Love traveling by train and watching the countryside roll by? Taking the train is a common and enjoyable way to get around German-speaking countries. Their train systems are some of the world's best, so you should definitely take advantage of them while traveling!

Below, we'll introduce you to essential phrases that you can use when taking a train. You'll learn how to book a ticket, phrases you can use on the platform, and what to say while on the train. Take a look at the tables below and start improving your German!

Buying a Train Ticket: Traveler

Looking forward to your next journey? You'll have to buy a ticket first before you can ride the train. Below are common phrases that you can use while at the ticket office.
German German English English
Wo sind die Fahrkartenautomaten?
Where are the ticket machines?
Wo ist der Fahrkartenschalter?
Where's the ticket office?
Kann ich im Zug eine Fahrkarte kaufen?
Can I buy a ticket on the train?
Ich hätte gerne einen Einzelfahrschein nach Berlin.
I'd like a single ticket to Berlin.
Könnte ich eine Fahrkarte für den Zug nach München bekommen?
Could I get a ticket for the train to Munich?
Wie komme ich am günstigsten nach Hamburg?
What is the cheapest way to get to Hamburg?
Wie viel kostet ein Hin- und Rückfahrtticket nach Köln?
How much does a round trip ticket to Cologne cost?
Um wie viel Uhr fährt der Zug?
What time does the train leave?
Gibt es einen späteren Zug?
Is there a later train?
Von welchem Bahnsteig fährt der Zug ab?
What platform does the train leave from?
Muss ich umsteigen?
Do I have to change trains?
Wird im Zug Essen serviert?
Is food served on the train?
Wie lange hat der Zug Verspätung?
How long is the train delayed for?
Wissen Sie, warum es eine Verzögerung gibt?
Do you know why there is a delay?

Buying a Train Ticket: Employee

Are you worried that you won't understand employees at the train station? Don't fret! The following phrases are commonly used by employees in ticket offices and throughout train stations. Learn them so that you can better understand what is said to you!
German German English English
Wann möchten Sie reisen?
When would you like to travel?
Wohin möchten Sie reisen?
Where would you like to travel to?
Welche Art von Ticket wünschen Sie?
What kind of ticket would you like?
Haben Sie eine Bahnkarte?
Do you have a rail pass?
Unten bei den Bahnsteigen gibt es Fahrkartenautomaten.
There are ticket machines down by the platforms.
Sie müssen umsteigen, um nach Köln zu gelangen.
You'll have to change trains to get to Cologne.
Der Zug fährt vom Gleis 9 ab.
The train leaves from platform 9.
Der nächste Zug fährt in einer halben Stunde ab.
The next train is leaving in a half hour.
Der Zug nach Hamburg fährt um 17:15 Uhr ab.
The train to Hamburg leaves at 5:15.
Sie können im Zug Erfrischungen kaufen.
You can buy refreshments on the train.
Der Zug hat Verspätung aufgrund eines elektrischen Problems an Bord.
The train is delayed due to an electrical problem onboard.
Der Zug hat zwei Stunden Verspätung.
The train is delayed for two hours.

At the platform

With your train tickets in hand, you'll need to make sure you find the right platform to catch your train. The phrases below will be useful to you while both heading to the platform and waiting for the train to arrive.
German German English English
Ist dies der richtige Bahnsteig für den Zug, der nach Stuttgart fährt?
Is this the right platform for the train heading to Stuttgart?
Auf welchem Gleis fährt der Zug nach Hamburg ab?
Which platform do I need for the train going to Hamburg?
Von welchem Gleis fährt unser Anschlusszug?
Which platform is our connection at?
Der Zug kommt am Gleis 9 an.
The train arrives at platform 9.
Der nächste Zug, der am Bahnsteig 4 ankommt, fährt weiter nach München.
The next train to arrive at platform 4 is the one to Munich.
Der Zug hat Verspätung.
The train is running late.
Der Zug ist ausgefallen!
The train's been canceled!
Kann ich bitte den Zeitplan sehen?
Can I see the timetable, please?
Erste Klasse steigt am vorderen Ende des Zugs ein.
First-class boards towards the front of the train.
Alles einsteigen!
All aboard!

On the train

Once you've boarded your train, your journey can finally begin! Make sure you have your tickets ready. The following phrases are often used while riding the train. By learning them you will be able to both understand train officials as well as communicate better.
German German English English
Ist dieser Platz frei?
Is this seat free?
Stört es Sie, wenn ich mich hierhin setze?
Do you mind if I sit here?
Darf ich mein Gepäck im Gepäckregal verstauen?
May I store my luggage in the hold?
Fahrkarten, bitte!
Tickets, please!
Darf ich bitte Ihre Fahrkarten sehen?
May I see your tickets, please?
Alle Fahrkarten und Bahnkarten, bitte!
All tickets and railcards, please!
Ich habe meine Fahrkarte verloren.
I've lost my ticket.
Ich kann meine Fahrkarte nicht finden.
I can't find my ticket.
Hält dieser Zug in Berlin?
Does this train stop at Berlin?
Was ist der nächste Halt?
What's the next stop?
Wann werden wir ankommen?
What time will we arrive?
Wir nähern uns jetzt München.
We are now approaching Munich.
Vergessen Sie nicht Ihr Gepäck und Ihre persönlichen Gegenstände.
Don't forget any luggage and personal belongings.
Haben Sie mitbekommen, was sie über den Lautsprecher gesagt haben?
Did you catch what they said over the speaker?
Wo ist der Speisewagen?
Where is the buffet car?
Erfrischungen können in Wagen 3 gekauft werden.
Refreshments can be purchased in the third car.
Könnten Sie auf meine Sachen aufpassen, während ich auf die Toilette gehe?
Could you watch my stuff while I go to the bathroom?

Relax while Listening to the Phrases

Keep calm and learn German! Listen to the phrases again with relaxing background music. This will help you improve your listening skills and remember the phrases. Choose your favorite style, then kick back and relax!

Relax with Meditative Music

Relax with the Sounds of Nature: River

Relax with the Sounds of Nature: Wind

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  • All sentences about "At the Train Station" are part of our Anki import file. You can learn these phrases by selecting the following tag in Anki: #lingoneo German Topic AtTheTrainStation
  • All sentences about "At the Train Station" are part of our Anki import file. You can learn these phrases by selecting the following tag in Anki: #lingoneo German Topic AtTheTrainStation

Practice & Record a Dialogue

Take the next step and use what you’ve learned! Check out this topic’s dialogue unit and practice the phrases in a variety of exercises. Test your knowledge and get ready for real life conversations!
Guten Morgen. Womit kann ich Ihnen behilflich sein?en
Guten Morgen, ich würde gerne mit dem Zug nach München fahren.en
Einfach oder auch zurück?en

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most essential German phrases to know while at the train station?
  • Ich hätte gerne einen Einzelfahrschein nach Berlin.
    I'd like a single ticket to Berlin.
  • Um wie viel Uhr fährt der Zug?
    What time does the train leave?
  • Von welchem Bahnsteig fährt der Zug ab?
    What platform does the train leave from?
  • Der Zug hat zwei Stunden Verspätung.
    The train is delayed for two hours.
  • Der Zug kommt am Gleis 9 an.
    The train arrives at platform 9.
  • Fahrkarten, bitte!
    Tickets, please!
  • Was ist der nächste Halt?
    What's the next stop?
  • Wann werden wir ankommen?
    What time will we arrive?
How common is travel by train in the German-speaking world?
Traveling by train is very common throughout German-speaking countries. Most cities, small towns, and even many villages have train stations within them. This means it's very easy to get around. Trains are also relatively inexpensive, especially if you buy a special rail pass called a Bahncard in German. One of the only downsides to traveling by train is that you often have to deal with delays and late trains. So, you'll need to plan accordingly if you want to travel by train!


