Fridays For Future


Relax with the Sounds of Nature

Listen to the sounds of nature and take a few deep breaths. That way you can begin the unit with a clear mind.
talk with your partner
speak the dialogue again

Learn the dialogue

Listen to the dialogue while reading the text.
Do you want to come to the next Fridays for Future demonstration with me?en
I thought they are only for school children?en
No, they are open to everyone who cares about climate change.en
I'm still not convinced. I mean what are they actually protesting?en
For their own future. They want politicians to be more active and actually stand by their word.en
I guess you're right. Many promises from the Paris Climate Agreement have not been kept.en
Exactly. They need a reminder that empty words won't satisfy us anymore.en
Okay, you've convinced me. I'll join you. Have you been before?en
Yes, a couple of times. It's always a peaceful demonstration and the posters are really creative.en
Are you going to make a sign as well?en
I already have one with a polar bear on it. If you want, I can make you one too?en
Thanks for the offer, but I think I'll go without a sign for my first demonstration.en

Practice the dialogue

Complete the dialogue.
  • Do you want to come to the next Fridays for
    • u
    • r
    • e
    • F
    • t
    • u
    demonstration with me?
Do you want to come to the next Fridays for demonstration with me?
  • I thought they are only for school
    • n
    • l
    • r
    • h
    • d
    • e
    • c
    • i
I thought they are only for school ?
  • No, they are open to everyone who
    • s
    • c
    • e
    • a
    • r
    about climate change.
No, they are open to everyone who about climate change.
  • I'm still not convinced. I mean what are they actually
    • t
    • s
    • o
    • t
    • r
    • i
    • e
    • p
    • g
    • n
I'm still not convinced. I mean what are they actually ?
  • For their own
    • r
    • f
    • u
    • e
    • u
    • t
    . They want politicians to be more active and actually stand by their word.
For their own . They want politicians to be more active and actually stand by their word.
  • I guess you're right. Many
    • s
    • i
    • s
    • r
    • e
    • o
    • m
    • p
    from the Paris Climate Agreement have not been kept.
I guess you're right. Many from the Paris Climate Agreement have not been kept.
  • Exactly. They need a
    • m
    • r
    • n
    • i
    • d
    • r
    • e
    • e
    that empty words won't satisfy us anymore.
Exactly. They need a that empty words won't satisfy us anymore.
  • Okay, you've convinced me. I'll join you. Have you been
    • e
    • e
    • b
    • o
    • r
    • f
Okay, you've convinced me. I'll join you. Have you been ?
  • Yes, a couple of times. It's always a peaceful demonstration and the
    • e
    • t
    • s
    • o
    • p
    • s
    • r
    are really creative.
Yes, a couple of times. It's always a peaceful demonstration and the are really creative.
  • Are you going to make a
    • n
    • g
    • s
    • i
    as well?
Are you going to make a as well?
  • I already have one with a polar bear on it. If you want, I can
    • e
    • k
    • a
    • m
    you one too?
I already have one with a polar bear on it. If you want, I can you one too?
  • Thanks for the
    • e
    • r
    • f
    • o
    • f
    , but I think I'll go without a sign for my first demonstration.
Thanks for the , but I think I'll go without a sign for my first demonstration.

Practice Listening

Listen to the short dialogue and choose the matching statement.
    • Political involvement is very important.en
    • Students should be more politically silent.en
    • Demonstrations and involvement are not important at all.en
    • Children don't want to learn about climate change.en
    • Students want to change their demonstrations.en
    • Students care about climate change.en
    • Children care about their future.en
    • The future doesn't need renewable energies.en
    • Children are talking about their free time.en

Speak the dialogue

Speak your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Record your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Then replay your recording and compare each recorded part to the original.
Do you want to come to the next Fridays for Future demonstration with me?en
I thought they are only for school children?en
No, they are open to everyone who cares about climate change.en
I'm still not convinced. I mean what are they actually protesting?en
For their own future. They want politicians to be more active and actually stand by their word.en
I guess you're right. Many promises from the Paris Climate Agreement have not been kept.en
Exactly. They need a reminder that empty words won't satisfy us anymore.en
Okay, you've convinced me. I'll join you. Have you been before?en
Yes, a couple of times. It's always a peaceful demonstration and the posters are really creative.en
Are you going to make a sign as well?en
I already have one with a polar bear on it. If you want, I can make you one too?en
Thanks for the offer, but I think I'll go without a sign for my first demonstration.en
Speak your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Record your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Then replay your recording and compare each recorded part to the original.
Do you want to come to the next Fridays for Future demonstration with me?en
I thought they are only for school children?en
No, they are open to everyone who cares about climate change.en
I'm still not convinced. I mean what are they actually protesting?en
For their own future. They want politicians to be more active and actually stand by their word.en
I guess you're right. Many promises from the Paris Climate Agreement have not been kept.en
Exactly. They need a reminder that empty words won't satisfy us anymore.en
Okay, you've convinced me. I'll join you. Have you been before?en
Yes, a couple of times. It's always a peaceful demonstration and the posters are really creative.en
Are you going to make a sign as well?en
I already have one with a polar bear on it. If you want, I can make you one too?en
Thanks for the offer, but I think I'll go without a sign for my first demonstration.en

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