Looking to buy your next phone, but aren't sure what to say at the store? If you know the right phrases and technical vocabulary, then you'll have no problem finding a new phone in a German shop!

Below, we'll support you by teaching you useful phrases that will help you find exactly what you want. Take a look at the tables below and get prepared!

Questions and Statements: Salesman

Here we've collected common questions and phrases used by salesmen in phone stores. Learning them will help you better understand what salesmen are saying to you. Check them out!
German German English English
Was für eine Art von Handy suchen Sie?
What kind of phone are you looking for?
Suchen Sie etwas Bestimmtes?
Are you looking for anything in particular?
Ich würde eines dieser Modelle vorschlagen.
I would suggest one of these models.
Wie viel möchten Sie ausgeben?
How much would you like to spend?
Die beiden Handys sind sich ziemlich ähnlich, aber das schwarze hat mehr Speicherplatz.
The two phones are pretty similar, but the black one has more storage.
Das Handy wird mit einem USB-Kabel und Kopfhörern geliefert.
The phone comes with a USB cable and headphones.
Der Akku sollte zwischen 15 und 36 Stunden halten.
Its battery should last anywhere between 15 and 36 hours.
Wir verkaufen ein paar freigeschaltete Modelle.
We do sell a couple of unlocked models.
Das Handy mit dem Vertrag kostet 25,99 € pro Monat.
The phone with the plan will cost 25,99 € per month.
Welche SIM-Kartengröße benötigen Sie?
What size SIM card do you need?

Questions and Statements: Customer

The following phrases and questions can be used to find your perfect phone. They'll help you describe what you want and to find out more about different phone models.
German German English English
Ich brauche ein Handy mit einer guten Kamera.
I need a phone with a good camera.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen diesen beiden Handys?
What is the difference between these two phones?
Ist das Handy freigeschaltet?
Is the phone unlocked?
Wie hoch sind die monatlichen Raten?
How much are the monthly rates?
Wird das Handy mit einem Ladegerät geliefert?
Does the phone come with a charger?
Wie viel Speicherplatz hat das Handy?
How much storage does the phone have?
Wie sieht es mit der Akkulaufzeit aus?
What is the battery life like?
Ich benötige eine SIM-Karte für mein Handy.
I need to get a SIM card for my phone.
Ich hätte gerne etwas mit viel Speicherplatz.
I'd like something with lots of storage.
Hat dieses Telefon einen Steckplatz für SD-Karten?
Does this phone have a slot for SD cards?
Wie ist die Qualität des Bildschirms?
What is the quality of the screen like?

Relax while Listening to the Phrases

Keep calm and learn German! Listen to the phrases again with relaxing background music. This will help you improve your listening skills and remember the phrases. Choose your favorite style, then kick back and relax!

Relax with Meditative Music

Relax with the Sounds of Nature: River

Relax with the Sounds of Nature: Wind

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  • All sentences about "Buying a Phone" are part of our Anki import file. You can learn these phrases by selecting the following tag in Anki: #lingoneo German Topic BuyingAPhone
  • All sentences about "Buying a Phone" are part of our Anki import file. You can learn these phrases by selecting the following tag in Anki: #lingoneo German Topic BuyingAPhone

Practice & Record a Dialogue

Take the next step and use what you’ve learned! Check out this topic’s dialogue unit and practice the phrases in a variety of exercises. Test your knowledge and get ready for real life conversations!
Practice with an everyday dialogue and improve your German. Get ready for conversations in real-life.
Guten Tag. Womit kann ich Ihnen behilflich sein?en
Ich möchte gerne ein neues Handy kaufen.en
Super, da sind Sie hier an der richtigen Stelle. Suchen Sie etwas bestimmtes?en

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most essential German phrases to know when shopping for a new phone?
  • Was für eine Art von Handy suchen Sie?
    What kind of phone are you looking for?
  • Wie viel möchten Sie ausgeben?
    How much would you like to spend?
  • Der Akku sollte zwischen 15 und 36 Stunden halten.
    Its battery should last anywhere between 15 and 36 hours.
  • Was ist der Unterschied zwischen diesen beiden Handys?
    What is the difference between these two phones?
  • Wie viel Speicherplatz hat das Handy?
    How much storage does the phone have?
  • Wie sieht es mit der Akkulaufzeit aus?
    What is the battery life like?
  • Ich hätte gerne etwas mit viel Speicherplatz.
    I'd like something with lots of storage.


