The clothing we wear can say a lot about us. Everyone has a unique sense of style regardless of whether they pay attention to fashion trends or not. Our choice of clothing can show our interests, cultural background, or profession. Because of this, discussing fashion is a great way to get to know more about someone.

Here we will introduce you to phrases and questions that you can use to talk about fashion with others. Use them to start conversations or to compliment someone's style. Let's get started!

Essential Phrases

German German English English
Was ist heutzutage in Mode?
What's in style nowadays?
Mode und Trends verändern sich so schnell.
Fashion and trends change so fast.
Es ist wieder Mode geworden, solche Hosen zu tragen.
Wearing pants like these just came back in style.
Sie versucht immer, mit der Mode Schritt zu halten.
She's always trying to keep up with what's in fashion.
Er ist definitiv stolz auf sein Aussehen.
He definitely takes pride in his appearance.
Woher bekommst du deine ganzen Klamotten?
Where do you get all your clothes?
Ich kaufe den Großteil meiner Kleidung in Secondhand-Läden.
I buy most of my clothes at second-hand shops.
Kaufst du auch mal Designerkleidung?
Do you ever shop for designer clothes?
Was für einen Stil hast du?
What kind of style do you have?
Ich trage gerne lässigere Kleidung.
I like to dress more casually.
Ich interessiere mich nicht wirklich für Mode.
I don't really care about fashion.
Accessoires sind ein Muss.
Accessories are a must-have.
Secondhand-Mode ist nachhaltiger.
Second-hand fashion is more sustainable.
Du hast einen großartigen Sinn für Stil.
You have a great sense of style.
Deine Klamotten sind so trendig.
Your clothes are so trendy.
Sie hat ein gutes Auge für Mode.
She has a great eye for fashion.
Sie haben sich auf jeden Fall todschick gemacht.
They're certainly dressed to kill.
Er ist definitiv darauf aus, Eindruck zu machen.
He's definitely dressed to impress.
Sie ist heute Abend sehr schick angezogen.
She's dressed to the nines tonight.

Relax while Listening to the Phrases

Keep calm and learn German! Listen to the phrases again with relaxing background music. This will help you improve your listening skills and remember the phrases. Choose your favorite style, then kick back and relax!

Relax with Meditative Music

Relax with the Sounds of Nature: River

Relax with the Sounds of Nature: Wind

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  • All sentences about "Fashion" are part of our Anki import file. You can learn these phrases by selecting the following tag in Anki: #lingoneo German Topic Fashion
  • All sentences about "Fashion" are part of our Anki import file. You can learn these phrases by selecting the following tag in Anki: #lingoneo German Topic Fashion

Practice & Record a Dialogue

Take the next step and use what you’ve learned! Check out this topic’s dialogue unit and practice the phrases in a variety of exercises. Test your knowledge and get ready for real life conversations!
Du hast einen super Modegeschmack.en
Danke, Mode ist eines meiner Hobbys.en
Es ist ein interessantes Hobby. Wo findest du deine ganzen stylischen Klamotten?en

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most essential German phrases for talking about fashion?
  • Was ist heutzutage in Mode?
    What's in style nowadays?
  • Es ist wieder Mode geworden, solche Hosen zu tragen.
    Wearing pants like these just came back in style.
  • Woher bekommst du deine ganzen Klamotten?
    Where do you get all your clothes?
  • Ich kaufe den Großteil meiner Kleidung in Secondhand-Läden.
    I buy most of my clothes at second-hand shops.
  • Ich trage gerne lässigere Kleidung.
    I like to dress more casually.
  • Deine Klamotten sind so trendig.
    Your clothes are so trendy.
  • Sie hat ein gutes Auge für Mode.
    She has a great eye for fashion.
  • Er ist definitiv darauf aus, Eindruck zu machen.
    He's definitely dressed to impress.
What are some useful German idioms used to talk about fashion?
Here are two German idioms that you can use when discussing fashion:

Sie haben sich auf jeden Fall todschick gemacht.
Er ist definitiv darauf aus, Eindruck zu machen.

These are idioms that can be used to describe someone who is dressed very nicely. For example, you might use them in a formal setting to describe someone wearing a suit or dress.

This last idiom can be used whenever you want to say that you would never wear something. The example above really means: Ich würde dieses Hemd niemals tragen..


