German Pronunciation  Hallo, wie geht es dir?

English Translation Hi, how are you?

Hallo, wie geht es dir? - Hi, how are you?

What's the meaning of Hallo, wie geht es dir??

This phrase is used in German both as a greeting and as a way to ask someone how they are. When somebody asks you this question, then they usually expect some sort of answer. It's okay to take the question very seriously and to reply in detail. Other common ways to ask this question are: Wie geht's? and Wie geht es?. An example response to any of these questions is: Nicht schlecht und dir?.

How do you pronounce Hallo, wie geht es dir??

Listen to the male and female pronunciation of this phrase. Afterwards you can record and compare your pronunciation with the audio recorder.

How could I respond to Hallo, wie geht es dir??

Nicht schlecht und dir?

What are other ways to say Hallo, wie geht es dir??

Wie geht's?
Wie geht es?

What are other important sentences related to “How are you?”?

  • Hey, wie geht's?
  • Hallo, wie ist es dir ergangen?
  • Mir geht es großartig.
  • Mir geht es ziemlich gut, und dir?
  • Es war schön, mit dir zu sprechen!
  • Wir sehen uns!
  • Mach's gut.
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  • All sentences about "How are you?" are part of our Anki import file. You can learn these phrases by selecting the following tag in Anki: #lingoneo German Topic HowAreYou?
  • All sentences about "How are you?" are part of our Anki import file. You can learn these phrases by selecting the following tag in Anki: #lingoneo German Topic HowAreYou?

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