German Pronunciation  Um wie viel Uhr fährt die letzte U-Bahn?

English Translation What time does the last subway leave?

Um wie viel Uhr fährt die letzte U-Bahn? - What time does the last subway leave?

How do I use Um wie viel Uhr fährt die letzte U-Bahn??

This is a must-know phrase! Use it when you're unsure when the last bus, subway, or train leaves. If you miss it, you'll be stuck where you're at and need to find a new way back home or to your hotel. An answer to this question might look something like this: Die letzte U-Bahn geht um Mitternacht.

How do you pronounce Um wie viel Uhr fährt die letzte U-Bahn??

Listen to the male and female pronunciation of this phrase. Afterwards you can record and compare your pronunciation with the audio recorder.
  • Um wie viel Uhr fährt die letzte U-Bahn?
  • Um wie viel Uhr fährt die letzte U-Bahn?

How could I respond to Um wie viel Uhr fährt die letzte U-Bahn??

Die letzte U-Bahn geht um Mitternacht.

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  • Wann kommt die U-Bahn?
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  • Wo muss ich umsteigen, um nach München zu gelangen?
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  • All sentences about "Using Public Transport" are part of our Anki import file. You can learn these phrases by selecting the following tag in Anki: #lingoneo German Topic UsingPublicTransport
  • All sentences about "Using Public Transport" are part of our Anki import file. You can learn these phrases by selecting the following tag in Anki: #lingoneo German Topic UsingPublicTransport
