Looking to make a good first impression? This is easily done when you know how to introduce yourself.

Here we'll introduce you to all the German phrases you need to know to begin an introduction, start conversations, and to say goodbye. Take a look at the tables below and get ready for next time you meet somebody new!
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Beginning an Introduction

Below we've gathered the most essential phrases you'll need to start a self-introduction in German. Use them the next time you need to make a self-introduction!
German German English English
Wie geht's?
How's it going?
Wie heißt du?
What's your name?
Ich heiße Lukas.
My name is Lukas.
Freut mich, Sie kennenzulernen.
Nice to meet you.
Es freut mich, Sie kennenzulernen.
Pleasure to meet you.
Es ist mir ein Vergnügen.
Freut mich auch, Sie kennenzulernen.
Nice to meet you too.
Erlauben Sie mir, mich vorzustellen.
Let me introduce myself.
Ich möchte dir Sarah vorstellen.
I'd like to introduce Sarah.
Das ist meine Schwester, Amelia.
This is my sister, Amelia.
Sind wir uns schon einmal begegnet?
Have we met before?
A great way to start any conversation is by using a greeting such as this or any of the following: Hey, Hi, or Hallöchen!. Sometimes Germans will shake hands when they meet for the first time – this is, however, most common in formal situations. Hugging or kissing each other on the cheek is also becoming more and more popular among young Germans, even if you don't know the person. It's best to follow the other person's lead though when you first meet them and see what they are most comfortable with. A great follow up question after a greeting is: Wie heißen Sie?.
Ich heiße Lukas
Two ways to introduce yourself in German are Ich heiße + NAME and Ich bin + NAME. For example: Ich heiße Karl or Ich bin Niklas. A follow-up sentence that you would use after saying your name is: Wie heißt du?.
Freut mich, Sie kennenzulernen
Once you learn the other person's name, it's polite to say this phrase or one of the following: Es freut mich, Sie kennenzulernen or Es ist mir ein Vergnügen. The second option here is a bit more formal than the other two. There are several ways somebody could respond to any of these phrases, such as: Freut mich auch, Sie kennenzulernen, Gleichfalls, or Ebenso.
Erlauben Sie mir, mich vorzustellen
This is a very formal way to start a self-introduction. You would only ever really use it in extra formal situations, such as: job interviews, business meetings, fancy gatherings, or maybe when you first meet your posh in-laws. After you say this phrase, you would then give your name: Mein Name ist Elias.
Ich möchte dir Sarah vorstellen
When you want to introduce somebody else, use the sentence pattern: Ich möchte dir + NAME/PERSON + vorstellen. You also use the less formal sentence patterns: Ich würde dir gerne + NAME/PERSON + vorstellen or Das ist + NAME/PERSON to do the same thing. In order to illustrate how to use these phrases, let's say that you're meeting up with some friends for dinner and have brought your brother along. You might walk up to your friends and say Ich würde dir gerne meinen Bruder Jonas vorstellen in order to let them know who is with you. Your friends would probably then turn to your brother and say: Schön, dich kennenzulernen!.

Continuing an Introduction

Once initial introductions are out of the way, it's time to jump into a conversation! Below you'll find example questions that you can use to help you do this.
German German English English
Was machen Sie beruflich?
What do you do?
Wo arbeiten Sie?
Where do you work?
Was führt Sie hierher?
What brings you here?
Woher kommen Sie?
Where are you from?
Wie alt sind Sie?
How old are you?
Was machen Sie in Ihrer Freizeit?
What do you do for fun?
Was für Hobbys haben Sie?
What kind of hobbies do you have?
Was machen Sie beruflich?
A sentence similar to this is Wo arbeiten Sie?. A person usually wants to know what you do professionally when they ask you one of these questions. You could respond in many ways. You could say your job title or what kind of work you do. For example, Ich bin Übersetzerin or Ich arbeite in einem Lebensmittelgeschäft. If you are a student, you could also say what subject you are studying. For example, Ich bin Studentin in Oxford und studiere englische Literatur.
Was führt Sie hierher?
You could hear this question for example at a party, a job interview, the doctor's, or even just in a store. There's lots of ways you could answer it. For example like this: Ich bin mit Lukas befreundet und er hat mich eingeladen, mitzukommen. If you need to answer it while in a job interview, you could say something like: Ich hatte früher einen Job in diesem Bereich und ich hoffe, dass ich meine Fähigkeiten verbessern kann.

Ending an Introduction

Ending your first conversation on the right note is essential if you want to leave a good impression. Check out the table below for example ways on how to do this!
German German English English
Es war schön, Sie kennenzulernen.
It was nice meeting you.
Lassen Sie uns in Verbindung bleiben.
Let's keep in touch.
Wir sollten uns einmal wiedersehen.
Let's get together again some time.
Hier ist meine Nummer 584-2453.
Here is my number 584-2453.
Lassen Sie uns irgendwann einen Kaffee trinken gehen.
Let's go for a coffee sometime.
Wollen Sie sich irgendwann nächste Woche wieder treffen?
Do you want to meet up again some time next week?
Machen Sie es gut!
Take care!
Ich hoffe, wir sehen uns bald.
I hope to see you soon.
Hier ist meine Karte.
Here is my card.
Es war mir eine Freude, wir sehen uns.
It has been a pleasure, we'll speak again soon.
Es war schön, Sie kennenzulernen
This sentence is usually said at the end of the first conversation between two or more people that have met for the first time. It is a polite way to say that you were happy to meet the other person. A common response to this is: Es war auch schön, Sie kennenzulernen.
Lassen Sie uns in Verbindung bleiben
Use this phrase or the phrase: Lassen Sie uns in Kontakt bleiben if you like the person or people you just met and would like to talk to them again sometime later. You might want to exchange numbers afterwards. Someone could respond to this phrase with: Auf jeden Fall, ich gebe Ihnen meine Nummer.
Hier ist meine Nummer 584-2453
Most people in German-speaking countries own a cellphone, or a Handy as they call it in German. Exchanging phone numbers can be a great way to stay in contact with somebody new, and a good time to do this is at the end of a conversation. Here's a short example of what you could say: Wir sollten uns nächste Woche wiedersehen. Hier ist meine Nummer: 382-65482. In response, someone might say something like: Vielen Dank, ich werde Sie am Wochenende anrufen.

Relax while Listening to the Phrases

Keep calm and learn German! Listen to the phrases again with relaxing background music. This will help you improve your listening skills and remember the phrases. Choose your favorite style, then kick back and relax!
Video with Meditative Music

Audio with Meditative Music

Relax with the Sounds of Nature: River

Relax with the Sounds of Nature: Wind

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  • All sentences about "Introducing Yourself" are part of our Anki import file. You can learn these phrases by selecting the following tag in Anki: #lingoneo German Topic IntroducingYourself
  • All sentences about "Introducing Yourself" are part of our Anki import file. You can learn these phrases by selecting the following tag in Anki: #lingoneo German Topic IntroducingYourself

Practice & Record a Dialogue

Take the next step and use what you’ve learned! Check out this topic’s dialogue unit and practice the phrases in a variety of exercises. Test your knowledge and get ready for real life conversations!
Hallo. Wie heißt du?en
Ich heiße Andreas. Wie heißt du?en
Ich bin Sophie, freut mich dich kennenzulernen, Andreas.en

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most essential phrases to know when introducing yourself and others in German?
  • Wie heißt du?
    What's your name?
  • Freut mich, Sie kennenzulernen.
    Nice to meet you.
  • Ich möchte dir Sarah vorstellen.
    I'd like to introduce Sarah.
  • Was machen Sie beruflich?
    What do you do?
  • Woher kommen Sie?
    Where are you from?
  • Wie alt sind Sie?
    How old are you?
  • Es war schön, Sie kennenzulernen.
    It was nice meeting you.
  • Wir sollten uns einmal wiedersehen.
    Let's get together again some time.
How do I introduce myself in German?
The simplest ways to introduce yourself to somebody new are:

Ich heiße + NAME.
  • Ich heiße Lukas. (My name is Lukas.)
  • Ich heiße Philipp. (My name is Philipp.)
  • Ich heiße Tarik. (My name is Tarik.)

Ich bin + NAME.
  • Ich bin Philipp. (I'm Philipp.)
  • Ich bin Lukas. (I'm Lukas.)
  • Ich bin Jan. (I'm Jan.)
What should I say after introductions?
After short introductions it's easy to jump into small talk with questions like: Was sind Sie von Beruf?, Was sind Ihre Hobbys?, Woher kommen Sie?, and Wie alt sind Sie?. These questions are super basic, but they show people that you are interested in getting to know them more, and they can all lead to deeper conversations. Being talkative and curious about somebody you just met can leave a good impression. It might even lead to a new friendship. Be sure to try some of these questions out!
How do I introduce somebody else in German?
There's a couple different ways you could introduce somebody else. For example:

Ich möchte dir + NAME/PERSON + vorstellen.
  • Ich möchte dir Sarah vorstellen. (I'd like to introduce Sarah.)
  • Ich möchte dir Connor vorstellen. (I'd like to introduce Connor.)
  • Ich möchte dir meinen Bruder vorstellen. (I'd like to introduce my brother.)

Ich würde dir gerne + NAME/PERSON + vorstellen.
  • Ich würde dir gerne meinen Bruder Jonas vorstellen. (Let me introduce my brother, Jonas.)
  • Ich würde dir gerne meine Freundin, Isra vorstellen. (Let me introduce my girlfriend, Isra.)
  • Ich würde dir gerne meinen Chef vorstellen. (Let me introduce my boss.)

Das ist + NAME/PERSON.
  • Das ist Finn. (This is Finn.)
  • Das ist meine Schwester. (This is my sister.)
  • Das ist mein Freund, Niklas. (This is my friend, Niklas.)
What should I say when I first meet somebody new?

A great way to start any conversation is by using a greeting such as this or any of the following: Hey, Hi, or Hallöchen!. Sometimes Germans will shake hands when they meet for the first time - this is, however, most common in formal situations. Hugging or kissing each other on the cheek is also becoming more and more popular among young Germans, even if you don't know the person. It's best to follow the other person's lead though when you first meet them and see what they are most comfortable with. A great follow up question after a greeting is: Wie heißen Sie?.
How do I begin a formal self-introduction?
Erlauben Sie mir, mich vorzustellen.

This is a very formal way to start a self-introduction. You would only ever really use it in extra formal situations, such as: job interviews, business meetings, fancy gatherings, or maybe when you first meet your posh in-laws. After you say this phrase, you would then give your name: Mein Name ist Elias.


