German Pronunciation  Steht deine Familie sich nahe?

English Translation Is your family close?

What's the meaning of Steht deine Familie sich nahe??

No, this question is not asking if your family is standing close to you. Sich nahe stehen is used to describe a family that is close to each other in the sense that they spend lots of time together and are very supportive of each other. One way someone could respond to this questions is: Ja, wir stehen uns sehr nahe.

How do you pronounce Steht deine Familie sich nahe??

Listen to the male and female pronunciation of this phrase. Afterwards you can record and compare your pronunciation with the audio recorder.

How could I respond to Steht deine Familie sich nahe??

Ja, wir stehen uns sehr nahe.

What are other important sentences related to “The Family”?

  • Wie geht's deiner Familie?
  • Hast du Brüder oder Schwestern?
  • Wer ist das älteste Kind in deiner Familie?
  • Wie sind deine Eltern so?
  • Ich habe zwei Schwestern.
  • Ich bin das mittlere Kind.
  • Meiner Familie geht es gut! Wie geht es deiner?
  • Ich bin ein Zwilling.
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  • All sentences about "The Family" are part of our Anki import file. You can learn these phrases by selecting the following tag in Anki: #lingoneo German Topic TheFamily
  • All sentences about "The Family" are part of our Anki import file. You can learn these phrases by selecting the following tag in Anki: #lingoneo German Topic TheFamily
