Marine Pollution


Relax with the Sounds of Nature

Listen to the sounds of nature and take a few deep breaths. That way you can begin the unit with a clear mind.
talk with your partner
speak the dialogue again

Learn the dialogue

Listen to the dialogue while reading the text.
I feel so bad when I see videos of turtles and birds eating plastic.en
Me too. They become deformed or die because their stomachs are full of it.en
What can we do to help them? We aren't even close to the ocean.en
The biggest amount of plastic trash in the ocean actually comes from old fishing nets.en
But I love eating fish.en
I do too. But maybe it's time to eat less fish? And not use single use plastic bottles?en
I never understood why people buy water in plastic bottles if they don't have to.en
I don't get it either. It's so easy to bring my water bottle.en
Maybe I should write an article for my local newspaper and encourage people to use water bottles.en
That's a great way to become involved. If everybody just changes their habits a little bit, a lot can be changed.en

Practice the dialogue

Complete the dialogue.
  • I feel so bad when I see videos of
    • s
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    • u
    • l
    and birds eating plastic.
I feel so bad when I see videos of and birds eating plastic.
  • Me too. They become deformed or die because their
    • m
    • s
    • a
    • o
    • s
    • t
    • h
    • c
    are full of it.
Me too. They become deformed or die because their are full of it.
  • What can we do to help them? We aren't even close to the
    • a
    • c
    • n
    • o
    • e
What can we do to help them? We aren't even close to the .
  • The biggest amount of plastic
    • s
    • a
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    • h
    • r
    in the ocean actually comes from old fishing nets.
The biggest amount of plastic in the ocean actually comes from old fishing nets.
  • But I love eating
    • s
    • h
    • i
    • f
But I love eating .
  • I do too. But maybe it's time to eat less fish? And not use
    • e
    • n
    • s
    • g
    • l
    • i
    use plastic bottles?
I do too. But maybe it's time to eat less fish? And not use use plastic bottles?
  • I never understood why people buy water in plastic
    • s
    • l
    • o
    • b
    • t
    • t
    • e
    if they don't have to.
I never understood why people buy water in plastic if they don't have to.
  • I don't get it either. It's so easy to bring my
    • t
    • r
    • a
    • w
    • e
I don't get it either. It's so easy to bring my bottle.
  • Maybe I should write an
    • e
    • c
    • i
    • t
    • l
    • a
    • r
    for my local newspaper and encourage people to use water bottles.
Maybe I should write an for my local newspaper and encourage people to use water bottles.
  • That's a great way to become
    • o
    • d
    • e
    • i
    • l
    • v
    • n
    • v
    . If everybody just changes their habits a little bit, a lot can be changed.
That's a great way to become . If everybody just changes their habits a little bit, a lot can be changed.

Practice Listening

Listen to the short dialogue and select the correct response.
    • Never mind, I'm meeting with my family later.en
    • Of course. More people means less plastic on the beach.en
    • Yes, sure. We need every cake we can get.en
    • I wonder what the microplastic does to humans once we eat the fish.en
    • Have you ever considered moving to another country?en
    • I wish we could go to the party tonight and eat together.en
    • Because we need more space to wash our feet.en
    • Just because it's so quiet in the city.en
    • So people can refill their water bottles.en

Speak the dialogue

Speak your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Record your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Then replay your recording and compare each recorded part to the original.
I feel so bad when I see videos of turtles and birds eating plastic.en
Me too. They become deformed or die because their stomachs are full of it.en
What can we do to help them? We aren't even close to the ocean.en
The biggest amount of plastic trash in the ocean actually comes from old fishing nets.en
But I love eating fish.en
I do too. But maybe it's time to eat less fish? And not use single use plastic bottles?en
I never understood why people buy water in plastic bottles if they don't have to.en
I don't get it either. It's so easy to bring my water bottle.en
Maybe I should write an article for my local newspaper and encourage people to use water bottles.en
That's a great way to become involved. If everybody just changes their habits a little bit, a lot can be changed.en
Speak your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Record your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Then replay your recording and compare each recorded part to the original.
I feel so bad when I see videos of turtles and birds eating plastic.en
Me too. They become deformed or die because their stomachs are full of it.en
What can we do to help them? We aren't even close to the ocean.en
The biggest amount of plastic trash in the ocean actually comes from old fishing nets.en
But I love eating fish.en
I do too. But maybe it's time to eat less fish? And not use single use plastic bottles?en
I never understood why people buy water in plastic bottles if they don't have to.en
I don't get it either. It's so easy to bring my water bottle.en
Maybe I should write an article for my local newspaper and encourage people to use water bottles.en
That's a great way to become involved. If everybody just changes their habits a little bit, a lot can be changed.en

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