Do you want to get together with some friends to cook? This is a great way to spend time with friends and to get to know them more. Plus, once you're done cooking you'll be able to enjoy a meal together!

Here you'll find lots of useful phrases that you can use when cooking with others. You'll learn how to discuss what to cook as well as what to say while you cook. Have a look at the tables below and get ready for your next get together!

Deciding What to Cook

Before you can start cooking you'll obviously need to decide what to make. The phrases below will help you do this!
German German English English
Welche Art von Essen kochst du gerne?
What kind of food do you like to make?
Normalerweise koche ich vegetarisch.
I usually make vegetarian food.
Hast du irgendwelche Lebensmittelallergien?
Do you have any food allergies?
Bist du laktoseintolerant?
Are you lactose-intolerant?
Folgst du normalerweise einem Rezept?
Do you usually follow a recipe?
Ich habe Heißhunger auf Suppe.
I'm craving soup.
Ich habe Lust auf ein paar Steaks.
I'm in the mood for some steaks.
Magst du scharfes Essen?
Do you like spicy food?
Möchtest du etwas Warmes oder Kaltes haben?
Do you want to have something hot or cold?
Sollen wir grillen?
Should we grill something?
Können wir etwas ohne Gluten zubereiten?
Can we make something without gluten in it?

While Cooking

Decided what to cook? Well, then it's time to get started making it! Below, you'll find useful phrases that you can use while cooking. Check them out!
German German English English
Lass uns ein paar Burger grillen.
Let's grill some burgers.
Hast du das Rezept?
Do you have the recipe?
Normalerweise mache ich einfach alles selbst.
I usually just make everything from scratch.
Wir müssen zuerst den Ofen vorheizen.
We have to heat up the oven first.
Könntest du die Kartoffeln schälen?
Could you peel the potatoes?
Kannst du etwas Gemüse in Scheiben schneiden?
Can you slice some vegetables?
Ich muss den Schinken schneiden.
I need to cut the ham.
Soll ich anfangen, das Huhn zu grillen?
Should I start grilling the chicken?
Kocht das Wasser schon?
Is the water boiling yet?
Wie viele Tassen Mehl brauchen wir?
How many cups of flour do we need?
Welche Art von Gewürzen sollten wir hinzufügen?
What kind of seasoning should we add?
Füge einfach nur eine Prise Salz hinzu.
Just add only a pinch of salt.
Ich kann eine Vinaigrette für den Salat machen.
I can make a vinaigrette for the salad.
Willst du etwas Käse darüber reiben?
Do you want to grate some cheese over it?
Kannst du den Tisch decken?
Can you set the table?
Diese Kekse enthalten keine Nüsse, oder?
These cookies don't have any nuts in them, right?
Wir werden den Käse von den anderen Sachen getrennt halten.
We'll keep the cheese separate from everything else.

Relax while Listening to the Phrases

Keep calm and learn German! Listen to the phrases again with relaxing background music. This will help you improve your listening skills and remember the phrases. Choose your favorite style, then kick back and relax!

Relax with Meditative Music

Relax with the Sounds of Nature: River

Relax with the Sounds of Nature: Wind

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  • All sentences about "Cooking Together" are part of our Anki import file. You can learn these phrases by selecting the following tag in Anki: #lingoneo German Topic CookingTogether
  • All sentences about "Cooking Together" are part of our Anki import file. You can learn these phrases by selecting the following tag in Anki: #lingoneo German Topic CookingTogether

Practice & Record a Dialogue

Take the next step and use what you’ve learned! Check out this topic’s dialogue unit and practice the phrases in a variety of exercises. Test your knowledge and get ready for real life conversations!
Hast du Lust zusammen Abendessen zu kochen?en
Sicher, gerne. Was möchtest du essen?en
Ich dachte vielleicht Gemüsesuppe?en

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most essential German phrases to know when cooking with somebody else?
  • Welche Art von Essen kochst du gerne?
    What kind of food do you like to make?
  • Normalerweise koche ich vegetarisch.
    I usually make vegetarian food.
  • Hast du irgendwelche Lebensmittelallergien?
    Do you have any food allergies?
  • Ich habe Heißhunger auf Suppe.
    I'm craving soup.
  • Ich habe Lust auf ein paar Steaks.
    I'm in the mood for some steaks.
  • Hast du das Rezept?
    Do you have the recipe?
  • Normalerweise mache ich einfach alles selbst.
    I usually just make everything from scratch.
  • Füge einfach nur eine Prise Salz hinzu.
    Just add only a pinch of salt.
What kind of cooking measurements are used in German-speaking countries?
German-speaking countries use the metric system. This means things will be measured in grams and milliliters. You'll also commonly find the measurements Teelöffel and Esslöffel in recipes. These measurements are the same as the English teaspoon and tablespoon. Another special measurement that is found particularly in Austrian recipes is Dekagramm. This simply equals 10 grams.
What is typical German food?
Traditional German food is very hearty. Dishes usually consist of some kind of meat, a side of potatoes, and some sort of vegetable. In Northern Germany traditional meals are also commonly eaten with fish. Alongside traditional German dishes you can also find a lot of food from different cultures around the world in Germany. Italian, Greek, and Turkish food are some of the most popular. In Austria you'll also find a lot of dishes with influences from Eastern European countries, like Hungary and Croatia.
How do I tell someone in German what kind of food I want?
Here are two common ways to express what kind of food or particular dish you'd like to eat:

Ich habe Heißhunger auf + ESSEN.
  • Ich habe Heißhunger auf Suppe. (I'm craving soup.)
  • Ich habe Heißhunger auf chinesisches Essen. (I'm craving Chinese.)
  • Ich habe Heißhunger auf Hamburger. (I'm craving hamburgers.)

Ich habe Lust auf + ESSEN.
  • Ich habe Lust auf ein paar Steaks. (I'm in the mood for some steaks.)
  • Ich habe Lust auf Chili. (I'm in the mood for chili.)
  • Ich habe Lust auf Sushi. (I'm in the mood for sushi.)


