Do you want to know how to discuss the latest news and current events with your friends? People enjoy discussing the news and what's going on in the world. This makes the news a great conversational topic with friends and work colleagues.

Below, we'll introduce you to lots of phrases and questions that you can use in order to discuss current events. Use them to ask for other people's opinions and to give your own. Have a look at the tables below and get ready to discuss the latest news!

Asking About the News

Looking to find out what someone's opinion on current events is? The following questions will help you do this! Use them to find out what someone thinks and to start conversations about the news.
German German English English
Hast du gestern Abend die Nachrichten gesehen?
Did you watch the news last night?
Hast du die Nachrichten gesehen?
Did you see the news?
Hast du diese Reportage mitbekommen?
Did you catch that report?
Hast du von diesem Banküberfall gehört?
Did you hear about that bank robbery?
Hast du diesen Artikel über den Klimawandel gesehen?
Have you seen this article about climate change?
Wo hast du das gesehen?
Where did you see that?
Was denkst du über die Wahlen?
What do you think about the elections?
Liest du die Zeitung?
Do you read the newspaper?
Hast du das überprüft?
Did you fact-check it?

Talking About the News

Do you want to give your own opinion on current events? Then the phrases below are here to help! Use them whenever you're discussing the news with somebody.
German German English English
Ich lese morgens gerne die Zeitung.
I like to read the newspaper in the morning.
Ich habe in der Zeitung davon gehört.
I heard about it in the paper.
Ich habe einen ausführlichen Bericht darüber gelesen, wie die Waldbrände gestern entstanden sind.
I read an in-depth report on how the forest fires started yesterday.
Was ist gestern passiert?
What happened yesterday?
Ich denke, dass dieser Bericht voreingenommen ist.
I think this report is biased.
Wie können sie das mit Sicherheit wissen?
How do they know that for sure?
Du solltest nicht alles glauben, was du liest.
You shouldn't believe everything you read.
Das klingt für mich nach einer Verschwörungstheorie.
That sounds like a conspiracy theory to me.
Ich habe keine Ahnung, wovon du sprichst.
I have no idea what you're talking about.
Sie haben gerade in den Nachrichten bekannt gegeben, dass der Bankräuber gefasst wurde.
They just announced on the news that the bank robber was caught.

Relax while Listening to the Phrases

Keep calm and learn German! Listen to the phrases again with relaxing background music. This will help you improve your listening skills and remember the phrases. Choose your favorite style, then kick back and relax!

Relax with Meditative Music

Relax with the Sounds of Nature: River

Relax with the Sounds of Nature: Wind

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  • All sentences about "Current News" are part of our Anki import file. You can learn these phrases by selecting the following tag in Anki: #lingoneo German Topic CurrentNews
  • All sentences about "Current News" are part of our Anki import file. You can learn these phrases by selecting the following tag in Anki: #lingoneo German Topic CurrentNews

Practice & Record a Dialogue

Take the next step and use what you’ve learned! Check out this topic’s dialogue unit and practice the phrases in a variety of exercises. Test your knowledge and get ready for real life conversations!
Hast du den Bericht über die verrückte Kuh in den Nachrichten gesehen?en
Ich habe keine Ahnung, wovon du sprichst.en
Sie haben gerade in den Nachrichten gesagt, dass eine Kuh in der Stadt frei herumläuft und Leuten das Essen stiehlt.en

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most essential German phrases for talking about the news?
  • Hast du gestern Abend die Nachrichten gesehen?
    Did you watch the news last night?
  • Hast du von diesem Banküberfall gehört?
    Did you hear about that bank robbery?
  • Wo hast du das gesehen?
    Where did you see that?
  • Was denkst du über die Wahlen?
    What do you think about the elections?
  • Ich habe in der Zeitung davon gehört.
    I heard about it in the paper.
  • Was ist gestern passiert?
    What happened yesterday?
  • Ich denke, dass dieser Bericht voreingenommen ist.
    I think this report is biased.
  • Wie können sie das mit Sicherheit wissen?
    How do they know that for sure?
What are some different ways to ask if somebody knows the news in German?
There are a couple of different ways to form questions that you can use in order to find out if someone knows the news:

Hast du + SACHE + gesehen?
  • Hast du die Nachrichten gesehen? (Did you see the news?)
  • Hast du den Bericht über die Kneipenschlägerei gesehen? (Did you see the story about the bar fight?)
  • Hast du die Reportage über die Bienen gesehen? (Did you see the report about bees?)

Hast du + SACHE + mitbekommen?
  • Hast du diese Reportage mitbekommen? (Did you catch that report?)
  • Hast du die Nachrichten mitbekommen? (Did you catch the news?)
  • Hast du den Bericht über die Entführung mitbekommen? (Did you catch the story about the kidnapping?)

Hast du von + SACHE + gehört?
  • Hast du von diesem Banküberfall gehört? (Did you hear about that bank robbery?)
  • Hast du von der Verfolgungsjagd gehört? (Did you hear about the car chase?)
  • Hast du von der neuen Umweltpolitik gehört? (Did you hear about the new environmental policy?)


