Looking to go to the movies with some friends? Movies are very popular in German-speaking countries, and most films are dubbed into German. You can often watch either the original or the dubbed version in theaters. Going to the movies is a great way to spend time with others and enjoy something together.

Here you'll find lots of different phrases that you can use while at a movie theater or when discussing movies. Have a look at the tables below and get ready for your next trip to the movies!

Arriving at a Movie Theater

When you enter a movie theater, the first thing you will have to do is buy a ticket. The phrases below will help you do this.
German German English English
Zwei Karten für die Abendvorstellung von Zeichen des Mars.
Two tickets for the evening showing of Signs of Mars.
Ich hätte gerne drei Karten für die Blume des Herbstes.
I'd like three tickets for Flower of Autumn.
Welche Vorstellung würden Sie gerne sehen?
Which showing would you like?
Tut mir leid, aber diese Vorstellung ist ausverkauft.
Sorry, but the showing is sold out.
Kann ich bitte Ihren Ausweis sehen?
Can I see some ID, please?
Snacks und Getränke können an der vorderen Kasse gekauft werden.
Snacks and beverages can be purchased at the front counter.
Genießt den Film!
Enjoy the movie!
Bitte stellen Sie Ihre Telefone auf lautlos.
Please silence your phones.

Asking About Movies

Movies are a very popular topic of conversation. Use the following phrases to ask for other people's opinions about movies, to find out what kind of movies they like, and much more!
German German English English
Welche Art von Filmen magst du?
What kind of movies do you like?
Hast du einen Lieblingsfilm?
Do you have a favorite movie?
Wer war deine Lieblingsfigur in dem Film?
Who was your favorite character in the movie?
Welcher Teil hat dir am besten gefallen?
What was your favorite part?
Was für eine Art von Film werden wir uns ansehen?
What kind of movie are we going to watch?
Wer spielt in dem Film mit?
Who is in the movie?
Wer spielt die Hauptrolle?
Who's starring in it?
Wie lang ist der Film?
How long is the movie?
Um was geht es in dem Film?
What is the movie about?
Was sagen die Kritiker dazu?
What do critics say about it?
Welche Art von Rezensionen hat der Film erhalten?
What kind of reviews did the movie get?

Talking About Movies

Do you want to tell others all about your favorite movie? Below, you'll learn different phrases that you can use when discussing movies. Learn how to say what your favorite film is, what actors play in it, and other useful things.
German German English English
Mein Lieblingsfilm ist Blume des Herbstes.
My favorite movie is Flower of Autumn.
Ich liebe Liebeskomödien.
I love romcoms.
Der Film ist ein Actionfilm.
The movie is an action film.
Leon Ziegler spielt die Hauptrolle in dem Film.
The movie stars Leon Ziegler.
Der Film dauert etwa 2 Stunden.
The movie's about 2 hours long.
Der Film handelt von einem Mann, der seine Tochter rettet.
The movie is about a man rescuing his daughter.
Die Hauptfigur heißt Elisabeth.
The main character is named Elizabeth.
Der Film erhielt keine guten Kritiken.
The movie didn't get good reviews.
Kritiker fanden den Film zu lang.
Critics found the movie too long.

Relax while Listening to the Phrases

Keep calm and learn German! Listen to the phrases again with relaxing background music. This will help you improve your listening skills and remember the phrases. Choose your favorite style, then kick back and relax!

Relax with Meditative Music

Relax with the Sounds of Nature: River

Relax with the Sounds of Nature: Wind

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  • All sentences about "Going to the Movies" are part of our Anki import file. You can learn these phrases by selecting the following tag in Anki: #lingoneo German Topic GoingToTheMovies
  • All sentences about "Going to the Movies" are part of our Anki import file. You can learn these phrases by selecting the following tag in Anki: #lingoneo German Topic GoingToTheMovies

Practice & Record a Dialogue

Take the next step and use what you’ve learned! Check out this topic’s dialogue unit and practice the phrases in a variety of exercises. Test your knowledge and get ready for real life conversations!
Guten Abend. Zwei Karten für den neuen "Hunger Games" Film, bitte.en
Für welche Vorstellung?en
Um 19:30 Uhr, wenn noch Plätze frei sind.en

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most important German phrases I need to know when talking about movies?
  • Ich hätte gerne drei Karten für die Blume des Herbstes.
    I'd like three tickets for Flower of Autumn.
  • Welche Art von Filmen magst du?
    What kind of movies do you like?
  • Wer war deine Lieblingsfigur in dem Film?
    Who was your favorite character in the movie?
  • Um was geht es in dem Film?
    What is the movie about?
  • Welche Art von Rezensionen hat der Film erhalten?
    What kind of reviews did the movie get?
  • Ich liebe Liebeskomödien.
    I love romcoms.
  • Der Film ist ein Actionfilm.
    The movie is an action film.
  • Der Film handelt von einem Mann, der seine Tochter rettet.
    The movie is about a man rescuing his daughter.
What are some popular movie genres in the German-speaking world?
German-speakers love going to the movies, and they love many different movie genres. Among the most popular genres are comedies, dramas, action films, and thrillers.


