Don't know how to start a conversation with a stranger in German? Why not mention the weather? This is a very common conversational topic in the German-speaking world. Not only this, but it's also easy to talk about.

Here we've gathered lots of questions and examples for you that you can use when talking about the weather. Have a look and start mastering this common topic!

Part 1: Asking About the Weather

Knowing how to ask questions about the weather is useful for making plans. You can find out if the sun will be shining all day or if it'd be better to stay inside and enjoy a book while it rains. Check out the questions we've gathered for you below!
German German English English
Wie ist das Wetter?
What's the weather like?
Schneit es bereits?
Is it snowing yet?
Wie windig ist es?
How windy is it?
Scheint die Sonne?
Is the sun shining?
Wie wird das Wetter sein?
What's the weather going to be like?
Wird es stürmen?
Is it going to storm?
Wie viel Grad sind es draußen?
How many degrees is it outside?
Wie ist die Temperatur?
What's the temperature like?
Wie warm ist es?
How warm is it?
Was hat der Wetterbericht heute Morgen vorhergesagt?
What did the forecast say this morning?
Wie ist das Wetter?
This is the easiest way to ask what the weather will be like in German. You could also ask: Was macht das Wetter?. By adding words like heute or später to the end of your questions, you can be more specific. Here is an example: Wie ist das Wetter heute?. There are countless ways somebody could respond to a question like this. For example: Es ist heute ziemlich kalt.
Wie wird das Wetter sein?
This question is used when you want to find out what the weather will be like later at some point in the future. You could also add other words like heute or morgen to make the question more specific. Wie wird das Wetter später am Tag sein? is an example of this. Someone might answer a question like this with something like: Es wird den ganzen Tag sonnig sein.
Wie viel Grad sind es draußen?
You could use this question or Wie ist die Temperatur? to find out what the exact temperature is somewhere. A typical response would look something like this: Es sind 25 °C draußen. In German-speaking countries temperature is measured in Celsius.
Was hat der Wetterbericht heute Morgen vorhergesagt?
The word Wetterbericht, sometimes also called Wettervorhersage or Wetterprognose, refers to weather reports that are broadcast on TV or the radio. A typical response to a question like this might look like: Laut Wetterbericht, wird es heute Nachmittag regnen.

Part 2: Describing the Weather

If you want to talk about the weather, then you'll need to know how to describe what it's doing outside. Below, we'll introduce you to phrases that you can use to do this. Many of them will help you answer questions like the ones in the table above.
German German English English
Es ist kalt draußen.
It's cold outside.
Es sieht schön aus draußen.
It looks nice out.
Es regnet gerade.
It's raining right now.
Es sieht so aus, als ob es regnen wird.
It looks like it's going to rain.
Laut Wetterbericht wird es später regnen.
The forecast said it will rain later.
Das Wetter ist wunderschön.
The weather is beautiful.
Es sind 30 °C draußen.
It's 30 °C out.
Sei vorsichtig, es ist rutschig!
Be careful, it's slippery out!
Es ist heute so bewölkt.
It's so cloudy today.
Es ist ein stürmischer Tag.
It's a stormy day.
Wir bekommen endlich etwas Schnee.
We're finally getting some snow.
Es schüttet wie aus Eimern!
It's raining cats and dogs!
Es ist kalt draußen
By using the sentence pattern Es ist + BESCHREIBUNG + draußen you can describe what the weather is like outside. An example of this is: Es ist sonnig draußen. Somebody might answer a question like this by describing their feelings towards the weather. For example like this: Glücklicherweise werden wir bald Frühling und wärmeres Wetter haben.
Es sieht schön aus draußen
Creating sentences by using the sentence pattern: Es sieht + BESCHREIBUNG + aus draußen is an easy way to describe the weather. Here is another example of this: Es sieht ziemlich stürmisch aus. Someone could respond to this in many different ways. One way to respond to Es sieht schön aus draußen could be Es ist ein perfekter Tag für einen Spaziergang.
Es regnet gerade
By creating sentences using the sentence pattern: Es + VERB + gerade you can tell what the weather is currently doing. An example of this is: Es schneit gerade. There are lots of ways to respond to a sentence like this. An example response to Es regnet gerade is: Wir sollten den Regenschirm nicht vergessen.
Es sieht so aus, als ob es regnen wird
Weather descriptions using the sentence pattern Es sieht so aus, als ob es + VERB + wird are used to tell someone what you think the weather will be like later. Another example of this is: . There are countless ways someone could respond to something like this, for example: Ich hoffe wirklich, dass es nicht regnet, weil ich heute in den Park gehen wollte.
Laut Wetterbericht wird es später regnen
Use this sentence to tell what the weather forecast has predicted. You could also say something like Der Wetterbericht hat für später Regen angekündigt in order to do the same thing. There are many different ways somebody could respond to sentences like these. For example someone might say something like this: Vielleicht hört es heute Nachmittag vor dem Spiel auf zu regnen.
Es schüttet wie aus Eimern!
No, this does not mean someone is literally pouring out buckets of water over your head. It's the German equivalent to "It's raining cats and dogs!" The German expression simply emphasizes the amount of rain that is coming down from the sky. Someone might react to this expression with something like: Ich habe noch nie so viel Regen gesehen!.

Part 3: Describing Feelings Towards the Weather

Sometimes it is not enough to simply describe what the weather is doing, we might also want to describe how the weather makes us feel. There are many ways to do this. Just take a look at the examples below!
German German English English
Ich hoffe, dass es nicht regnen wird.
I hope that it won't rain.
Ich freue mich darauf, wenn die Sonne herauskommt.
I'm looking forward to when the sun comes out.
Ich liebe dieses warme Wetter.
I'm loving this warm weather.
Ich kann es kaum erwarten, dass es schneit!
I can't wait for it to snow!
Ich friere.
I'm freezing right now.
Mir ist zu kalt.
I'm too cold.
Ich mag es nicht, wenn es zu heiß ist.
I don't like when it's too hot out.
Mir ist jetzt richtig warm.
I feel completely warm now.
Ich bin ein Kaltwetter-Mensch.
I'm a cold weather kind of person.
Ich hoffe, dass es nicht regnen wird
Beginning a sentence with Ich hoffe, dass + WUNSCH is a good way to describe what you want the weather to be like. Here are a couple of examples of this: Ich hoffe, dass es heute nicht schneit, Ich hoffe, dass es morgen sonnig ist, and Ich hoffe, dass es aufhört zu regnen. To respond to a sentence like this, you might say something like: Ich auch, wir haben diese Woche genug Regen gehabt.
Ich bin ein Kaltwetter-Mensch
Using a phrase like this you can say what kind of weather you generally prefer. The adjective in the sentence (here: kalt) can be switched out for other adjectives or nouns. More examples of a sentence like this are: Ich bin ein Sommerwetter-Mensch and Ich bin ein Regenwetter-Mensch. A response to this kind of sentence would usually be your own opinion. Ich kann Kälte nicht ausstehen! could be a response to Ich bin ein Kaltwetter-Mensch.

Relax while Listening to the Phrases

Keep calm and learn German! Listen to the phrases again with relaxing background music. This will help you improve your listening skills and remember the phrases. Choose your favorite style, then kick back and relax!
Video with Meditative Music

Audio with Meditative Music

Relax with the Sounds of Nature: River

Relax with the Sounds of Nature: Wind

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  • All sentences about "The Weather" are part of our Anki import file. You can learn these phrases by selecting the following tag in Anki: #lingoneo German Topic TheWeather
  • All sentences about "The Weather" are part of our Anki import file. You can learn these phrases by selecting the following tag in Anki: #lingoneo German Topic TheWeather

Practice & Record a Dialogue

Take the next step and use what you’ve learned! Check out this topic’s dialogue unit and practice the phrases in a variety of exercises. Test your knowledge and get ready for real life conversations!
Wie wird das Wetter heute?en
Es sieht aus, als ob es regnen wird.en
Ach nein! Ich dachte, es würde schön werden.en

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most important phrases that I need to talk about the weather in German?
  • Wie ist das Wetter?
    What's the weather like?
  • Wie wird das Wetter sein?
    What's the weather going to be like?
  • Wie viel Grad sind es draußen?
    How many degrees is it outside?
  • Wie warm ist es?
    How warm is it?
  • Es sieht so aus, als ob es regnen wird.
    It looks like it's going to rain.
  • Es sind 30 °C draußen.
    It's 30 °C out.
  • Ich hoffe, dass es nicht regnen wird.
    I hope that it won't rain.
How do I tell somebody what I think the weather will be like later?
Weather descriptions using the sentence pattern Es sieht so aus, als ob es + VERB + wird are used to tell someone what you think the weather will be like later.
  • Es sieht so aus, als ob es regnen wird. (It looks like it's going to rain.)
  • Es sieht so aus, als ob es stürmen wird. (It looks like it's going to storm.)
  • Es sieht so aus, als ob es schneien wird. (It looks like it's going to snow.)
How can I tell somebody what I want the weather to be like?
Beginning a sentence with Ich hoffe, dass + WUNSCH is a good way to describe what you want the weather to be like.
  • Ich hoffe, dass es nicht regnen wird. (I hope that it won't rain.)
  • Ich hoffe, dass es heute sonnig wird. (I hope that it'll be sunny today.)
  • Ich hoffe, dass es schneit. (I hope that it snows.)
How do I ask how the weather is?
Are you interested in finding out about what the weather is like now or going to be like later? That's super easy, trust us! Simply use questions, such as: Wie ist das Wetter?, Was macht das Wetter?, Regnet es bereits?, Was hat der Wetterbericht heute Morgen vorhergesagt?, or Wie ist die Temperatur?.
How can I describe the weather?
There are several different ways to describe the weather in German. Here are three of the most common ways:

Es ist + BESCHREIBUNG + draußen.
  • Es ist kalt draußen. (It's cold outside.)
  • Es ist heiß draußen. (It's hot outside.)
  • Es ist warm draußen. (It's warm outside.)

Es sieht + BESCHREIBUNG + aus draußen.
  • Es sieht schön aus draußen. (It looks nice out.)
  • Es sieht warm aus draußen. (It looks warm out.)
  • Es sieht kalt aus draußen. (It looks cold out.)

Es + VERB + gerade.
  • Es regnet gerade. (It's raining right now.)
  • Es schneit gerade. (It's snowing right now.)
  • Es hagelt gerade. (It's hailing right now.)
How do I ask what the weather will be like sometime in the future?
Wie wird das Wetter sein?

This question is used when you want to find out what the weather will be like later at some point in the future. You could also add other words like heute or morgen to make the question more specific. Wie wird das Wetter später am Tag sein? is an example of this. Someone might answer a question like this with something like: Es wird den ganzen Tag sonnig sein.
How do I ask what temperature it is outside?
Wie viel Grad sind es draußen?

You could use this question or Wie ist die Temperatur? to find out what the exact temperature is somewhere. A typical response would look something like this: Es sind 25 °C draußen. In German-speaking countries temperature is measured in Celsius.


