Don't like going to the doctor's? It can be stressful and uncomfortable, but it's also helpful and important to do when we don't feel well. Knowing key phrases that you can use while at the doctor's, will help make the experience easier and less stressful.

Below, we'll introduce you to important phrases that you can use whenever you need to go to the doctor's. They'll help you describe your ailments, as well as help you understand what the doctor is saying. Take a look at the tables below and get ready for your next appointment!

At the Reception

When you get to the doctor's, the first thing you'll have to do is check in at the front desk. This is where you give your name and insurance information. The following phrases will be useful when doing this.
German German English English
Guten Morgen, wie kann ich Ihnen heute helfen?
Good morning, how can I help you today?
Ich möchte einen Arzt sprechen.
I'd like to see a doctor.
Ich bin hier, um mich untersuchen zu lassen.
I'm here for a check-up.
Haben Sie einen Termin?
Do you have an appointment?
Ich habe einen Termin um 14 Uhr.
I have an appointment at 2:00.
Ich bin hier, um Dr. Fiedler zu sehen.
I'm here to see Dr. Fiedler.
Könnten Sie bitte Ihre medizinische Vorgeschichte auf diesem Formular eintragen?
Could you fill in your medical history on this sheet, please?
Bitte nehmen Sie Platz.
Please have a seat.
Der Arzt wird in Kürze bei Ihnen sein.
The doctor will be with you shortly.

Questions From the Doctor

When you finally meet with a doctor, they'll ask you lots of different questions about what's wrong. Below, you'll find many important questions to know when speaking with a doctor. Learning them will help you understand the doctor better. Take a look!
German German English English
Weshalb sind Sie heute hier?
What have you come in for today?
Welche Symptome haben Sie?
What symptoms have you had?
Seit wann haben Sie Fieber?
When did the fever start?
Seit wann geht es Ihnen schon so?
How long have you been feeling like this?
Haben Sie Medikamente eingenommen?
Have you been taking any medication?
Nehmen Sie irgendwelche Medikamente ein?
Are you on any sort of medication?
Haben Sie irgendwelche Allergien?
Do you have any allergies?

The Examination

After you've discussed what's wrong or how you're feeling, then the doctor will begin their examination. The following phrases are often used by doctors during this process.
German German English English
Wo tut es weh?
Where does it hurt?
Tut es weh, wenn ich hier drücke?
Does it hurt if I press here?
Könnten Sie bitte Ihren Mund öffnen?
Could you open your mouth, please?
Ich werde Ihren Blutdruck messen.
I'm going to take your blood pressure.
Ihr Puls ist normal.
Your heart rate is normal.
Könnten Sie bitte husten?
Could you cough, please?
Wir müssen eine Röntgenaufnahme machen.
We need to take an x-ray.
Wir müssen eine Blutprobe nehmen.
We have to take a blood sample.


As soon as the doctor has finished their examination, they'll suggest a treatment. Below, you'll find examples of what a doctor might suggest.
German German English English
Ich werde Ihnen eine Spritze geben.
I'm going to give you an injection.
Ich werde Ihnen ein Medikament verschreiben.
I'm going to prescribe you some medicine.
Ich möchte, dass Sie einen Spezialisten aufsuchen.
I want you to see a specialist.
Sie sollten mit dem Rauchen aufhören.
You should stop smoking.
Wenn es schlimmer wird, rufen Sie mich an.
If it gets worse, call me.
In ein paar Tagen sollte es Ihnen besser gehen.
You should be better in a few days.

Leaving the Doctor's Office

Once you're finished meeting with the doctor, you'll have to head back to the front desk to check out. Have a look at the following phrases that will be useful when doing this.
German German English English
Müssen Sie einen weiteren Termin vereinbaren?
Do you need to make another appointment?
Brauchen Sie ein ärztliches Attest?
Do you need a doctor's note?
Bitte rufen Sie uns an, wenn es schlimmer wird oder wenn Sie Fragen haben.
Please call us if things get worse or if you have any questions.
Gute Besserung!
Feel better soon!

Relax while Listening to the Phrases

Keep calm and learn German! Listen to the phrases again with relaxing background music. This will help you improve your listening skills and remember the phrases. Choose your favorite style, then kick back and relax!

Relax with Meditative Music

Relax with the Sounds of Nature: River

Relax with the Sounds of Nature: Wind

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  • All sentences about "A Doctor's Appointment" are part of our Anki import file. You can learn these phrases by selecting the following tag in Anki: #lingoneo German Topic ADoctor'sAppointment
  • All sentences about "A Doctor's Appointment" are part of our Anki import file. You can learn these phrases by selecting the following tag in Anki: #lingoneo German Topic ADoctor'sAppointment

Practice & Record a Dialogue

Take the next step and use what you’ve learned! Check out this topic’s dialogue unit and practice the phrases in a variety of exercises. Test your knowledge and get ready for real life conversations!
Guten Tag. Warum sind Sie heute hier?en
Ich habe schlimmen Husten und Fieber.en
Wann hat das Fieber angefangen?en

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most essential German phrases I should know when at the doctor's?
  • Haben Sie einen Termin?
    Do you have an appointment?
  • Ich habe einen Termin um 14 Uhr.
    I have an appointment at 2:00.
  • Welche Symptome haben Sie?
    What symptoms have you had?
  • Seit wann geht es Ihnen schon so?
    How long have you been feeling like this?
  • Nehmen Sie irgendwelche Medikamente ein?
    Are you on any sort of medication?
  • Sie sollten mit dem Rauchen aufhören.
    You should stop smoking.
  • Wenn es schlimmer wird, rufen Sie mich an.
    If it gets worse, call me.
  • Müssen Sie einen weiteren Termin vereinbaren?
    Do you need to make another appointment?
What is medical German?
Medical German is a quite technical and scientific form of German that will be used by most doctors and nurses. Knowing some key phrases and vocabulary will be very useful when you go to a doctor and will prevent misunderstandings. Don't be afraid to ask too many questions! Doctors usually want to help you ease your mind and to get you back to normal.
What are the main aspects of going to a German doctor?
A normal visit to the doctor's is normally broken up into stages. The first thing you need to do is make an appointment. You can do this either over the phone or online. When you arrive for your appointment, the first thing you'll have to do is check in at the front desk. This is where you give your name and insurance information. If you head to the doctor's in Germany, make sure you know which insurance they accept. In Germany there is a difference between public and private health insurance, and some doctors only accept patients with private insurance. After you check in, you'll head in for your examination. Afterwards the doctor will suggest some form of treatment or will want to make another appointment with you. Finally, you'll head back to the front desk to either check out or to make your next appointment.


