Do you love discovering new worlds or learning new things? The library might be just what you're looking for! Not only this, but libraries are fantastic resources for language learners. You can find books at all different reading levels and can meet people with similar interests there.

Below, we'll introduce you to useful phrases that you can use whenever you're at the library. They'll help you make yourself better understood and ensure that you get any help you need. Take a look at the following tables and start improving your German!

At the Library: Patron

Not sure what to say to librarians? The phrases we've collected for you below can help! Use them to ask questions or whenever you need help at the library.
German German English English
Ich würde gerne diese Bücher ausleihen.
I'd like to check these books out.
Kann ich einen Bibliotheksausweis beantragen?
Can I sign up for a library card?
Was kostet ein Bibliotheksausweis?
How much does a library card cost?
Ich habe meinen Bibliotheksausweis vergessen.
I forgot my library card.
Können Sie mir helfen, ein Buch zu finden, nach dem ich suche?
Can you help me find a book I'm looking for?
Können Sie nachsehen, welche Bücher ich noch ausgeliehen habe?
Can you see what books I still have checked out?
Wo kann ich Bücher zurückgeben?
Where do I check books in?
Kann ich dieses Buch bitte verlängern?
Can I renew this book, please?
Kann ich mich für dieses Buch bitte vormerken lassen?
Can I put a hold on this book, please?
Kann ich bitte einen Film reservieren?
Can I reserve a film, please?
Wo ist der Sachbuchbereich der Bibliothek?
Where is the non-fiction section of the library?

At the Library: Librarian

Do you sometimes have a hard time understanding librarians? By learning the following phrases you can improve your comprehension. They're examples of things commonly said by librarians to patrons.
German German English English
Kann ich Ihnen helfen, etwas zu finden?
Can I help you find anything?
"Das Schloss des Zauberers" befindet sich im zweiten Stock in der Fantasy-Abteilung.
"The Sorcerer's Castle" is located on the second floor in the fantasy section.
Haben Sie einen Bibliotheksausweis?
Do you have a library card?
Sie können sich an der Rezeption für einen Bibliotheksausweis anmelden.
You can sign up for a library card at the front desk.
Könnte ich bitte Ihren Lichtbildausweis und Ihre Adresse sehen?
Can I have your photo ID and address, please?
Bücher sind in zwei Wochen fällig.
Books are due back in two weeks.
Ich habe Ihre Bücher um eine weitere Woche verlängert.
I've renewed your books for another week.
Lassen Sie mich Ihr Konto überprüfen, um zu sehen, welche Bücher Sie noch ausgeliehen haben.
Let me check your account to see what books you still have out.
Es sieht so aus, als hätten Sie derzeit eine überfällige Gebühr von 5 € zu zahlen.
It looks like you currently have an overdue fine of 5 €.
Unser Kinderprogramm findet jeden Samstag statt.
Our children's program is every Saturday.

Relax while Listening to the Phrases

Keep calm and learn German! Listen to the phrases again with relaxing background music. This will help you improve your listening skills and remember the phrases. Choose your favorite style, then kick back and relax!

Relax with Meditative Music

Relax with the Sounds of Nature: River

Relax with the Sounds of Nature: Wind

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  • All sentences about "At the Library" are part of our Anki import file. You can learn these phrases by selecting the following tag in Anki: #lingoneo German Topic AtTheLibrary
  • All sentences about "At the Library" are part of our Anki import file. You can learn these phrases by selecting the following tag in Anki: #lingoneo German Topic AtTheLibrary

Practice & Record a Dialogue

Take the next step and use what you’ve learned! Check out this topic’s dialogue unit and practice the phrases in a variety of exercises. Test your knowledge and get ready for real life conversations!
Practice with an everyday dialogue and improve your German. Get ready for conversations in real-life.
Womit kann ich Ihnen behilflich sein?en
Ich würde gerne ein paar Bücher ausleihen.en
Sicher. Kann ich Ihren Bibliotheksausweis sehen?en

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most essential German phrases I need to know when visiting a library?
  • Kann ich einen Bibliotheksausweis beantragen?
    Can I sign up for a library card?
  • Ich habe meinen Bibliotheksausweis vergessen.
    I forgot my library card.
  • Können Sie mir helfen, ein Buch zu finden, nach dem ich suche?
    Can you help me find a book I'm looking for?
  • Kann ich dieses Buch bitte verlängern?
    Can I renew this book, please?
  • Wo ist der Sachbuchbereich der Bibliothek?
    Where is the non-fiction section of the library?
  • Haben Sie einen Bibliotheksausweis?
    Do you have a library card?
  • Bücher sind in zwei Wochen fällig.
    Books are due back in two weeks.
  • Es sieht so aus, als hätten Sie derzeit eine überfällige Gebühr von 5 € zu zahlen.
    It looks like you currently have an overdue fine of 5 €.
What do I need if I want to use a library?
You don't actually need anything in particular to use a library. Most libraries are open to the general public, which means anyone can go in and read books or use library resources. If you'd like to check library materials out and take them home with you, however, then you'll need to become a library member. The process of doing this is normally different from library to library. Usually you have to pay a registration fee, prove your identity with ID, and get a library card. Luckily, these are not expensive or difficult things to do!
What kind of things can I find in a library?
You can find lots of great things in a library! Maybe you're looking for a new novel to get lost in, a movie to watch over the weekend, or a new musician to discover? Libraries house lots of different materials, and not just books! Many also have audiobooks, films, magazines, newspapers, and CDs that people can borrow. Libraries also offer different programs for children, teenagers, and the community. Maybe you'll find a reading group to share your interest in books with, or even a language course? These things will help you meet new people and practice your language skills.
Why are libraries great resources for language learners?
Language learners can get a lot of use out of a library. If you're in a country that speaks the language you're learning, you'll be able to find lots of books at different reading levels that you can practice with. You could check out movies or music in your target language, or even join in on a library event and meet new people. Some libraries even offer language courses that you could take. All in all, libraries are great resources for language learners, and it's worthwhile to check out what your local library offers!


