Contracts are a common part of daily life. You need them for both business and everyday things like buying a phone or opening a bank account. The problem is: contracts are hard to read. Learning some useful vocabulary and phrases that are commonly used in contracts can help solve this problem.

Below you'll find essential phrases and questions that will help you better understand and negotiate contracts. Check them out and get prepared for the next time you have to sign for something!

Asking About a Contract

Not sure what's in a contract? Don't be afraid to ask questions to get clarification. Below we've collected lots of useful questions that you can ask when you're confused about a contract. Take a look!
German German English English
Sind Sie mit dem Kompromiss zufrieden?
Are you satisfied with the compromise?
Wie stehen Sie zum Angebot?
What are your views on the offer?
Haben Sie weitere Vorschläge hinsichtlich des Vertrags?
Do you have any further suggestions for the contract?
Wissen Sie, ob wir in den Hauptartikeln etwas übersehen haben?
Did you notice if we missed anything in the main articles?
Würden Sie etwas daran ändern?
Would you change anything?
Verstehen Sie, was im Vertrag steht?
Do you understand what the contract is saying?
Haben Sie das Kleingedruckte gelesen?
Did you read the fine print?
Haben Sie Fragen zum Vertrag?
Do you have any questions about the contract?
Was bedeutet Abschnitt 4?
What does section 4 mean?
Können wir die Ausnahmefälle in Abschnitt 5 klarer definieren?
Can we define the exceptions in section five more clearly?
Können wir eine zusätzliche Klausel hinzufügen, um es klarer zu machen?
Can we add an additional clause to make it more clear?

Talking About a Contract

Looking to seal the deal on a contract? The phrases you'll find in the table below will help you! Use them to discuss and finalize contracts.
German German English English
Ihr Angebot gefällt mir.
I like your offer.
Ich fürchte, ich kann dem nicht zustimmen.
I'm afraid I can't agree to this.
Der Hauptgrund für meine Ablehnung ist Artikel 4.
The most important reason for my refusal is article four.
Darf ich eine Vertragsänderung vorschlagen?
May I suggest a change to the contract?
Ich schlage vor, dass wir den Vertrag ändern.
I propose we change the contract.
Würden Sie für einen höheren Lohn mehr Stunden arbeiten?
In exchange for increased pay, would you work more hours?
Ich denke, wir sollten den Vertrag abschließen.
I think we should finalize the contract.
Lassen Sie mich sicherstellen, dass ich Ihren Punkt verstanden habe.
Let me make sure I understood your point.
Leider sind mir in dieser Situation die Hände gebunden.
Unfortunately, my hands are tied in this situation.
Wenn Sie den Vertrag annehmen, unterschreiben Sie bitte auf der letzten Seite.
If you accept the contract, then please sign on the last page.
Wo ist der Haken?
What's the catch?

Relax while Listening to the Phrases

Keep calm and learn German! Listen to the phrases again with relaxing background music. This will help you improve your listening skills and remember the phrases. Choose your favorite style, then kick back and relax!

Relax with Meditative Music

Relax with the Sounds of Nature: River

Relax with the Sounds of Nature: Wind

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  • All sentences about "Negotiating Business Contracts" are part of our Anki import file. You can learn these phrases by selecting the following tag in Anki: #lingoneo German Topic NegotiatingBusinessContracts
  • All sentences about "Negotiating Business Contracts" are part of our Anki import file. You can learn these phrases by selecting the following tag in Anki: #lingoneo German Topic NegotiatingBusinessContracts

Practice & Record a Dialogue

Take the next step and use what you’ve learned! Check out this topic’s dialogue unit and practice the phrases in a variety of exercises. Test your knowledge and get ready for real life conversations!
Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich mit mir treffen, um über den neuen Kaufvertrag zu sprechen.en
Es ist in unser beider Interesse, diesen Vertrag so schnell wie möglich zu unterschreiben. Wie sollen wir fortfahren?en
Schauen wir uns die wichtigsten Abschnitte an und stellen sicher, dass alles in Ordnung ist.en

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most essential German phrases for negotiating business contracts?
  • Wie stehen Sie zum Angebot?
    What are your views on the offer?
  • Haben Sie das Kleingedruckte gelesen?
    Did you read the fine print?
  • Haben Sie Fragen zum Vertrag?
    Do you have any questions about the contract?
  • Was bedeutet Abschnitt 4?
    What does section 4 mean?
  • Ihr Angebot gefällt mir.
    I like your offer.
  • Ich fürchte, ich kann dem nicht zustimmen.
    I'm afraid I can't agree to this.
  • Lassen Sie mich sicherstellen, dass ich Ihren Punkt verstanden habe.
    Let me make sure I understood your point.
  • Wenn Sie den Vertrag annehmen, unterschreiben Sie bitte auf der letzten Seite.
    If you accept the contract, then please sign on the last page.
What kind of German is used in contracts?
The language used in contracts is oftentimes very technical and complicated. This makes it difficult to read them. Knowing some useful business or bureaucratic vocabulary and phrases can help you though. They'll make contracts more understandable. If you're still in doubt, have somebody else also look over a contract that you are about to sign. Getting a second opinion on something like that is always a good idea!


