People love to talk about babies. Having a child is such a life changing experience, and people want to share that. For example, babies are often a common topic of conversation during family gatherings.

Here we'll teach you the most important phrases and questions that you can use when talking about newborns. Learn to talk about your own and to ask about others'. Let's get started!

Asking About Babies

Here are phrases that you can use to start conversations and to ask about someone else's baby. Use them whenever you're unsure what to say when talking about babies.
German German English English
Wann kommt dein Baby?
When is your baby due?
Habt ihr euch schon für einen Namen entschieden?
Have you decided on a name yet?
Weißt du schon, ob es ein Junge oder ein Mädchen wird?
Do you know if it'll be a boy or girl?
Hattet ihr schon eine Babyparty?
Have you had a baby shower?
Wie alt ist dein Baby?
How old is your baby?
Hält sie dich die ganze Nacht wach?
Has she been keeping you up all night?
Hast du einen Babysitter?
Do you have a babysitter?
Bringst du dein Baby zur Kindertagesstätte?
Do you take your baby to daycare?
Wann hast du erfahren, dass deine Tochter schwanger ist?
When did you find out your daughter was pregnant?
Hast du schon damit begonnen, Windeln zu kaufen?
Have you started buying diapers yet?

Talking About Babies

The following phrases are useful for talking about your own baby. Use them whenever friends, family, or colleagues want to know more about your own baby.
German German English English
Das Baby kommt nächsten Monat.
The baby is due next month.
Wir warten damit, einen Namen auszusuchen, bis wir wissen, ob es ein Junge oder ein Mädchen ist.
We're waiting to pick out a name until we know whether it's a boy or girl.
Wir haben erfahren, dass wir ein kleines Mädchen bekommen werden!
We found out we're having a baby girl!
Wir haben noch keine Babyparty geplant.
We haven't planned a baby shower just yet.
Unser Baby ist 5 Monate alt.
Our baby is 5 months old.
Ich habe seit Wochen nicht mehr richtig geschlafen!
I haven't gotten a full night's sleep in weeks!
Wir haben noch keinen Babysitter.
We don't have a babysitter yet.
Wir planen, ihn für die Kindertagesstätte anzumelden, sobald er drei Jahre alt ist.
We're planning on signing him up for daycare once he turns three.
Meine Schwester hat an Weihnachten bekannt gegeben, dass sie schwanger ist.
My sister announced over Christmas that she's pregnant.

Relax while Listening to the Phrases

Keep calm and learn German! Listen to the phrases again with relaxing background music. This will help you improve your listening skills and remember the phrases. Choose your favorite style, then kick back and relax!

Relax with Meditative Music

Relax with the Sounds of Nature: River

Relax with the Sounds of Nature: Wind

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  • All sentences about "Babies" are part of our Anki import file. You can learn these phrases by selecting the following tag in Anki: #lingoneo German Topic Babies
  • All sentences about "Babies" are part of our Anki import file. You can learn these phrases by selecting the following tag in Anki: #lingoneo German Topic Babies

Practice & Record a Dialogue

Take the next step and use what you’ve learned! Check out this topic’s dialogue unit and practice the phrases in a variety of exercises. Test your knowledge and get ready for real life conversations!
Hast du schon gehört? Sophie ist wieder schwanger!en
Ich hatte keine Ahnung. Das ist großartig! In welchem Monat ist sie?en
Sie ist im zweiten Trimester, glaube ich. Ich habe sie in den letzten paar Wochen nicht gesehen.en

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most essential German phrases for talking about babies?
  • Wann kommt dein Baby?
    When is your baby due?
  • Habt ihr euch schon für einen Namen entschieden?
    Have you decided on a name yet?
  • Weißt du schon, ob es ein Junge oder ein Mädchen wird?
    Do you know if it'll be a boy or girl?
  • Wie alt ist dein Baby?
    How old is your baby?
  • Das Baby kommt nächsten Monat.
    The baby is due next month.
  • Wir haben erfahren, dass wir ein kleines Mädchen bekommen werden!
    We found out we're having a baby girl!
  • Unser Baby ist 5 Monate alt.
    Our baby is 5 months old.
  • Meine Schwester hat an Weihnachten bekannt gegeben, dass sie schwanger ist.
    My sister announced over Christmas that she's pregnant.
What are some popular German names for newborn babies?
Lists of popular baby names are published each year. In recent years, some of the most popular names for girls in Germany have been: Emma, Emilia, and Hannah. Popular boy names have been: Ben, Paul, and Finn. In Austria, popular girl names include: Anna, Marie, and Laura. For boys, they've been: Paul, David, and Jakob.


