Greenhouse Effect


Relax with the Sounds of Nature

Listen to the sounds of nature and take a few deep breaths. That way you can begin the unit with a clear mind.
talk with your partner
speak the dialogue again

Learn the dialogue

Listen to the dialogue while reading the text.
Are you scared of climate change?en
A little bit. It's a complicated topic, and I don't really understand why it's happening.en
Me too. I've been reading a book about it, and the uncertainty is scary to me.en
Can you explain to me why the climate is changing?en
Scientists think it's because of the greenhouse gases humans are producing.en
What are greenhouse gases?en
Carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane, and many others.en
And what produces greenhouse gases?en
Many things. Examples are: driving cars, coal power plants, or factory farming. They cause an enhanced greenhouse effect in the atmosphere.en
What is a greenhouse effect?en
It's a natural process that warms the earth. The gases reflect the sun's energy and keep the planet warm.en
Now I understand. More gases mean that also more heat becomes trapped under them? Just like in an actual greenhouse.en
Yes, you are correct. And that's why the climate is changing.en

Practice the dialogue

Complete the dialogue.
  • Are you scared of climate
    • g
    • h
    • a
    • c
    • e
    • n
Are you scared of climate ?
  • A little bit. It's a complicated
    • o
    • c
    • t
    • i
    • p
    , and I don't really understand why it's happening.
A little bit. It's a complicated , and I don't really understand why it's happening.
  • Me too. I've been reading a book about it, and the uncertainty is
    • y
    • r
    • a
    • s
    • c
    to me.
Me too. I've been reading a book about it, and the uncertainty is to me.
  • Can you
    • n
    • e
    • l
    • i
    • x
    • a
    • p
    to me why the climate is changing?
Can you to me why the climate is changing?
  • Scientists think it's because of the greenhouse
    • a
    • s
    • s
    • g
    • e
    humans are producing.
Scientists think it's because of the greenhouse humans are producing.
    • t
    • a
    • h
    • W
    are greenhouse gases?
are greenhouse gases?
  • Carbon dioxide, water
    • a
    • r
    • v
    • o
    • p
    , methane, and many others.
Carbon dioxide, water , methane, and many others.
  • And what
    • e
    • u
    • r
    • p
    • d
    • c
    • s
    • o
    greenhouse gases?
And what greenhouse gases?
  • Many things. Examples are: driving cars, coal power plants, or
    • r
    • f
    • c
    • t
    • a
    • y
    • o
    farming. They cause an enhanced greenhouse effect in the atmosphere.
Many things. Examples are: driving cars, coal power plants, or farming. They cause an enhanced greenhouse effect in the atmosphere.
  • What is a greenhouse
    • c
    • t
    • e
    • f
    • f
    • e
What is a greenhouse ?
  • It's a natural process that warms the earth. The gases
    • t
    • r
    • c
    • f
    • e
    • e
    • l
    the sun's energy and keep the planet warm.
It's a natural process that warms the earth. The gases the sun's energy and keep the planet warm.
  • Now I understand. More gases mean that also more heat becomes trapped under them? Just like in an
    • t
    • u
    • a
    • l
    • c
    • a
Now I understand. More gases mean that also more heat becomes trapped under them? Just like in an greenhouse.
  • Yes, you are correct. And that's why the
    • l
    • m
    • i
    • t
    • e
    • a
    • c
    is changing.
Yes, you are correct. And that's why the is changing.

Practice Listening

Listen to the short dialogue and choose the matching statement.
    • The earth has a climate with no balance.en
    • The climate of the earth is a fragile balance.en
    • More heat means more balance for the climate of the earth.en
    • Only recently have the emissions of greenhouse gases increased.en
    • Climate change is a problem now because of more rain recently.en
    • Humans have been producing a lot of greenhouses.en
    • Humans produce a lot more oil, coal, and gas for sleeping.en
    • Oil, coal, and gas are reducing greenhouse gases.en
    • Fossil fuels like oil, coal, and gas produce a lot of greenhouse gases.en

Speak the dialogue

Speak your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Record your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Then replay your recording and compare each recorded part to the original.
Are you scared of climate change?en
A little bit. It's a complicated topic, and I don't really understand why it's happening.en
Me too. I've been reading a book about it, and the uncertainty is scary to me.en
Can you explain to me why the climate is changing?en
Scientists think it's because of the greenhouse gases humans are producing.en
What are greenhouse gases?en
Carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane, and many others.en
And what produces greenhouse gases?en
Many things. Examples are: driving cars, coal power plants, or factory farming. They cause an enhanced greenhouse effect in the atmosphere.en
What is a greenhouse effect?en
It's a natural process that warms the earth. The gases reflect the sun's energy and keep the planet warm.en
Now I understand. More gases mean that also more heat becomes trapped under them? Just like in an actual greenhouse.en
Yes, you are correct. And that's why the climate is changing.en
Speak your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Record your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Then replay your recording and compare each recorded part to the original.
Are you scared of climate change?en
A little bit. It's a complicated topic, and I don't really understand why it's happening.en
Me too. I've been reading a book about it, and the uncertainty is scary to me.en
Can you explain to me why the climate is changing?en
Scientists think it's because of the greenhouse gases humans are producing.en
What are greenhouse gases?en
Carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane, and many others.en
And what produces greenhouse gases?en
Many things. Examples are: driving cars, coal power plants, or factory farming. They cause an enhanced greenhouse effect in the atmosphere.en
What is a greenhouse effect?en
It's a natural process that warms the earth. The gases reflect the sun's energy and keep the planet warm.en
Now I understand. More gases mean that also more heat becomes trapped under them? Just like in an actual greenhouse.en
Yes, you are correct. And that's why the climate is changing.en

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