December is a month full of celebrations. One of the most widely celebrated holidays is Christmas, or Weihnachten in German. This is a time when family and friends get together, exchange gifts, and enjoy each other's company.

Here we'll introduce you to useful phrases that you can use when discussing this important holiday. Use them to find out what kind of traditions others have and to talk about your own. Take a look at the tables below and start getting ready for the holidays!

Asking About Christmas

Do you want to know more about other people's holiday traditions? Below we've collected lots of questions that you can use to find out how others celebrate Christmas. Check them out!
German German English English
Feierst du Weihnachten?
Do you celebrate Christmas?
Wie verbringst du die Feiertage?
How are you spending the holidays?
Stellt ihr jedes Jahr einen Baum auf?
Do you guys put up a tree every year?
Was für Feiertagstraditionen hat deine Familie?
What kind of holiday traditions does your family have?
Kommt deine ganze Familie zusammen?
Does your whole family get together?
Hast du schon alle deine Geschenke besorgt?
Have you done all your gift shopping yet?
Was wünscht du dir zu Weihnachten?
What would you like to get over the holidays?
Was gefällt dir an den Feiertagen am besten?
What's your favorite thing about the holidays?
Was ist das beste Geschenk, das du jemals bekommen hast?
What's the best gift you've ever received?
Magst du Weihnachtsmusik?
Do you like Christmas music?
Was esst ihr normalerweise an Weihnachten?
What do you usually eat around Christmas?

Talking About Christmas

Here you'll find phrases that you can use in order to talk about your own holiday traditions. Use them to let others know more about how you celebrate!
German German English English
Fröhliche Weihnachten!
Merry Christmas!
Schöne Feiertage!
Happy Holidays!
Unsere Familie feiert jedes Jahr Weihnachten.
Our family celebrates Christmas every year.
Die ganze Familie trifft sich bei meiner Großmutter, um Geschenke auszutauschen.
The whole family is getting together at my grandmother's to exchange gifts.
Wir stellen gerne eine Woche vor Weihnachten einen echten Baum in unserem Wohnzimmer auf.
We like to put up a real tree in our living room a week before Christmas.
Wir backen jedes Jahr Kekse und gehen mit Freunden in der Nachbarschaft Weihnachtslieder singen.
We bake cookies each year and go caroling with friends in the neighborhood.
Unsere Familie ist ziemlich groß, aber wir versuchen trotzdem, uns in den Ferien alle zu sehen.
Our family is pretty big, but we do all try to see each other during the holidays.
Wir essen jedes Jahr einen Weihnachtsschinken.
We always have a Christmas ham each year.
Ich muss noch meine Geschenke einkaufen!
I still need to do my gift shopping!
Ich würde dieses Jahr ehrlich gesagt gerne neue Socken bekommen!
I'd honestly really like to get some new socks this year!
Mir gefällt an den Feiertagen am besten, dass alle in guter Stimmung sind.
My favorite thing about the holidays is that everyone is in a good mood.
Ich denke, das beste Geschenk, das ich je bekommen habe, war, als meine Eltern meinen Bruder und mich mit einem Hundewelpen überraschten.
I think the best gift I ever got was when my parents surprised me and my brother with a puppy.
Weihnachtsmusik höre ich nur im Dezember.
I only listen to Christmas music in December.

Relax while Listening to the Phrases

Keep calm and learn German! Listen to the phrases again with relaxing background music. This will help you improve your listening skills and remember the phrases. Choose your favorite style, then kick back and relax!

Relax with Meditative Music

Relax with the Sounds of Nature: River

Relax with the Sounds of Nature: Wind

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  • All sentences about "Celebrating Christmas" are part of our Anki import file. You can learn these phrases by selecting the following tag in Anki: #lingoneo German Topic CelebratingChristmas
  • All sentences about "Celebrating Christmas" are part of our Anki import file. You can learn these phrases by selecting the following tag in Anki: #lingoneo German Topic CelebratingChristmas

Practice & Record a Dialogue

Take the next step and use what you’ve learned! Check out this topic’s dialogue unit and practice the phrases in a variety of exercises. Test your knowledge and get ready for real life conversations!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most essential German phrases for talking about Christmas?
  • Wie verbringst du die Feiertage?
    How are you spending the holidays?
  • Was für Feiertagstraditionen hat deine Familie?
    What kind of holiday traditions does your family have?
  • Hast du schon alle deine Geschenke besorgt?
    Have you done all your gift shopping yet?
  • Was wünscht du dir zu Weihnachten?
    What would you like to get over the holidays?
  • Magst du Weihnachtsmusik?
    Do you like Christmas music?
  • Fröhliche Weihnachten!
    Merry Christmas!
  • Schöne Feiertage!
    Happy Holidays!
  • Mir gefällt an den Feiertagen am besten, dass alle in guter Stimmung sind.
    My favorite thing about the holidays is that everyone is in a good mood.
What other holidays are celebrated in December in German-speaking countries?
German-speaking countries are home to several religious minorities, and some of them also celebrate holidays in December. Two of the most widely celebrated are Hanukkah and Ezid-Fest. Hanukkah is an important Jewish holiday that is celebrated for eight nights and days. The holiday usually occurs sometime in December, but it can vary year by year. Ezid-Fest is a holiday celebrated by the Yaszidis, a Kurdish-speaking minority. It is a time of fasting that ends with a big celebration.


