Airports are stressful and busy places. Knowing some key airport phrases, however, can help you navigate these often confusing environments.
Here we'll introduce you to phrases that will be useful when traveling through an airport. You'll learn what to say when checking in for your flight, what commands to pay attention to at security, and much more. Check out the tables below and get ready for the next time you go flying!
Here we'll introduce you to phrases that will be useful when traveling through an airport. You'll learn what to say when checking in for your flight, what commands to pay attention to at security, and much more. Check out the tables below and get ready for the next time you go flying!
Checking in at the Airport
When you arrive at an airport, the first thing you'll need to do is check in and get your boarding pass printed. Using the phrases below, you will have no problem doing this!
Where is the check-in desk? | |
I would like to check in. | |
Please be at the gate 45 minutes before departure. | |
Do you have a checked bag or just carry-on luggage? | |
I have one carry-on and two checked bags. | |
Can I see your passport? | |
Can I see your boarding pass? | |
Your flight is boarding at 7:15. | |
Your flight leaves from gate F12. | |
The flight has been delayed for one hour. | |
Take off is in three hours. | |
Paging all passengers on flight QUE382 to Toronto. Your flight is now boarding at gate Z15. |
Alle Passagiere des Fluges QUE382 nach Toronto werden aufgerufen. Das Boarding fĂŒr Ihren Flug am Gate Z15 beginnt jetzt
You might hear a sentence like this announced over loudspeakers while at the airport. Pay attention if you hear your flight number announced! For example, if you were taking flight QUE382 to Toronto you would know to either get ready to board the plane or to head to your gate (in this case Z15) as soon as possible. Otherwise you might be left behind! After hearing a sentence like this, you might say something to a fellow traveler such as: Wir machen uns jetzt besser bereit, an Bord zu gehen.
Going Through Security
For some people going through security is the most stressful part of flying. Lines can be long, people unfriendly, and it's often just uncomfortable. No worries though, beyond security adventure is waiting! In the table below, we've gathered some of the most common things you'll hear while going through airport security.
We need to go through the security check before we can board. | |
Empty your pockets, please. | |
Put all electronics in a separate bin. | |
Have your passport out and ready. | |
Step through the scanner, please. | |
I need to search your bag. | |
What do you have in your bag? | |
Please hold still. |
Landing at Your Destination
When landing at your destination you can take a sigh of relief because you've almost made it! There are only a few more airport stages that you need to go through before you are completely free to explore. Take a look at the phrases below and prepare for the final airport stages.
What is the purpose of your stay? | |
I'm here on vacation. | |
How long are you staying here? | |
Have you been here before? | |
Where is baggage claim? | |
Your baggage has been lost. | |
We landed at 8:15. | |
We need to go through customs before we can leave the airport. | |
Do you have anything to declare? | |
I only bought small souvenirs for my family. | |
Do you have any duty-free items in your luggage? | |
May I search your bag? |
Wo ist die GepÀckausgabe?
When your flight has landed, you'll need to head to GepÀckausgabe in order to pick up any luggage that you checked in at your departure. If you don't know where it is you can ask the question above. Airport employees will either guide you there or say something like: Wenn Sie den Schildern an den WÀnden folgen, werden Sie sie finden.
Haben Sie etwas zu verzollen?
This is a common phrase that you will hear when going through customs. After arriving at your destination this is usually the final stage that you will have to go through. There are many different ways to respond to the question above, and it depends on what you are bringing into your destination. An example response is: Ich habe nur ein paar kleine Souvenirs dabei.
Relax while Listening to the Phrases
Keep calm and learn German! Listen to the phrases again with relaxing background music. This will help you improve your listening skills and remember the phrases. Choose your favorite style, then kick back and relax!
Relax with Meditative Music
Relax with the Sounds of Nature: River
Relax with the Sounds of Nature: Wind
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- All sentences about "At the Airport" are part of our Anki import file. You can learn these phrases by selecting the following tag in Anki: #lingoneo German Topic AtTheAirport
- All sentences about "At the Airport" are part of our Anki import file. You can learn these phrases by selecting the following tag in Anki: #lingoneo German Topic AtTheAirport
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Practice & Record a Dialogue
Take the next step and use what youâve learned! Check out this topicâs dialogue unit and practice the phrases in a variety of exercises. Test your knowledge and get ready for real life conversations!

Ich wĂŒrde gerne fĂŒr meinen Flug nach Vaduz einchecken.en

Vaduz ist Ihr endgĂŒltiges Reiseziel? Und ich muss bitte Ihren Reisepass oder Personalausweis sehen.en

Ja, Vaduz ist mein Reiseziel und hier ist mein Reisepass.en