to limit or prevent the emission of greenhouse gases to mitigate climate change.en
That makes sense. Then solar panels would be a mitigation technology?en
Yes, but also better insulation in homes or cooking stoves that use less energy.en
I guess we will really need those technologies in the future, right?en
If the climate continues to change this fast, we will definitely need to adapt.en
I'm considering investing in solar panels to save money on my utility bill.en
And while you're saving money, your also mitigating climate change. You should do it!en

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