German Pronunciation  Ich mag deinen Mantel.

English Translation I really like your coat.

How do I compliment something that somebody is wearing in German?

You can use the sentence pattern Ich mag deinen + KLEIDUNGSSTÜCK to tell someone that you like something that they are wearing For example, you could say something like: Ich mag dein Outfit. Again, there are many ways someone might respond to a compliment like this, for example like this: Danke, ich habe es erst gestern gekauft.

How do you pronounce Ich mag deinen Mantel.?

Listen to the male and female pronunciation of this phrase. Afterwards you can record and compare your pronunciation with the audio recorder.

How could I respond to Ich mag deinen Mantel.?

Danke, ich habe es erst gestern gekauft.

How do I form Ich mag deinen Mantel.?

Ich mag deinen + KLEIDUNGSSTÜCK.
  • Ich mag deinen Mantel. (I really like your coat.)
  • Ich mag dein Hemd. (I really like your shirt.)
  • Ich mag deinen Schal. (I really like your scarf.)

What are other important sentences related to “Giving Compliments”?

  • Du bist so klug.
  • Du siehst fantastisch aus.
  • Ich liebe deine Schuhe!
  • Das Hemd steht dir gut.
  • Dein Modegeschmack gefällt mir sehr gut.
  • Es ist so nett von dir, das zu sagen.
  • Ich danke dir. Ich weiß das zu schätzen.
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  • All sentences about "Giving Compliments" are part of our Anki import file. You can learn these phrases by selecting the following tag in Anki: #lingoneo German Topic GivingCompliments
  • All sentences about "Giving Compliments" are part of our Anki import file. You can learn these phrases by selecting the following tag in Anki: #lingoneo German Topic GivingCompliments
