Fridays for Future Discussion


Relax with the Sounds of Nature

Listen to the sounds of nature and take a few deep breaths. That way you can begin the unit with a clear mind.
talk with your partner
speak the dialogue again

Learn the dialogue

Listen to the dialogue while reading the text.
Have you heard about the "Fridays for Future" demonstrations?en
You mean the children and students skipping school?en
Yes, they are demonstrating for more political commitment and against climate change.en
I think they could also demonstrate without skipping school. They are just lazy.en
I don't think they are lazy. They just wanted to grab everybody's attention, and it worked admittedly.en
They should focus on studying and leave the big decisions to people who know what they are doing.en
I think you are being a bit harsh. It's their future as well, and they want politicians to do more for that future.en
But what does protesting against climate change even mean? They don't have any answers either.en
If you actually listened to them, you would have heard some of their demands.en
If you know them so well, then name some.en
They want politicians to commit to the Paris Climate Agreement or the coal phase-out.en
I still think they should grow up first.en
It's hopeless to have a productive discussion with you about this topic.en
Sorry, but it's my opinion.en

Practice the dialogue

Complete the dialogue.
  • Have you
    • a
    • d
    • e
    • r
    • h
    about the "Fridays for Future" demonstrations?
Have you about the "Fridays for Future" demonstrations?
  • You mean the children and students skipping
    • h
    • o
    • s
    • l
    • c
    • o
You mean the children and students skipping ?
  • Yes, they are demonstrating for more
    • l
    • i
    • l
    • p
    • c
    • i
    • a
    • o
    • t
    commitment and against climate change.
Yes, they are demonstrating for more commitment and against climate change.
  • I think they could also demonstrate without skipping school. They are just
    • y
    • a
    • z
    • l
I think they could also demonstrate without skipping school. They are just .
  • I don't think they are lazy. They just wanted to
    • b
    • r
    • a
    • g
    everybody's attention, and it worked admittedly.
I don't think they are lazy. They just wanted to everybody's attention, and it worked admittedly.
  • They should focus on studying and leave the big
    • s
    • c
    • i
    • o
    • e
    • s
    • i
    • n
    • d
    to people who know what they are doing.
They should focus on studying and leave the big to people who know what they are doing.
  • I think you are being a bit harsh. It's their
    • e
    • u
    • f
    • u
    • t
    • r
    as well, and they want politicians to do more for that future.
I think you are being a bit harsh. It's their as well, and they want politicians to do more for that future.
  • But what does protesting against climate change even mean? They don't have any
    • s
    • s
    • w
    • n
    • a
    • e
    • r
But what does protesting against climate change even mean? They don't have any either.
  • If you actually listened to them, you would have heard some of their
    • m
    • n
    • d
    • a
    • d
    • s
    • e
If you actually listened to them, you would have heard some of their .
  • If you know them so well, then
    • a
    • e
    • m
    • n
If you know them so well, then some.
  • They want politicians to commit to the Paris Climate Agreement or the
    • o
    • a
    • l
    • c
They want politicians to commit to the Paris Climate Agreement or the phase-out.
  • I still think they should
    • w
    • o
    • r
    • g
    up first.
I still think they should up first.
  • It's
    • s
    • e
    • o
    • s
    • l
    • h
    • e
    • p
    to have a productive discussion with you about this topic.
It's to have a productive discussion with you about this topic.
  • Sorry, but it's my
    • i
    • o
    • i
    • p
    • n
    • n
    • o
Sorry, but it's my .

Practice Listening

Listen to the short dialogue and choose the matching statement.
    • Students care about the environment.en
    • Students love school.en
    • Students are not politically active.en
    • She learned a lot during the demonstration.en
    • She didn't learn anything at the Fridays for Future demonstration.en
    • She will go to the Fridays for Future demonstration next week.en
    • Adults are sad that children don't talk to them.en
    • A lot of adults don't take the Fridays for Future demonstrations seriously.en
    • Adults should talk more to their children about their lives.en

Speak the dialogue

Speak your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Record your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Then replay your recording and compare each recorded part to the original.
Have you heard about the "Fridays for Future" demonstrations?en
You mean the children and students skipping school?en
Yes, they are demonstrating for more political commitment and against climate change.en
I think they could also demonstrate without skipping school. They are just lazy.en
I don't think they are lazy. They just wanted to grab everybody's attention, and it worked admittedly.en
They should focus on studying and leave the big decisions to people who know what they are doing.en
I think you are being a bit harsh. It's their future as well, and they want politicians to do more for that future.en
But what does protesting against climate change even mean? They don't have any answers either.en
If you actually listened to them, you would have heard some of their demands.en
If you know them so well, then name some.en
They want politicians to commit to the Paris Climate Agreement or the coal phase-out.en
I still think they should grow up first.en
It's hopeless to have a productive discussion with you about this topic.en
Sorry, but it's my opinion.en
Speak your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Record your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Then replay your recording and compare each recorded part to the original.
Have you heard about the "Fridays for Future" demonstrations?en
You mean the children and students skipping school?en
Yes, they are demonstrating for more political commitment and against climate change.en
I think they could also demonstrate without skipping school. They are just lazy.en
I don't think they are lazy. They just wanted to grab everybody's attention, and it worked admittedly.en
They should focus on studying and leave the big decisions to people who know what they are doing.en
I think you are being a bit harsh. It's their future as well, and they want politicians to do more for that future.en
But what does protesting against climate change even mean? They don't have any answers either.en
If you actually listened to them, you would have heard some of their demands.en
If you know them so well, then name some.en
They want politicians to commit to the Paris Climate Agreement or the coal phase-out.en
I still think they should grow up first.en
It's hopeless to have a productive discussion with you about this topic.en
Sorry, but it's my opinion.en

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