Not sure how to introduce yourself to your German-speaking business partners? This can be challenging, but don't worry - we're here to help! Formal introductions are much easier than you'd think and are essential if you want to form new contacts.
Here we'll introduce you to essential phrases that are useful in formal situations. You'll learn how to greet others, start conversations, and make sure your contacts stay in touch with you. Let's get started!
Audio with Meditative Music
Relax with the Sounds of Nature: River
Relax with the Sounds of Nature: Wind
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Here we'll introduce you to essential phrases that are useful in formal situations. You'll learn how to greet others, start conversations, and make sure your contacts stay in touch with you. Let's get started!
Formal Greetings
Below you'll find phrases that you can use to greet others and to begin introductions. Just don't forget to first shake hands and make eye contact with the person you're talking to!
Good morning! | |
Good afternoon! | |
Good evening! | |
Hello, Mr. Hartmann. | |
What is your name? | |
My name is Tarik Demir. | |
Let me introduce myself. | |
I'd like to introduce my coworker, Leon. | |
It's nice to meet you. | |
How are you doing? |
Ich möchte Ihnen meinen Mitarbeiter Leon vorstellen
When you want to introduce somebody other than yourself while in a formal gathering, use the sentence pattern Ich möchte Ihnen meinen + PERSON + vorstellen. Here is an example: Ich möchte Ihnen Emily vorstellen. Wir arbeiten im Finanzbereich zusammen. You could also use Darf ich Ihnen + PERSON + vorstellen?. Here is another example using this pattern: Darf ich Ihnen Philipp vorstellen?. There are a number of things you could say after this. You'd most likely continue by explaining your relationship to the person you are introducing more, as in: Wir arbeiten gemeinsam an einem Projekt.
Schön, Sie kennenzulernen
After you have exchanged names with somebody, it is polite to say this phrase. You could also say: Es ist mir eine Freude, Sie kennenzulernen or Freut mich, Ihre Bekanntschaft zu machen. They are a bit more formal than just Schön, Sie kennenzulernen. These phrases help to create a positive and friendly atmosphere. In response, someone would most likely say: Es ist auch schön, Sie kennenzulernen.
Continuing a Formal Conversation
The following phrases will help you get to know someone more while in a formal context. Use them after you've introduced yourself to someone new and want to start a conversation with them.
What do you do for work? | |
What company are you working for? | |
What is your specialization? | |
What field do you work in? | |
My specialization is in marketing. | |
I work in the design industry. | |
Do you have a business card? |
Ich bin auf Marketing spezialisiert
Your Spezialgebiet is your area of expertise or the specific work that you do. By using the sentence pattern Ich bin auf + ARBEITSBEREICH + spezialisiert you can tell someone what your specialization is. Here is another example: Mein Spezialgebiet ist die Parkverwaltung. An example response to this, is the question: Wie lange ist das schon Ihr Spezialgebiet?. Alternatively, you could just tell someone what field you work in. Use the sentence pattern: Ich arbeite im + ARBEITSBEREICH to do this, as in: Ich arbeite im Ingenieurwesen. Here is another example question that someone might ask in response to this: Macht Ihnen Ihre Arbeit Spass?.
Haben Sie eine Visitenkarte?
It's useful to have a Visitenkarte when you go into business situations. They're useful for sharing contact information and making sure that you make contacts. Other ways to ask for somebody's contact information include: Wie kann ich mit Ihnen Kontakt aufnehmen? and Darf ich Ihre E-Mail-Adresse haben?. Somebody might respond to Haben Sie eine Visitenkarte? with Das tue ich, lassen Sie mich Ihnen eine geben.
Formal Goodbyes
Here are useful phrases that you can use to end a formal introduction. Don't forget to shake hands and make eye contact again! It'd also be a good idea to let them know that you enjoyed meeting them before you go!
It was a pleasure meeting you. | |
It was nice meeting you. | |
It was nice meeting you too. | |
Let me give you my card. | |
I hope we meet again. | |
I hope to see you again very soon. | |
Take care. |
Es war mir ein Vergnügen, Sie kennenzulernen
This phrase or the phrase Es war schön, Sie kennenzulernen are probably the most common ways to let someone know that you enjoyed meeting them. It's polite to say one of these phrases before leaving somebody you just met in a formal setting. Typical responses to these phrases are just the phrase plus auch. As in: Es war auch schön, Sie kennenzulernen and Es war auch mir ein Vergnügen, Sie kennenzulernen.
Lassen Sie mich Ihnen meine Karte geben
When you are in a formal or business context, it is important to exchange contact information with others so that you can stay in touch. You can do this by saying this phrase to someone. You could also say Lassen Sie mich Ihnen meine E-Mail-Adresse geben or Lassen Sie mich Ihnen meine Telefonnummer geben. Especially when in business settings, it is important to do this so that you can build up a network of contacts. Someone would most likely respond to any of these phrases with something like: Danke, ich werde Ihnen meine ebenfalls geben.
Relax while Listening to the Phrases
Keep calm and learn German! Listen to the phrases again with relaxing background music. This will help you improve your listening skills and remember the phrases. Choose your favorite style, then kick back and relax!
Video with Meditative Music
Audio with Meditative Music
Relax with the Sounds of Nature: River
Relax with the Sounds of Nature: Wind
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- All sentences about "Formal Introduction" are part of our Anki import file. You can learn these phrases by selecting the following tag in Anki: #lingoneo German Topic FormalIntroduction
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Practice & Record a Dialogue
Take the next step and use what you’ve learned! Check out this topic’s dialogue unit and practice the phrases in a variety of exercises. Test your knowledge and get ready for real life conversations!

Guten Morgen, ich glaube wir kennen uns noch nicht.en

Guten Morgen. Nein, das tun wir nicht. Ich heiße Andreas Horn.en

Ich freue mich, Sie kennenzulernen, Herr Horn. Ich heiße Laura Becker.en