Causes of Climate Change


Relax with the Sounds of Nature

Listen to the sounds of nature and take a few deep breaths. That way you can begin the unit with a clear mind.
talk with your partner
speak the dialogue again

Learn the dialogue

Listen to the dialogue while reading the text.
I feel sorry for the people living close to the ocean.en
Why? Because of climate change?en
Yes. With rising sea levels and more intense storms, they are in danger.en
I think it's a complex issue. In many places humans are also directly responsible for some of the dangers.en
What do you mean?en
For example through the deforestation of mangrove forests. The mangroves used to be a natural barrier against storms.en
I didn't know that. Where do mangroves grow?en
They grow for example in Asia. And lots of them have been cut down. People in these areas now suffer more from storms and floods.en
I see. I guess it's easier to just blame climate change instead of looking at the actual problem.en
But you are also right. They will probably suffer even more once climate change comes into full effect.en
Makes sense. Once the sea level actually significantly rises, they really have no protection.en

Practice the dialogue

Complete the dialogue.
  • I feel sorry for the people living close to the
    • n
    • e
    • o
    • c
    • a
I feel sorry for the people living close to the .
  • Why? Because of climate
    • n
    • g
    • h
    • a
    • e
    • c
Why? Because of climate ?
  • Yes. With rising sea levels and more intense
    • m
    • s
    • o
    • t
    • s
    • r
    , they are in danger.
Yes. With rising sea levels and more intense , they are in danger.
  • I think it's a complex issue. In many places
    • u
    • s
    • m
    • a
    • h
    • n
    are also directly responsible for some of the dangers.
I think it's a complex issue. In many places are also directly responsible for some of the dangers.
  • What do you
    • a
    • n
    • e
    • m
What do you ?
  • For example through the deforestation of mangrove forests. The mangroves used to be a natural
    • r
    • r
    • e
    • b
    • r
    • i
    • a
    against storms.
For example through the deforestation of mangrove forests. The mangroves used to be a natural against storms.
  • I didn't know that. Where do mangroves
    • r
    • o
    • w
    • g
I didn't know that. Where do mangroves ?
  • They grow for example in Asia. And lots of them have been cut down. People in these areas now
    • u
    • r
    • s
    • f
    • f
    • e
    more from storms and floods.
They grow for example in Asia. And lots of them have been cut down. People in these areas now more from storms and floods.
  • I see. I guess it's easier to just
    • e
    • m
    • b
    • l
    • a
    climate change instead of looking at the actual problem.
I see. I guess it's easier to just climate change instead of looking at the actual problem.
  • But you are also right. They will probably suffer even more once climate change comes into
    • l
    • f
    • l
    • u
But you are also right. They will probably suffer even more once climate change comes into effect.
  • Makes sense. Once the sea level actually significantly rises, they really have no
    • i
    • o
    • o
    • t
    • n
    • p
    • c
    • e
    • t
    • r
Makes sense. Once the sea level actually significantly rises, they really have no .

Practice Listening

Listen to the short dialogue and select the correct response.
    • I think we should all go to cafes more often and enjoy a good cup of coffee.en
    • When humans go to bed earlier, they will also be more refreshed and happy.en
    • I'm just saying it takes at least 30 years to be able to assess changes in the climate, and we should be careful.en
    • Agreed. I like to go shopping early.en
    • Me too. I worry about the future of my children.en
    • I don't think so. We should meet tonight.en
    • I think we should clean out the bathroom.en
    • We will go to the lake for a swim later.en
    • I'm glad people are finally starting to talk about it more.en

Speak the dialogue

Speak your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Record your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Then replay your recording and compare each recorded part to the original.
I feel sorry for the people living close to the ocean.en
Why? Because of climate change?en
Yes. With rising sea levels and more intense storms, they are in danger.en
I think it's a complex issue. In many places humans are also directly responsible for some of the dangers.en
What do you mean?en
For example through the deforestation of mangrove forests. The mangroves used to be a natural barrier against storms.en
I didn't know that. Where do mangroves grow?en
They grow for example in Asia. And lots of them have been cut down. People in these areas now suffer more from storms and floods.en
I see. I guess it's easier to just blame climate change instead of looking at the actual problem.en
But you are also right. They will probably suffer even more once climate change comes into full effect.en
Makes sense. Once the sea level actually significantly rises, they really have no protection.en
Speak your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Record your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Then replay your recording and compare each recorded part to the original.
I feel sorry for the people living close to the ocean.en
Why? Because of climate change?en
Yes. With rising sea levels and more intense storms, they are in danger.en
I think it's a complex issue. In many places humans are also directly responsible for some of the dangers.en
What do you mean?en
For example through the deforestation of mangrove forests. The mangroves used to be a natural barrier against storms.en
I didn't know that. Where do mangroves grow?en
They grow for example in Asia. And lots of them have been cut down. People in these areas now suffer more from storms and floods.en
I see. I guess it's easier to just blame climate change instead of looking at the actual problem.en
But you are also right. They will probably suffer even more once climate change comes into full effect.en
Makes sense. Once the sea level actually significantly rises, they really have no protection.en

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