Lost luggage


Relax with the Sounds of Nature

Listen to the sounds of nature and take a few deep breaths. That way you can begin the unit with a clear mind.
talk with your partner
speak the dialogue again

Practice the sentences

Listen to the dialogue and choose the matching statement.
My suitcase is missing.en
What does your suitcase look like?en
    • Her suitcase is big.en
    • Her suitcase is missing.en
    • Her suitcase is black.en
Does your luggage have a name tag?en
Yes, it has my name and address on it.en
    • The name tags are missing.en
    • The address and the name are wrong.en
    • His luggage has a name tag.en
The bag has very important documents.en
You will get your bag back very soon.en
    • The bag is not important.en
    • She will get her bag soon.en
    • She is a very important person.en

Practice the phrases

Build the sentence by clicking on the words.

Learn the dialogue

Listen to the dialogue while reading the text.
How can I help you?en
I just arrived from Washington, D.C., but I can't find my suitcase.en
What flight were you on? FA 203?en
Yes, FA 203. I arrived about 40 minutes ago.en
Are you sure you were at the right carousel? FA 203 was at carousel 3. And did you check the bulky luggage carousel?en
Yes, I waited at carousel 3 the whole time, and there was nothing at the bulky section either.en
Okay, if it's not at the bulky section, it's probably just delayed. Most suitcases show up between 12 and 24 hours later.en
But I need my things. I'm here on vacation. I don't even have a toothbrush.en
You can purchase any essential items and file a claim, if we can't locate it.en
And how will I get my suitcase then?en
Once it gets here, we will notify you, and it will be delivered to your hotel. Please fill out this form for me, and be sure to hold on to this claim number.en
Thank you.en

Practice the dialogue

Complete the dialogue.
  • How can I you?
  • I just from Washington, D.C., but I can't find my suitcase.
  • What were you on? FA 203?
  • Yes, FA 203. I arrived 40 minutes ago.
  • Are you sure you were at the right carousel? FA 203 was at carousel 3. And did you the bulky luggage carousel?
  • Yes, I waited at carousel 3 the whole time, and there was nothing at the section either.
  • Okay, if it's not at the bulky section, it's probably just delayed. Most suitcases show up between 12 and 24 hours .
  • But I need my things. I'm here on . I don't even have a toothbrush.
  • You can purchase any essential items and file a , if we can't locate it.
  • And how will I get my then?
  • Once it gets here, we will notify you, and it will be delivered to your . Please fill out this form for me, and be sure to hold on to this claim number.
Thank you.

Practice Listening

Listen to the short dialogue and select the correct response.
    • Is it a hard shell suitcase?en
    • Is the bed black?en
    • Is it a flower pot?en
    • Can you be more specific?en
    • Can you speak faster?en
    • Can you help me?en
    • You should bring your laptop to school.en
    • You should never put your laptop in checked luggage.en
    • You should stop breaking your electronics.en

Speak the dialogue

Speak your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Record your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Then replay your recording and compare each recorded part to the original.
Airline agent
How can I help you?en
I just arrived from Washington, D.C., but I can't find my suitcase.en
What flight were you on? FA 203?en
Yes, FA 203. I arrived about 40 minutes ago.en
Are you sure you were at the right carousel? FA 203 was at carousel 3. And did you check the bulky luggage carousel?en
Yes, I waited at carousel 3 the whole time, and there was nothing at the bulky section either.en
Okay, if it's not at the bulky section, it's probably just delayed. Most suitcases show up between 12 and 24 hours later.en
But I need my things. I'm here on vacation. I don't even have a toothbrush.en
You can purchase any essential items and file a claim, if we can't locate it.en
And how will I get my suitcase then?en
Once it gets here, we will notify you, and it will be delivered to your hotel. Please fill out this form for me, and be sure to hold on to this claim number.en
Thank you.en
Speak your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Record your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Then replay your recording and compare each recorded part to the original.
How can I help you?en
I just arrived from Washington, D.C., but I can't find my suitcase.en
What flight were you on? FA 203?en
Yes, FA 203. I arrived about 40 minutes ago.en
Are you sure you were at the right carousel? FA 203 was at carousel 3. And did you check the bulky luggage carousel?en
Yes, I waited at carousel 3 the whole time, and there was nothing at the bulky section either.en
Okay, if it's not at the bulky section, it's probably just delayed. Most suitcases show up between 12 and 24 hours later.en
But I need my things. I'm here on vacation. I don't even have a toothbrush.en
You can purchase any essential items and file a claim, if we can't locate it.en
And how will I get my suitcase then?en
Once it gets here, we will notify you, and it will be delivered to your hotel. Please fill out this form for me, and be sure to hold on to this claim number.en
Thank you.en

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