Do you love binge-watching TV or discussing shows with friends? TV is a fun, safe, and easy topic for casual conversations. You might even learn a bit more about someone's interests or personality by discussing the shows they enjoy.

Below, you'll find lots of different phrases that will be useful when discussing TV. Use them when you're looking for something to talk about with friends. Let's get started!

Questions About TV

The following phrases will help you start conversations about TV. Use them to find out what kinds of shows someone enjoys, what their favorite program to watch is, and much more!
German German English English
Siehst du gern fern?
Do you like to watch TV?
Welche Arten von Fernsehsendungen magst du gerne?
What kind of TV shows do you like?
Was ist deine Lieblingssendung?
What's your favorite show?
Hast du die neue Staffel von Found gesehen?
Have you seen the new season of Found?
Hast du Kabelfernsehen?
Do you have cable TV?
Welchen Streaming-Dienst nutzt du?
Which streaming service do you have?
Wie hat dir die neueste Episode von Light gefallen?
What did you think about the latest episode of Light?
Magst du Spielshows?
Do you enjoy game shows?
Hast du die neue Miniserie Ashleigh's World gesehen?
Have you seen the new mini-series, Ashleigh's World?

Talking About TV

Want to tell someone all about your favorite TV show? The phrases below will help you do this. Use them to let others know what you're watching!
German German English English
Ich schaue gerne den Mystery Channel.
I enjoy watching the Mystery Channel.
Ich sehe nicht viel fern.
I don't watch much TV.
Ich sehe zu viel fern.
I watch too much TV.
Ich habe die letzte Staffel verpasst, deshalb muss ich das nachholen.
I missed last season so I need to catch up.
Die neueste Staffel von Light soll richtig gut sein.
The newest season of Light is supposed to be really good.
Ich habe die letzte Staffel nur so verschlungen.
I binge-watched the last season.
Die Episode von gestern Abend war so intensiv.
Last night's episode was so intense.
Streaming-Dienste sind zu teuer.
Streaming services are too expensive.
Ich muss immer durchzappen, bis ich etwas Gutes finde.
I always have to channel-surf until I find something good.
Ich möchte meinen Kabelanschluss kündigen.
I want to cancel my cable subscription.
Werbung ist so nervig.
Commercials are so annoying.

Relax while Listening to the Phrases

Keep calm and learn German! Listen to the phrases again with relaxing background music. This will help you improve your listening skills and remember the phrases. Choose your favorite style, then kick back and relax!

Relax with Meditative Music

Relax with the Sounds of Nature: River

Relax with the Sounds of Nature: Wind

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  • All sentences about "Watching TV" are part of our Anki import file. You can learn these phrases by selecting the following tag in Anki: #lingoneo German Topic WatchingTV
  • All sentences about "Watching TV" are part of our Anki import file. You can learn these phrases by selecting the following tag in Anki: #lingoneo German Topic WatchingTV

Practice & Record a Dialogue

Take the next step and use what you’ve learned! Check out this topic’s dialogue unit and practice the phrases in a variety of exercises. Test your knowledge and get ready for real life conversations!
Schaust du gerne fern?en
Das hängt von der Sendung ab. Aber im Allgemeinen ja. Warum fragst du?en
Ich habe mich nur gefragt, ob du die neue Staffel von "Friends" schauen möchtest.en

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most essential German phrases for talking about TV?
  • Siehst du gern fern?
    Do you like to watch TV?
  • Welche Arten von Fernsehsendungen magst du gerne?
    What kind of TV shows do you like?
  • Hast du die neue Staffel von Found gesehen?
    Have you seen the new season of Found?
  • Ich schaue gerne den Mystery Channel.
    I enjoy watching the Mystery Channel.
  • Ich sehe nicht viel fern.
    I don't watch much TV.
  • Ich habe die letzte Staffel verpasst, deshalb muss ich das nachholen.
    I missed last season so I need to catch up.
  • Ich habe die letzte Staffel nur so verschlungen.
    I binge-watched the last season.
What are the most popular kinds of TV shows in Germany?
Germans enjoy lots of different kinds of TV shows. Some of the most popular are talk shows and game shows, as well as crime series, soap operas, and family dramas. People also really enjoy watching sports events on TV.


